Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of VersionHistory

Dec 29, 2008, 4:36:39 PM (16 years ago)

populated version list (mostly 6.4.x)


  • VersionHistory

    v20 v21  
    33== Version 6.4.5 ==
    44released: 16 Dec 2008
    5  * Support running science jobs on graphics cards
     6''Note: In order to limit the number of issues we had to deal with for the 6.4 release we shipped it with the manager that shipped as part of the 6.2 release. We have no plans to release 6.4.x for the Macintosh at this time, because we can't run BOINC CUDA applications on the Mac until NVIDIA makes some changes in their Mac software. ''
     8 * Public stable release of 6.4 branch!
     9 * client: tweak CPU scheduling policy. When there's a coproc job; Windows: don't saturate CPUs, Unix: saturate CPUs
     10 * client: in round-robin simulation, remove code that sets CPU shortfall for projects with no active results. (This is now wrong because there coproc apps might have pending results. Also remove nidle_cpus > 0 conditional that increments CPU shortfall; I think this is vestigial code.)
     11 * client: include deviceOverlap and multiProcessorCount in XML for CUDA devices. They were mistakenly omitted.
     12 * client: in round-robin simulation, don't count a project in total resource share if it has coproc jobs and no CPU jobs.
     13 * MGR: fix the terms of use wizard page.
     15== Version 6.4.4 ==
     17released: 7 Dec 2008
     18 * client: app_info.xml's are parsed before p_fpops is known, so avp->fpops is zero. Fix this by filling in zero avp->fpops later on.
     20== Version 6.4.3 ==
     22released: 5 Dec 2008
     23 * client: work-fetch tweak: don't increment overall CPU shortfall if any jobs pending in simulation.
     24 * client: use FLOPs, rather than CPU time, as the basis for estimating job completion times. This should improve estimates for GPU apps, and prevent the DCF from getting messed up.
     25 * client: estimate time to completion based on elapsed time, not CPU time (improves estimates for coproc apps).
     26 * client: compute duration_correction_factor based on elapsed time, not CPU time (otherwise it doesn't work for coproc or multi-proc apps).
     27 * client: in estimate of job completion time, weight the estimate based on fraction done more heavily (quadratic rather than linear).
     28 * Remove the notion of "CPU efficiency" from both client and server. This wasn't being measured correctly for coproc/multithread apps, and its effect is now subsumed in DCF.
     29 * client: fix calculation of CPU shortfall; don't fetch work from projects with zero CPU shortfall.
     30 * client: fix compiler warning.
     31 * client: parse checkpoint_elapsed_time from state file; if missing, use checkpoint CPU time.
     32 * client: enforce CPU schedule: if we're running a coproc job, keep CPU utilization strictly less than NCPUS.
     33 * client: fix last checkin
     34 * WININSTALL: Disable "Protected Application Execution" mode by default.
     35 * WININSTALL: Turn off the check for Internet Explorer 5.x
     37== Version 6.4.2 ==
     39released: 1 Dec 2008
     40 * Mac: Fix XCode project to build old Manager with Grid Views; rename !SetVersion.C to !SetVersion.cpp.
     41 * client: in round-robin simulation, only increment CPU shortfall (per-project or overall) if there are no pending tasks. (This is needed when there are coproc (i.e. CUDA) jobs; CPUs may be idle because pending jobs are waiting for active jobs to release coprocs. In this situation the CPU idleness should not be counted as shortfall; otherwise (if there are only coproc jobs) there will always be a shortfall, and the client will fetch infinite work.)
     42 * DIAG: On Windows move the symbol store directory under the BOINC data directory structure. Depending on the version of Windows, sometimes the temp directory was being set to the system temp directory which is not setup for everyone to use. It is just best to use our data directory structure.
     43 * GUI RPC: add optional terms_of_use field to project config. If present, the manager will display this text in a yes/no dialog before attachment continues.
     44 * MGR: Make the error message processing work for the get_project_config rpc, use the same scheme as the ACCOUNT_OUT structure.
     45 * MGR: Make the error message processing work for the get_project_config rpc, use the same scheme as the ACCOUNT_OUT structure. I missed the Account Manager scenario in the first checkin.
     46 * client, Win: 32-bit client running on a 64-bit machine should report winx64 as primary platform.
     47 * MGR: Remove the Account Key page from the Wizard.
     48 * MGR: Add a Terms of Use page to the Wizard.
     49 * MGR: Make the Terms of Use text control read-only
     50 * MGR: fix exit dialog so that both the Mac and Linux clients don't display the 'close core client...' checkbox.
     51 * WININSTALL: Change the default to not use protected application install.
     52 * WININSTALL: Change the advanced install text to point out that on Windows Vista CUDA applications won't work with protected application installs.
     54== Version 6.4.1 ==
     56release: 23 Nov 2008
     57 * fixing the localization file names to work with the 6.4 manager.
     59== Version 6.3.23 ==
     60released: 14 Nov 2008
     61 * MGR: Move the wxWidget version information to the about box. (printf and Unicode strings don't play well with one another.)
