Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of WebTemplateProposal

Jan 15, 2012, 11:11:53 AM (13 years ago)
Christian Beer



  • WebTemplateProposal

    v5 v6  
    1717Problems to avoid:
    1818 * find out how to tell the smarty compiler what language is currently used so cached files are useable (use [ caching multiple caches] feature)
    19  * allow project specific template enhancements or replacement without tampering the standard templates
     19 * allow project specific template enhancements or replacement without tampering the standard templates (can be done by specifying two template directories)
    2020 * HTML is used widely in .php and .inc files and is echo'ed by a lot of functions directly, this must be changed so that functions in /inc return a string to the calling script or function
    2121 * As this is a lengthy task and development and bug fixing goes on with the normal source code it will get difficult to merge changes with already transformed code
    2626 * Ouptut of lists must be assigned to arrays that can then be iterated by Smarty within the template (Sample follows)
    28 TODO list:
     28DONE list:
    2929 * write a tra block plugin to translate template text directly using the pre-compiled php files in /languages/compiled/ (no need to use gettext as we do not use it anywhere else at the moment)
    3030 * transform sample_index.php into a smarty_index.php and index.tpl (possibly also header.tpl and footer.tpl) as a proof-of-concept
     32TODO list:
     33 * finde a place to store project specific content (e.g.: project description, text about the group behing the project)
    3134 * document available Smarty functions/modifiers to be used in templates, best practice for using Smarty within PHP files
    3235 * find a suitable way to transform all other files
    5457 /configs/:: contains config files to alter smarty behaviour (should probably go into /project/ if applicable)
    5558 /templates/:: contains .tpl files that specify the look of the individual pages, should be secured to prevent direct access
     59 /project/templates/:: contains .tpl files that override the general templates, should be secured to prevent direct access
    5660 /templates_c/:: contains cached files of templates, should be secured to prevent direct access