Thread 'BOINC Manager Won't Connect to Localhost'

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Walt V

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Message 26461 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 0:41:02 UTC

I am running the test version (6.6.76) that Ageless compiled and have run in to an issue where I can't connect to the localhost and have it run the applications. On occasion Spinhenge will launch the graphics display, but all other apps appear to not function. Any suggestions as to what may be the culprit? Are there settings I need to add to my cc_config.xml to capture what's happening?

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Message 26465 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 5:20:53 UTC - in response to Message 26461.  

There's no need to run my test version anymore.
You can run 6.6.38 instead, in the form of the 32bit version or the 64bit version.

Although "Can't connect to localhost" usually means that BOINC Manager lost contact with the client, either because the client (boinc.exe) crashed and isn't running anymore, or because something else on your system took over TCP port 31416 which BOINC uses to communicate between its parts.

The first is easily checked, see Task Manager and look for boinc.exe
The second is somewhat less easy to check. Open a command line window and type into it netstat -b, then press Enter. Check if boinc.exe and boincmgr.exe are in the list and at what ports.
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Walt V

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Message 26471 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 12:39:21 UTC - in response to Message 26465.  

I installed 6.6.38, and while watching apps running in Task Manager, Boinc.exe ran for a bit then dropped out. I opened a command line window, and restarted Boinc.exe and it again ran for a while then crashed. By having the command window open I was able to see that it encountered an "unhandled exception: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x004350ED read attempt to address 0x00001CF0"...Then it does a debug dump and exits.

I checked the TCP ports, while BOINC was running, and saw nothing on port 31416.

Is there any output file that BOINC generates that may point to the culprit?

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Walt V

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Message 26472 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 13:00:42 UTC - in response to Message 26471.  

I think the problem was with the attached Lattice Project...they had some WUs that were generating errors.

After I manually deleted all the WU data for the project, and restarted the BOINC Manager, Boinc.exe started up and nestat shows it sitting on TCP port 31416. I also reset the project and for now, things appear to be stable.

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Message 26473 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 13:07:11 UTC - in response to Message 26472.  

Well thanks for that, I'll forward it to the developers. I had a similar thing yesterday with zero byte files from Milkyway.
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Message 26477 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 16:07:49 UTC - in response to Message 26473.  

Walt, if you have further problems, let me know. I have a debug version of BOINC that should catch the crashing client... only that as a side effect it doesn't crash anymore. Just tested it on Drugdiscovery, where my clients would crash on, but no longer now I have the debug version. ;-)
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Walt V

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Message 26563 - Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 0:19:07 UTC - in response to Message 26477.  

I'll give it a try...I'm sure the message log will be easeir to read than running the client manually in a CMD window and pausing the app to capture the error as it occurs.

The lattice project had another WU that produced a 0 byte output file, which of course the servers "choked" on. During the numerous restarts of the client, I think it also precipitated a "computation error" with CPDN.

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Mike W

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Message 27784 - Posted: 5 Oct 2009, 21:06:07 UTC - in response to Message 26472.  

I think the problem was with the attached Lattice Project...they had some WUs that were generating errors.

After I manually deleted all the WU data for the project, and restarted the BOINC Manager, Boinc.exe started up and nestat shows it sitting on TCP port 31416. I also reset the project and for now, things appear to be stable.


I had the same problem, your solution seems to be working,
i hope i don't lose the tasks i had finished for lattice, they used a lot of time
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Message 27989 - Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 9:25:18 UTC

I am running version 6.6.38 on a Windows Vista Home Basic laptop with 2.0 GB of RAM, 2.0 GHz CPU, and 138 GB of disk space. I am experiencing the same issues as Walt -- my version 6.6.38 BOINC Manager won't connect to localhost. I've tried numerous possible solutions that relate to the problem of an incorrect password preventing the connection:

1. I deleted the GUI_RPC_AUTH.CFG file, and BOINC dutifully recreated it, as it was supposed to, but it didn't clear up the problem.

2. I shut down all my firewall, antivirus, and antispam programs one at a time, in case it was one of them blocking my access. In between each shutdown, I ran Disk Cleanup to purge any extra junk still hanging out there. No luck.

3. I opened the Windows Firewall and allowed program access for both the BOINC Client and the BOINC Manager. Still nothing.