     62 * MGR: Fix up the !OnHelp features of the BOINC Manager so they all point to manager_links.php.
     63 * client: fix compiler warning.
     64 * SCR/Mac: eliminate unused argument, add comments.
     65 * client: fix the updating of CPU time left in RR simulation; don't print msgs about non-CPU-intensive projects.
     66 * client, scheduler: there were a few places where we had 1e9 instead of 1 gig (2 to the power of 20)
     67 * client: fix a long-standing error: if prefs say leave X GB free, and BOINC is using Y GB, and there are Z GB free, the limit on BOINC is Y + Z - X (not Z - X).
     68 * client: fix compiler warning indicating real error in RR simulation.
     69 * client: fix bug that caused occasional assert in pop_heap() for the preemptable_task_list. (The problem was that the ordering predicate (more_preemptable()) could change on the fly, making the heap inconsistent. Instead, we create a vector, sort it by increasing preemptability, then pop off the end.)
     70 * MGR: Use Sleep instead of Yield for the async thread loop. On Posix systems all Yield translates to is sched_yield but only if HAVE_SCHED_YIELD is defined in the wxWidget config file. If it isn't defined it becomes a null op. The async thread doesn't really need millisecond response times. Have it check every 100 milliseconds for an RPC to process.
     71 * client: preemptability ordering was messed up
     72 * MGR: Reverse earlier change in RPC thread logic: restore Yield() because Sleep(100) caused undesirable latency. Pause the thread immediately on receipt of wxEVT_RPC_FINISHED event. Reduce RPC thread CPU usage while not connected to a client.
     73 * MGR: Create an Exit dialog for the Manager.
     74 * MGR: Allow the manager to shutdown the CC even when it was installed as a daemon.
     75 * MGR: Code cleanup.
     76 * MGR: Provide a way to enable/disable launching from the BOINC Manager at startup from within the BOINC Manager itself.
     77 * MGR: Add a command line argument which specifies that the Manager was launched by the OS.
     78 * SCR: Remove the code that checks for the BOINC Manager shortcuts.
     79 * MGR: Fix Simple_GUI help button URL.
     80 * Mac: Add new source files !DlgExitMessage.cpp,.h to XCode project.
     81 * MGR: On non-Mac and Non-Windows systems, have RPC thread call nanosleep() for 1 nanosecond instead of wxThread::Yield(), because some Linux systems may not support POSIX sched_yield(), in which case wxThread::Yield() returns immediately.
     82 * MGR: RPC thread: wait for connection with 1 ms delays initially, pause RPC thread after creation on non-Windows systems.
     83 * MGR: Text cleanup
     84 * MGR: Bug fixes for the new Exit dialog.
     85 * MGR: Don't display the 'Run BOINC at startup checkbox' for any platform other than Windows. It has no effect on Mac since the Mac doesn't automatically start BOINC Manager with any command line arguments.
     86 * MGR: Add !DlgExitMessage.cpp to
     87 * fix makefile typo
     88 * MGR: Give the option to shutdown the CC even if the manager didn't launch it. This only applies to when the manager and client are on the same machine.
     89 * MGR: properly save the '!DisplayShutdownClientDialog' setting.
     90 * MGR: Async RPCs: RPC thread is now a joinable thread which does one RPC and exits. Main thread creates a new RPC thread for each RPC request after waiting for any previous RPC thread to exit. This simplifies the logic, eliminates Yield(), Sleep() and nanosleep() calls from RPC thread and will hopefully eliminate exess CPU usage on Fedora.
     91 * MGR: Async RPCs: fix memory leaks, KillRPCThread() tries to end thread gracefully before killing it.
     92 * MGR: On Mac only, remove checkbox asking whether to shutdown CC.
     93 * MGR: Fix crash bug on non_Windows systems in Options dialog.
     94 * MGR: Tweak the shutdown logic so that it can still shutdown the BOINC service even though it didn't start it.
     95 * MGR: It BOINC Manager starts the BOINC daemon on the mac don't bother trying to shut it down. (reverting to previous behaviour)
     96 * MGR: revise exit dialog text, use the names in the skin file.
     97 * MGR: Revise text one more time.
     98 * client: make host CPID a function of: MAC addresses + hostname + IP addr. This means that a given host will generally always get the same CPID. Helpful e.g. on grids where the client gets installed repeatedly.
     99 * client: add OS name into the hash for host CPID (for multi-OS hosts)
     100 * MGR: Only tweak the BOINC was started by us variable on Windows.
     101 * Mac: Add new source files mac_address.cpp,.h to XCode project.
     102 * MGR: Fix compiler warnings on non-Windows builds.
     103 * MGR: Filter wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE events only on Windows.
     104 * MGR: On Mac, restore using original exit dialog text from skin file or use old default if none in skin file.
     105 * MGR: fix verbose text
     106 * accelerate dup_element_contents()
     107 * MGR: truncate task progress bar (display) at 100%
     108 * MGR: Move the old exit message from the !SkinManager file to the new Exit dialog.
