Rotarians BOINC

Team info
Description Rotarians are members of Rotary International numbering over 1 million from over 30,000 clubs in over 160 countries providing yet another service to mankind by donating idle computer time to BOINC projects such as SETI@HOME which helps search for intelligent life in our vast universe. If you are a Rotaract Club member also check out the Rotaract BOINC Team.
Created 24 Apr 2013
Total credit 0
Recent average credit 0
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats
Country International
Type Non-profit organization
Founder Don Higgins
New members in last day 0
Total members 1 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 0 (view)

©2024 UC Berkeley

Generated 17 Jul 2024, 1:44:40 UTC