Changes between Version 91 and Version 92 of ProjectOptions

Jun 16, 2009, 12:49:40 PM (15 years ago)



  • ProjectOptions

    v91 v92  
    14 == Scheduling: general ==
     14== Scheduler: general ==
    9595<nowork_skip> 0|1 </nowork_skip>
    97 If the scheduling server has no work, it replies to RPCs without doing any database access (e.g., without looking up the user or host record). This reduces DB load, but it fails to update preferences when users click on Update.
     97If the scheduler has no work, it replies to RPCs without doing any database access (e.g., without looking up the user or host record).
     98This reduces DB load, but it fails to update preferences when users click on Update.
    9899Use it if your server DB is overloaded.
    115116If true, ignore duration correction factor.
    116117Use this temporarily if you've made a major change to your workunit FLOPS estimates.
    117 == Scheduling: job-cache scheduling ==
     118== Scheduler: job-cache scheduling ==
    119120This is the default.
    131132The size of the feeder's enumeration query.  Default is 200.
    133 == Scheduling: matchmaker scheduling ==
     134== Scheduler: matchmaker scheduling ==
    135136This is a variant of job-cache scheduling.
    155156to maintain statistics on the distribution of host speeds.
    157 == Scheduling: accelerating retries ==
     158== Scheduler: accelerating retries ==
    159160The goal of this mechanism (which works with job-cache and matchmaker scheduling,
    201202To do so, set the workunit's priority to '''reliable_on_priority''' or greater.
    203 == Scheduling: locality scheduling ==
     204== Scheduler: locality scheduling ==
    207 When possible, send work that uses the same files that the host already has. This is intended for projects which have large data files, where many different workunits use the same data file. In this case, to reduce download demands on the server, it may be advantageous to retain the data files on the hosts, and send them work for the files that they already have. See [LocalityScheduling Locality Scheduling].
     208When possible, send work that uses the same files that the host already has.
     209This is intended for projects which have large data files,
     210where many different workunits use the same data file.
     211In this case, to reduce download demands on the server,
     212it may be advantageous to retain the data files on the hosts,
     213and send them work for the files that they already have. See [LocalityScheduling Locality Scheduling].
    209215<locality_scheduling_wait_period> N </locality_scheduling_wait_period>
    211217This element only has an effect when used in conjunction with the previous locality scheduling element. It tells the scheduler to use 'trigger files' to inform the project that more work is needed for specific files. The period is the number of seconds which the scheduler will wait to see if the project can create additional work. Together with project-specific daemons or scripts this can be used for 'just-in-time' workunit creation. See [LocalityScheduling Locality Scheduling].
    213 == Scheduling: job retransmission ==
     219== Scheduler: job retransmission ==
    215221<resend_lost_results> 0|1 </resend_lost_results>
    227 == Scheduling: data distribution ==
     233== Scheduler: data distribution ==
    236242When creating work, keep a record (in files called foo.md5) of the file length and md5 sum of data files and executables. This can greatly reduce the time needed to create work, if (1) these files are re-used, and (2) there are many of these files, and (3) reading the files from disk is time-consuming.
    238 == Upload certificates ==
    239 {{{
    240 <dont_generate_upload_certificates/>
    241 }}}
    242 Don't put upload certificates in results. This makes result generation a lot faster, since no encryption is done, but you lose protection against DoS attacks on your upload servers.
    243 {{{
    244 <ignore_upload_certificates/>
    245 }}}
    246 If upload certificates are not generated, this option must be enabled to force the file upload handler to accept files.
    248 == Default preferences ==
    249 {{{
    250 <default_disk_max_used_gb> X </default_disk_max_used_gb>
    251 }}}
    252 Sets the default value for the `disk_max_used_gb` preference so it's consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 100.
    253 {{{
    254 <default_disk_max_used_pct> X </default_disk_max_used_pct>
    255 }}}
    256 Sets the default value for the `disk_max_used_pct` preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 50.
    257 {{{
    258 <default_disk_min_free_gb> X </default_disk_min_free_gb>
    259 }}}
    260 Sets the default value for the `disk_min_free_gb` preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Also, the scheduler uses this setting to override any smaller preference from the host, it enforces a 'minimum free disk space' to keep from filling up the drive. Recommend setting this no smaller than .001 (1MB or 1,000,000 bytes). Default is .001.
    263 === Deprecated options ===
    265 {{{
    266 <no_amd_k6>1</no_amd_k6>
    267 }}}
    268 Don't issue work to clients with AMD K6 processors.  Equivalent to
    269 {{{
    270 <ban_cpu>.*AMD.*\t.*Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 0.*</ban_cpu>
    271 }}}
    273 == Client control == #client-control
    274 {{{
    275 <next_rpc_delay>x</next_rpc_delay>
    276 }}}
    277 In each scheduler reply, tell the clients to do another scheduler RPC after at most X seconds, regardless of whether they need work.  This is useful, e.g., to ensure that in-progress jobs can be canceled in a bounded amount of time.
    278 {{{
    279 <verify_files_on_app_start/>
    282 }}}
