Proud Technologies

Proud Technologies

Team info
Description Our mission at Proud Technologies Pvt Ltd is to differentiate from the crowd by achieving its economic objectives by uplifting those target customers which are not having equal level playing I.T field through technology leadership. To be a globally respected corporation that provides best in class business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people. Mission To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy towards our clients, employees, partners and society at large.
Created 24 Apr 2013
Web site
Total credit 0
Recent average credit 0
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats
Country India
Type Company
Founder Proud Technologies
New members in last day 0
Total members 1 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 0 (view)

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Generated 17 Jul 2024, 16:36:42 UTC