Help:Style Customization



You can change the overall appearance of the wiki pages you view by changing the "skin" in your user preferences. To do so use the "my preferences" link at the upper right of the page, and select the "Skin" tab.

The default skin on this wiki is called "monobook". You can preview other skins before you select the one you want to use.

Custom CSS

You can perform futher personal customization of a skin by creating your own Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) as a part of your user profile. To do so, create a sub-page of your user page with the name of the skin and the .css extension. For example, to modify the "monobook" skin with your own additions, create the page User:Yourname/monobook.css and insert valid CSS style info there. One use for this is to use the following:

#toc, .toc {
  float: right;
  margin: 0.5em;

This will cause the table of contents for each long wiki page to float to the right of the page, which can improve readability.

See Also