Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WorkShop10

Apr 30, 2010, 1:02:00 PM (14 years ago)



  • WorkShop10

    v1 v1  
     3= The 6th BOINC Workshop =
     5A workshop on volunteer computing and BOINC will be held 31 Aug - 1 Sept 2010, a
     6King's College London.
     8The objective of this workshop is to share information about BOINC and projects using it,
     9through short presentations and informal discussions, in a relaxed, open and friendly atmosphere.
     10The workshop aims to stimulate new developments and activities related to volunteer computing,
     11by allowing participants to share their experience and requirements,
     12giving developers the opportunity to outline their plans,
     13and stimulating new collaborations between participants.
     15== Who should attend ==
     17The workshop is for researchers, scientists and developers
     18with significant experience with BOINC.
     19Areas of interest include:
     21 * GPU and multi-thread applications; CUDA and OpenCL
     22 * Virtual machines as application container
     23 * Genetic optimization algorithms for volunteer computing
     24 * Scheduling goals and policies
     25 * High-level job submission interfaces: workflows and master/worker systems
     26 * Integrating BOINC with clouds, grids, and desktop grids
     28All participants will present and discuss their work.
     29Slides will be published on the web, but there will be no papers or proceedings.
     31== Registration == #registration
     33The workshop is free but attendance is limited.
     34If you are interested in attending, or have any questions,
     35please [[T(MailHide|email David Anderson|k=01o5RAw95mV48kf6x-NVERig==&c=RSUgx-KG3aii0O1aEHoRwV0obvhd9SciJkpE21FkRJ0=)]],
     36indicating your areas of interest.