
PMC Meeting Minutes - December 15, 2017

Meeting Date: December 15th, 2017

Attendees: Bruce Allen, David Anderson, Christian Beer, Matt Blumberg, Keith Uplinger, Rom Walton, Kevin Reed (joined after being voted into the PMC)

  • The PMC reviewed the latest proposals from to update the governance document. Their feedback has been added to the pull request here:
  • David Anderson reported that Willy de Zutter has resigned from Project Management Committee
  • David Anderson nominated Kevin Reed to join the Project Management Committee. He was approved with a vote of 6-0.
  • David Anderson nominated Kevin Reed to replace David as Chair of the Project Management Committed. Kevin was approved with a vote of 7-0
  • The committee voted to approve Vitalii Koshura as a committer, He was approved as a committer with a vote of 7-0
  • The PMC selected the time and date for its monthly meetings

Next Meeting: January 10th, 2018

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Dec 20, 2017, 7:05:24 AM