4. I opened the Windows Firewall and allowed port access as follows:
a. TCP - Port 80
b. TCP - Port 443
c. TCP - Port 31416
d. UDP - Port 31416
That didn't help either. Part of the problem may be that, even though I THINK I set the ports and programs correctly within Windows Firewall, I may have done something incorrectly. I checked my work after I made the changes, and they did appear to be correct, but my port checking program still doesn't see those ports open. I opened a DOS Command window and ran "netstat -b", but the command doesn't seem to work properly. It displays the headings, but never finishes or returns to the command prompt, even after 15 minutes. I had to close the DOS Command window because I couldn't break out of the netstat command back to the command prompt. I have NO idea why the netstat command won't function on my system. Is it because it's the Home Basic version of Vista?

5. I restored back to a previous checkpoint a few days before the problem began, but that didn't help either.

6. I was going to uninstall/reinstall BOINC, but I didn't want to lose the results of my 35 attached projects. Instead, I attempted a reinstall of version 6.6.38, which triggers the Repair/Uninstall dialog. I chose Repair. Same results.

7. I didn't know if it would work or not, but I held my breath and tried installing the previous version (6.6.36). IT WORKED! Even my BOINC Stats program came up normally and stayed up.

8. I should have quit while I was ahead... I figured that I could then safely (re)install the most current version (6.6.38). It did work for a short while, but for some reason, it has stopped working again. Lesser men would have quit by now, but maybe I'm too hard-headed...

9. I tried reinstalling the previous version (6.6.36) again. It seemed to install okay, so I checked the "Launch BOINC Manager" check box and clicked the Finish button. This time, I got an error dialog box that says "Internal Error 2753, boincmgr.exe" with no explanation of what that error is (please explain).

10. I again reinstalled the current version (6.6.38), with less catastrophic results. It installed without the error message, but I still cannot connect to localhost (you may recall that this is the whole reason for this miserable diatribe -- my apologies).

11. I opened Internet Explorer --> Tools --> Internet Options --> Connections tab --> LAN settings. When the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box opened, I checkmarked the box labeled "Automatically detect settings" and unchecked the box labeled "Use automatic configuration script." These were set by an annoying feature of my video accelerator program, Speedbit Video Accelerator. I've disabled that feature, but I still can't connect.

There were several reboots along the way that I didn't mention, plus several additional runs of Disk Cleanup at the appropriate strategic points, but nothing has worked.

I am running The Lattice Project as one of my 35 projects, but it has no active tasks at this moment, so I don't know if I should still delete its files, as other postings recommended.

I've pretty well run out of ideas. I no longer know whether it's a password problem, a porting problem, an Internet Explorer configuration problem, a Lattice Project problem, or an Operator Headspace problem.

Help, please...
ID: 27989 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 27990 - Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 9:56:26 UTC - in response to Message 27989.  

Wow, that's a comprehensive list. Congratulations on your perseverance!

There's one slight doubt that's been nagging me reading these series of problems about connecting to localhost.

Have we thoroughly and completely distinguished between two cases:

1) There is a core client running, but BM can't connect to it.
2) The core client is not running, so there's nothing to connect to.

Case (1) might point to a firewall issue: alternatively, I've sometimes seen BOINC.EXE spending so much time examining its own navel that it forgets to listen for BM RPCs (usually on servers which haven't been restarted since Update Tuesday - which reminds me....)

But I'm beginning to be suspicious about case (2). Could you bear to go back to the machine (without being tempted to throw a brick through the screen), and use Task Manager to examine what BOINC or boinc-project tasks might be running, and how much CPU they're using?
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Message 27995 - Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 11:23:26 UTC - in response to Message 27989.  

First off, my hat's off to your comprehensive testing. I'll forward this post to the developers.

9. I tried reinstalling the previous version (6.6.36) again. It seemed to install okay, so I checked the "Launch BOINC Manager" check box and clicked the Finish button. This time, I got an error dialog box that says "Internal Error 2753, boincmgr.exe" with no explanation of what that error is (please explain).

The error shows up when the Windows installer didn't or couldn't (for some unknown reason) remove the original files before writing the new files.

I have that one regularly on one one my systems, what I do is click OK, then manually start BOINC Manager, which in my case works without a problem.
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Message 27996 - Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 11:44:29 UTC - in response to Message 27989.  

Part of the problem may be that, even though I THINK I set the ports and programs correctly within Windows Firewall, I may have done something incorrectly. I checked my work after I made the changes, and they did appear to be correct, but my port checking program still doesn't see those ports open. I opened a DOS Command window and ran "netstat -b", but the command doesn't seem to work properly. It displays the headings, but never finishes or returns to the command prompt, even after 15 minutes. I had to close the DOS Command window because I couldn't break out of the netstat command back to the command prompt. I have NO idea why the netstat command won't function on my system. Is it because it's the Home Basic version of Vista?

