= [http://wordpress.org WordPress] CMS Integration with BOINC = [http://wordpress.org WordPress] is a popular Content Management System (CMS) for easily creating robust and feature-rich websites. It is ideal to use for a main website with or without integrating BOINC pages. It can be useful to have a basic [http://wordpress.org WordPress] website with no logins, but if a user logins they get more features from the website. Rather than having a separate [http://wordpress.org WordPress] user table, it is possible to authenticate using an external database table, such as the mysql database table 'users' in BOINC. * To setup [http://wordpress.org WordPress] to authenticate with your BOINC mysql 'user' table, install the external database authentication plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/external-database-authentication [[BR]] * You will then want to 'Activate' this plug-in in your [http://wordpress.org WordPress] Plugins admin screen [[BR]] * In the Settings bar on the left side of your [http://wordpress.org WordPress] Dashboard screen, choose the 'External DB Settings' link [[BR]] * You will want to select the MySQL support, fill in your appropriate names for the database host, TCP port (if not the mysql default of 3306), username, password, and of course the BOINC mysql table name 'user' [[BR]] * in the External Database Source fields, you will want to make username "email_addr" (mapping the BOINC user table email_addr to the wordpress username - a record will be created in WordPress to match these defaults). [[BR]] * for Password, put in "passwd_hash", and Password Encryption Method is "Other" [[BR]] * the Hash Code field should be "$password2 = md5($password . $username)". This is how WordPress can create a password hash that the BOINC mysql 'user' table can authenticate. [[BR]] * Then for Homepage you can put the user's boinc "url" and Email is of course the BOINC user field "email_addr" [[BR]] * You may want to put in a special login message (not shown on the screenshot, but the last entry on the page) such as: {{{ Please use your BOINC account to sign in.
If you dont have one, please register! }}} Eventually this section should hold how to match the BOINC stylesheet with the WordPress theme used, and perhaps create the BOINC user cookie object for authentication when moving from the WordPress section of a website to the BOINC-specific section.