     109 * MGR: Consolidate the new exit message to one line. Sun Studiodoesn't concat the separate strings together during compilation like the other compilers to when building for Unicode.
     110 * MGR: Provide a way to re-enable the Exit Dialog.
     111 * MGR: Fix build break on non_Windows systems.
     112 * MGR: Provide a way to re-enable the Exit Dialog on non-Windows systems, too.
     113 * MGR: Remove Exit() from RPC thread to possibly fix occasional crash on Windows; KillRPCThread() tries to end thread gracefully on Windows before killing it.
     114 * client: don't fclose() time_stats_log if it's NULL. Fixes #772
     115 * MGR: Erase and refresh entire Tasks panel when selecting a new tab to try to fix cosmetic bug reported by David on Windows.
     116 * SVCCTRL: Introduce a new binary that is used to start and stop the BOINC service, if it is installed as a service. NOTE: If UAC is turned on in Windows Vista then even an administrator cannot start/stop a service without elevating their privileges. The new application includes the requiresAdmin tag in its manifest file to cause the UAC dialog to be displayed when it is launched.
     118== Version 6.3.21 ==
     119released: 3 Nov 2008
     120 * MGR: When removing a row in Projects, Tasks and Transfers tabs, refresh all rows. Fixes a bug where display was not always properly updated.
     121 * client: move round-robin simulation to its own file
     122 * MGR: Fix bug introduced yesterday (6.3.20).
     123 * MGR: Always sort after a row is added or deleted.
     124 * Mac: Add new files rr_sim.cpp,.h to XCode project.
     125 * client: /proc/N/stat has () around the command name. Remove these.
     126 * client: the preemptability order was wrong
     127 * client: cleaned up CPU scheduler logic somewhat
     128 * client: include precompiled header in rr_sim.cpp so memory leak detection will work.
     129 * MGR: Have the !BaseFrame call a function to determine if the selection list should be saved instead of traversing the application pointer. Each view just overrides the function returning a true/false value. We don't have to worry about null pointers and the like.
     130 * MGR: BOINCGUIApp should never need to know how either the views work or the document. Move the code that determines which RPCs should be fired into each of the views. Have the document look for it there.
     131 * MGR: Reduce duplicate code for hiding and showing an application
     132 * MGR: Move some Windows and Mac specific code into functions and streamline the application startup and shutdown routines.
     133 * MGR: Move the event processing that was in BOINCGUIApp into the !BaseFrame.
     134 * MGR: General cleanup.
     135 * MGR: Doxygen comments.
     136 * MGR: Cleanup some warnings.
     137 * MGR: Fix show / hide on Mac broken by previous changes.
     138 * Rebuild libcurl x86 and x64 (turn off async DNS) for Windows only.
     139 * client: revise round-robin simulation to take variable avg_ncpus into account
     140 * SCR/Mac: fix some real and potential crash bugs.
     142== Version 6.3.20 ==
     143Released: 29 October 2008
     144 * fixes serious bug, which caused the manager to have high CPU usage and become unresponsive if it started up in the Tasks tab (and probably also the Transfers or Projects tab)
     146== Version 6.3.19 ==
     147Released: 28 October 2008
     148 * client: for CPU throttling, don't suspend apps that are non-CPU-intensive or that use < 1 CPU (e.g., CUDA)
     149 * client: get rid of spurious "internal error, expected process to be executing" msg
     150 * diag: don't check heap on every alloc
     151 * fix a few compile warnings
     152 * client: fix crash when sched_op_debug is enabled
     153 * MGR: If simple_gui_only flag is set in cc_config.xml, trigger call of CSimpleFrame::!OnConnect().
     154 * client: accept --insecure flag even if not compiled with -DSANDBOX
     155 * manager: pass --insecure flab only if compiled with -DSANDBOX (from Nicolas; fixes #762)
     156 * SCR: Fix the screensaver logo.
     157 * MGR/Mac: When removing a row in Projects, Tasks and Transfers tabs, refresh all rows. Fixes a bug where display was not always properly updated.
    8161== Version 6.2.19 ==
    16169== Version 6.2.18 ==
    17 ''Note: If you run into benchmark errors the first time after BOINC starts up, this is known to the developers and they are looking into what is causing it. When you or BOINC reruns the benchmarks eventually, they will run correctly.''
    19170 * WINSETUP: For some reason BOINCTray.exe was only being installed when the 'Protected Applcation Mode' was selected. I don't remember why we did this, so install it on all scenarios.
    20171 * client: fix crash in this scenario (From Ian Hay. Fixes #705)
    41192== Version 6.2.15 ==
    42193 * MGR: Code which tests for reboot required should be Windows-only.
    43195 * SEA: Change references of boinc_cmd to boinccmd
    44196 * SCR: Don't treat CPU throttling as BOINC being suspended. - Fixes #706
    326478  * Disable connection caching in Curl.
    327479  * Add 'Detach when done' flag to projects (for clean detach, e.g. from account manager).
    328481  * Delete all files when detach from project.
    329482  * Fix bugs on Mac OS X 10.3 that could create bad users/groups.