
Version 13 (modified by tonig, 14 years ago) (diff)

update link to rboinc client doc

Remote job submission

Introduction and disclaimer

A group from Universitat Pompeu Fabra has developed RBoinc, system for remote job submission and monitoring. This system allows scientists to submit jobs (or groups of jobs) from a convenient command-line interface.

In the following, we will use the scientist term to denote the individual who submits and administers the workunits on their workstation through the RBoinc 'client tools'. RBoinc client tools are not to be confused with BOINC clients (i.e. the slaves of the distributed computing architecture); for utmost clarity, we shall prefer the term scientist and scientist workstation to indicate the user of the RBoinc client and their machine.

Warning: this system has been used only by its developers. It will take some work to get it working on other projects.

(c) 2011 Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Author: Toni Giorgino (at gmail).


RBoinc is composed by the following main components

  1. Client scripts, which are used by the scientists to submit and retrieve jobs. They are boinc_retrieve and boinc_submit.
  2. Server cgis, used to handle files and interfacing with the rest of Boinc. They are called boinc_retrieve_server, boinc_submit_server
  3. Various (optional) monitoring scripts, which generate nightly reports, statistics, and the like.

The software should be fairly self-explanatory, but installation may be tricky. The system is in boinc/rboinc/. Here's a general overview

  • You will need an apache web server on the Boinc server (either the existing one, or a separate process). This instance will serve
  • Wus naming is important and enforced like this: NNN-UUU_GGG-XX-YY-RNDzzzz where
    • NN is the name of the workunit (sub-group)
    • UU is the submitter id
    • GGG is the group
    • XX is the current step in the chain
    • YY is the total n. of steps
    • zzzz is a random number (not needed,actually)
  • WUs are kept in a "workflow_directory", a subdir of the project dir, as per slide 22 of the Powerpoint. Inside each dir a "process" bash file is created, which is executed by the assimilator with the name of the assimilated WU as its argument. It will create_work the next step for execution.
  • File storage is optimized through hardlinking and pooling. (Network transfers are not yet)
  • Warning: authentication is not done yet (do secure the RBoinc port by firewall rules)

Both client and server are composed of Perl scripts (respectively command-line and cgi-bin). The XML::Simple module is used for (un-) xml-ing data structures over the network.

Client components


Client Perl scripts need be unpacked to some client-visible installation directory. Make sure your Perl installation fulfulls the dependencies (use cpan or your distribution's package manager if not).


Instructions on using the client scripts are temporarily hosted at .

For details on the chaining mechanism, please see the paper T. Giorgino, M. J. Harvey and G. De Fabritiis, Distributed computing as a virtual supercomputer: Tools to run and manage large-scale BOINC simulations, Comp. Phys. Commun. 181, 1402 (2010). pdf.

Server-side components


Overview of the steps to install the RBoinc server components are:

  • Setup or adapt an instance of the apache web server on the boinc server (or change the boinc one) to serve the rboinc cgi and DAV paths. See the apache.conf example file provided with the distribution. We shall assume that apache will serve at http://YOUR_SERVER:8383/rboinc_cgi
  • Copy the rboinc server scripts in the cgi directory, and edit the configuration file to suit your site setup.
  • You may want to revise the process script. It is invoked every time a WU is complete, to perform the submission of the next chain step.
  • Customize the WU and result template files, as directed below. This will RBoinc-enable Boinc applications of your choice.
  • If desired, install the SQL stored procedures (monitoring components).

Annotating the WU template files

First, workunit template files should be marked as RBoinc-enabled at the top. This is achieved prepending the following tag to the relevant workunit template:

<rboinc application="md"
        description="Standard ACEMD run with optional DCD and PLUMED"/>

The above line marks the template as RBoinc-enabled and thus scientist-visible as an application. The application attribute will be the user-visible name of the application (which may or may not coincide with BOINC application names). The scientist will identify this template through the -app command line switch on the boinc_submit operation.

Additionally, input files in the workunit template are augmented with RBoinc-related settings. In the WU template, each file_ref element should have a child rboinc element as follows:

        <rboinc parameter_name="vel_file"
                parameter_description="Binary velocities"
                [ optional="true" ]
                [ immutable="true" ]
                [ encode="true" ]

The parameter_name attribute is the command line parameter that will be required by the boinc_submit command for that file. The argument passed by the scientist on the command line to that parameter will be interpreted as a local file, transferred to the BOINC server, and associated to the given BOINC-handled file (in this case, number 3, with BOINC open name "input.vel").

The parameter_description is a descriptive text returned by the command line client when the scientist requests help for the attributes supported by the given application.

The optional optional flag specifies whether supplying the given file upon submission is mandatory or not. If not, it will be replaced by a (server-supplied) default file.

Likewise, the optional immutable flag specifies that the given file will be replaced by a server-supplied default file, and the submitter has no chance to override it.

Finally, if encode is true, the file is subject to a (server-defined) encoding before being sent. The server will store both the original and the encoded version (suffixed with _enc).

Annotating the result template files

Results template files are annotated with RBoinc-specific tags which identify which results should be transferred back to the scientist's workstation. The same tags can be used to build output-input chains, i.e. to automatically submit new workunits as continuations of successfully-completed ones.

The syntax for the results template is as follows:

    <rboinc aliases=".vel .vel.gz" 
          [ chain="3" ]  />

The optional chain attribute indicates that, upon successful WU completion, that output file should be used as a third input file for the next step in the chain.

Upon retrieval, files have BOINC-assigned outfile names ending by '_1', '_2', and so on. The aliases attribute contains a space-separated list of extensions which are considered when deciding whether a file has been already downloaded. When an alias is specified as above, a file ending in _1 will be considered already downloaded, and its retrieval skipped, if a file with a similar name but ending in _1.vel or _1.vel.gz is present in the retrieve directory.