Team info
Description The University of Phoenix offers a PhD. program named "DOCTOR OF MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZING IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY" (DM/IST). Having browsed various BOINC projects, I have not identified any other University of Phoenix teams concentrating specifically on the application of the open infrastructure for network computing technologies in the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems. Therefore I have founded this team with the acronymn of Aritficial Intelligence, Doctor of Management, Information Systems Technology (AIDMIST). Having obtained permission from the university staff to further pursue this project for my dissertation; I will conduct research that may advance the knowledge base of the cognative science subject matter. All students, staff and any other teams or individuals are welcome to assist in this endeavor by joining the University of Phoenix - AIDMIST Team. Thank you for your support and participation. - Adam T Buckner (AIDMIST)
Created 3 Jan 2012
Web site
Total credit 0
Recent average credit 0
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats
Country International
Type University or department
Founder Adam T Buckner
New members in last day 0
Total members 1 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 0 (view)

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Generated 19 Jul 2024, 23:17:45 UTC