Netstat -b scans all open ports and what programs are using those. This can take quite a while on any system. Though you can try to tap CTRL + C or CTRL + Z a couple of times to break it.

Better use netstat -a or netstat -an

Netstat should work on all WIndows versions.
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Message 28008 - Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 20:15:25 UTC
Last modified: 14 Oct 2009, 20:16:52 UTC

Some more monologuing by me. ;-)

Rom is sure he has fixed the problem of the Manager losing the connection with the client. Since a public release of BOINC 6.10 will probably not happen until after the BOINC Workshop in Spain, he will back-port it to the 6.6 and 6.8 ranges of BOINC. Expect a new version of those to be available soon.
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Message 28177 - Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 21:53:50 UTC
Last modified: 20 Oct 2009, 22:51:06 UTC

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Message 28179 - Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 22:18:22 UTC - in response to Message 28177.  

I tested the 64-bit version above and 6.10.16 too, but I can´t start a boinc-session after reboot or shutdown of the manager. I see the following behavior:
After install or repair every boinc-version I tried starts well and connected to the client. A restart after shutdown of the manager leads to a missing connection. In the task manager I see that at restart two "boinc.exe"-processes are started and one "boincmgr.exe"-process. On "boinc.exe"-process is killed by windows after a while, but there is still no connection between the remaining client and the manager.

I observed this behavior on every version I tested: 6.10.4, 6.10.13, 6.10.15, 6.10.16, 6.6.38, 6.6.41

OS: Win 7 Enterprise RTM

PS: This problem started today after upgrading from RC to RTM with all updates. On RC 6.10.13 worked well.
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Message 28180 - Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 22:24:39 UTC - in response to Message 28179.  

How do you install BOINC? As a service (protected application execution) or normal?
Allowing any other users on the same computer to control BOINC?
Are you using a different user account from the one you installed BOINC with?

BOINC is allowed through your firewall?
(boinc.exe on TCP port 80 and 443
boinc.exe, boincmgr.exe, boinc.scr and boinccmd.exe on TCP port 31416)
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Message 28190 - Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 7:23:20 UTC - in response to Message 28180.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2009, 7:23:35 UTC


it was a normal installation, everytime on the same account. I tried this:
installation with/without administrator rights
with/without allowing other users to control
boinc is allowed to communicate through the windows build-in firewall (first question from windows answered "yes"; connection to projects and the first connection between client and manager work without problems)

Ports via netstat -b: (after a functioning start of boinc)

C:\Windows\system32>netstat -b

Aktive Verbindungen

  Proto  Lokale Adresse         Remoteadresse          Status
  TCP         grid:https             SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN
  TCP         grid:https             SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN
  TCP         einstein:http          SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN
  TCP         einstein:http          SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN
  TCP         einstein:http          SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN
  TCP        Olaf-9550:49405        HERGESTELLT
  TCP        Olaf-9550:31416        HERGESTELLT

Do you need further information?
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Message 28207 - Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 15:26:41 UTC - in response to Message 28190.  

The only thing I can think of is that since you're using the RTM version of Windows 7, that it is shutting down certain parts of itself, to force you to go buy the new OS.

I have just tested 6.6.41 on XP Pro, I don't see any problems with it.
I even tested a SZTAKI task to see what this version did with the zero byte file, and it uploaded it without problems.

So since 6.6.41 will be promoted to recommended later today, all we can do is sit back and wait what others report of it on Windows 7 (RTM) versions.
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Message 28209 - Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 16:25:44 UTC - in response to Message 28207.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2009, 16:26:16 UTC

I think I was imprecise by naming my version RTM. The version I use is a fully licenced and fully functioning Windows 7 - Enterprise (64 Bit) which is identical with sold version from tomorrow. This version was downloaded from the Microsoft Technet, where I could get my version prior the official release date. So I don´t think that M$ will force me to buy another licence. ;-)

So, what is now the problem with my boinc installation? :-(
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Message 28211 - Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 16:59:31 UTC - in response to Message 28209.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2009, 17:05:37 UTC

Ok, just to make sure there are no double entries starting etc. could you please uninstall BOINC the normal way, then follow this FAQ (skip the part of deleting your BOINC Data directory!) on totally cleaning BOINC 6 remnants, then reinstall 6.6.41 or 6.10.16 (choose either one only) and let me know the outcome of it?

You will need to reboot after installing BOINC, since you will have cleaned up all the accounts and registry entries.
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Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC Manager Won't Connect to Localhost

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