    283 Before starting or restarting an app, check contents of input files and app version files by either MD5 or digital signature check. Detects user tampering with file (but doesn't really increase security, since user could also change MD5s or signatures in client state file).
    284 {{{
    285 <symstore>URL</symstore>
    286 }}}
    287 URL of your project's symbol store, used for debugging Windows applications.
    288 {{{
    289 <min_core_client_version_announced> N </min_core_client_version_announced>
    290 }}}
    291 Announce a new version of the BOINC core client, which in the future will be the minimum required version. In conjunction with the next tag, you can warn users with version below this to upgrade by a specified deadline. Example value: 419.
    292 {{{
    293 <min_core_client_upgrade_deadline> N </min_core_client_upgrade_deadline>
    294 }}}
    295 Use in conjunction with the previous tag. The value given here is the Unix epoch returned by time(2) until which hosts can update their core client. After this time, they may be shut out of the project. Before this time, they will receive messages warning them to upgrade.
    296 {{{
    297 <msg_to_host/>
    298 }}}
    299 If present, check the msg_to_host table on each RPC, and send the client any messages queued for it.
    300 {{{
    301 <non_cpu_intensive> 0|1 </non_cpu_intensive>
    302 }}}
    303 If this flag is present, the project will be treated specially by the client:
    305  * The client will download one result at a time.
    306  * This result will be executed whenever computation is enabled (bypassing the normal scheduling mechanism).
    308 This is intended for [NonCpuIntensive applications that use little CPU time], e.g. that do network or host measurements.
    310 == Server logging == #server-logging
     244== Scheduler: logging ==
    312246The contents of the scheduler log file is controlled by the following:
    365299If you set this option to N, only messages of level N or less will be written.
    367 {{{
    368 <fuh_debug_level> N </fuh_debug_level>
    369 }}}
    370 Verbosity level for file upload handler log output. 1=minimal, 2=normal (default), 3=verbose.
     301== Upload certificates ==
     305Don't put upload certificates in results. This makes result generation a lot faster, since no encryption is done, but you lose protection against DoS attacks on your upload servers.
     309If upload certificates are not generated, this option must be enabled to force the file upload handler to accept files.
     311== Default preferences ==
     313<default_disk_max_used_gb> X </default_disk_max_used_gb>
     315Sets the default value for the `disk_max_used_gb` preference so it's consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 100.
     317<default_disk_max_used_pct> X </default_disk_max_used_pct>
     319Sets the default value for the `disk_max_used_pct` preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 50.
     321<default_disk_min_free_gb> X </default_disk_min_free_gb>
     323Sets the default value for the `disk_min_free_gb` preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Also, the scheduler uses this setting to override any smaller preference from the host, it enforces a 'minimum free disk space' to keep from filling up the drive. Recommend setting this no smaller than .001 (1MB or 1,000,000 bytes). Default is .001.
     326=== Deprecated options ===
     331Don't issue work to clients with AMD K6 processors.  Equivalent to
     333<ban_cpu>.*AMD.*\t.*Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 0.*</ban_cpu>
     336== Client control == #client-control
     340In each scheduler reply, tell the clients to do another scheduler RPC after at most X seconds, regardless of whether they need work.  This is useful, e.g., to ensure that in-progress jobs can be canceled in a bounded amount of time.
     346Before starting or restarting an app, check contents of input files and app version files by either MD5 or digital signature check. Detects user tampering with file (but doesn't really increase security, since user could also change MD5s or signatures in client state file).
     350URL of your project's symbol store, used for debugging Windows applications.
     352<min_core_client_version_announced> N </min_core_client_version_announced>
     354Announce a new version of the BOINC core client, which in the future will be the minimum required version. In conjunction with the next tag, you can warn users with version below this to upgrade by a specified deadline. Example value: 419.
     356<min_core_client_upgrade_deadline> N </min_core_client_upgrade_deadline>
     358Use in conjunction with the previous tag. The value given here is the Unix epoch returned by time(2) until which hosts can update their core client. After this time, they may be shut out of the project. Before this time, they will receive messages warning them to upgrade.
     362If present, check the msg_to_host table on each RPC, and send the client any messages queued for it.
     364<non_cpu_intensive> 0|1 </non_cpu_intensive>
     366If this flag is present, the project will be treated specially by the client:
     368 * The client will download one result at a time.
     369 * This result will be executed whenever computation is enabled (bypassing the normal scheduling mechanism).
     371This is intended for [NonCpuIntensive applications that use little CPU time], e.g. that do network or host measurements.
    372376== Credit ==
    500504(which contains records of when the client started and stopped running).
     507<fuh_debug_level> N </fuh_debug_level>
     509Verbosity level for file upload handler log output. 1=minimal, 2=normal (default), 3=verbose.
    502511== Hosts, directories, and URLs == #dirs
    562 URL of scheduling server.
     571URL of scheduler.