Clear Tranquil

Team info
Description Clear Tranquil is intended to adjudicate the pissing contest currently going on at Christopher Newport University, in the CNU Village apartments, suite 429. We're trying to figure out which of us has the most raw computing power.
Created 17 Nov 2007
Total credit 0
Recent average credit 0
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats
Country United States
Type Other
Founder Theodore D. Hellmann
New members in last day 0
Total members 1 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 0 (view)

©2024 UC Berkeley

Generated 17 Jul 2024, 14:31:33 UTC