Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of VmServer

Nov 27, 2007, 9:58:15 AM (17 years ago)

Correct passwords. Added some info for Unix hosts (VMware runs on Linux too). Other minor changes.


  • VmServer

    v18 v19  
    33These files are big (1 GB or so). Please download them as seldom as possible.
    5 On all these systems, the root (or sudo) password is 'boincadm'. There is a user account 'boincadm' with password 'boincadm'; build software under this account. Change these passwords if you're concerned about security.
     5On all these systems, the `root` (or sudo) password is 'rootpw'. There is a user account 'boincadm' with password 'boincadmpw'; build software under this account. '''Change these passwords if you're concerned about security.'''
    77== Virtual server == #server
    99These VMs are for use as BOINC servers.
    1010They have all the BOINC prerequisites installed,
    11 the BOINC software  installed and compiled,
     11the BOINC software installed and compiled,
    1212and user accounts and permissions set up.
    1313They're ready to run [MakeProject make_project] and go.
    14 Instructions and more information is in the readme.html file on boincadm's desktop.
    15 The passwords can be found in the file 'README-vmware-image' that is part of the zip file.
     14Instructions and more information is in the {{{readme.html}}} file on boincadm's desktop.
     15The passwords can be found in the file {{{README-vmware-image}}} that is part of the zip file.
    1717The BOINC software on these VMs is not necessarily the latest version.
    18 If you want the latest version, run and then configure/make.
     18If you want the latest version, run {{{}}} and then `configure`/`make`.
    2020These are VMWare virtual machines;
    3232 NAT::
    33    means that you share the IP address of the host machine in order to make outgoing connections (access internet sites from within your VM). Incoming connections from other machines (except the host machine) are, in principle, not possible. Scanning the network will only reveal one machine, your host. However, there is a way to circumvent this lack of incoming (to your server) connectivity and, thus, be able to receive connections from Boinc clients outside your network: port forwarding (not available with VMware player!). This can be done using the VMware virtual network editor (Edit > Virtual Network Settings > NAT > Edit > Port Forwarding). More information in [ Configuring a Virtual Network]. On Windows, if NAT is to be used and not already set, you need to do the following to get network access in the VM:
     33   You share the IP address of the host machine in order to make outgoing connections (access Internet sites from within the VM). Incoming connections from other machines (except the host machine) are, in principle, not possible. Scanning the network will only reveal one machine, your host. However, there is a way to circumvent this lack of incoming (to your server) connectivity and, thus, be able to receive connections from BOINC clients outside your network: port forwarding (not available with the free VMware player). This can be done using the VMware virtual network editor (Edit > Virtual Network Settings > NAT > Edit > Port Forwarding). More information in [ Configuring a Virtual Network]. On Windows, if NAT is to be used and not already set, you need to do the following to get network access in the VM:
    3535Start | Programs | VMware | VMware Server | Manage Virtual Networks
    4343 Bridge::
    44    means that the VM will act like a real machine within your network. It tries to get an IP over DHCP within the same range like your host machine. Outgoing and Incoming connections are possible. Scanning the network will reveal two machines, your host and the VM.
     44   The VM will act like a real machine within your network. It tries to get its own IP over DHCP within the same range like your host machine (you can set a static IP editing {{{/etc/networks}}}). Outgoing and incoming connections are possible. Scanning the network will reveal two machines, your host and the VM.
    46 You should also add the IP address and hostname of the VM to your windows hosts file. To do this edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts with an editor and add for example:
     46You should also add the IP address and hostname of the VM to your hosts file. To do this edit {{{C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts}}} (if the host is Windows) or {{{/etc/hosts}}} (as root; if the host is Unix) with an editor, and add for example:
    4848192.168.190.128 debian.localdomain
    5252== Virtual machines for building and testing apps == #compatibility
    54 These are based on [ Microsoft Virtual PC]. (VMWare can reportedly also run these files, though this feature is just experimental at the moment. You'll need the [ VMware Converter] to convert a VirtualPC image to VMware.).
     54These are based on [ Microsoft Virtual PC]. (VMWare can reportedly also run these files, though this feature is just experimental at the moment. You'll need the [ VMware Converter] to convert a VirtualPC image to VMware).
    5756 * [ Compatibility] system. This is an old Debian system with old gcc, and recent versions of various libraries and GNU tools. Use it for [CompileApp compiling BOINC applications].