What are the volunteer issues? - user motivation - interested in science - VC as a game: stats, etc - general altrusim - retention levels for various groups/motivations? - esp in context of multi-project services - treat each user category separately? - different services/types of services for each group - science types: need forums, techie - or: can they be combined synergistically? - trickle down summaries of science - tech support - stats: mark's market research - % of people who would take action in support of charity much larger than % of people who would take action in support of science? - relative merits of single-app projects vs multi-app aggregators like WCG, ibercivis, etc. - absence of science discussions in multi-app projects - do people know what they are doing? - retention? - it's not all free - volunteers are not working for free: they get paid in "results" -- scientific results, stats, social factors. - everything is financed: distribution of financing in volunteer computing - outreach: think of it as a grant application, submitted to tens of thousands of reviewers what is the value to project scientists of the user community - additional labor (distributed thinking) - value of outreach: public education (ex malaria awareness) what to do science - more news - more involvement, more to do (distributed thinking) - more science info (BG info) scientific "translation" service altrusim - get grant to do good popsci writing about projects - proper PR when getting a grant, should be required to get funding to allocate resources to writing, PR this should be a requirement of funding agencies - poss. adt'l involvement, depending on details - social status (badges) rather than credits (ie, different incentive system) stats/gaming crowd - self organized: teams, etc. - push info into those groups (news, etc) - just feed them credits …a good model: communities of shared interests - what are the causes sufficient to motivate action? - organize communities around these bundle PR/outreach plan w. BOINC software - best practices but: insufficient resources to implement, so: community of communicators -- social middleware -- every bionic project is a distributed thinking project designed to produce new users -- - writing - PR …just ask -- there are people to do this. …seek professionals in misc domains social middleware - credit for new recruitment of volunteers (rather than new credits) [badges: social status] - credit for translations [badges] motivations - financial reward - social status - intellectual interest / learning - altruism