
Version 4 (modified by Ageless, 17 years ago) (diff)


Database purging utility

As a BOINC project operates, the size of its workunit and result tables increases. Eventually they become so large that adding a field or building an index may take hours or days. To address this problem, BOINC provides a utility db_purge that writes result and WU records to XML-format archive files, then deletes them from the database. Workunits are purged only when their input files have been deleted. Because of BOINC's file-deletion policy, this implies that all results are completed. So when a workunit is purged, all its results are purged too.

db_purge creates an archive/ directory and stores archive files there.

db_purge is normally run as a daemon, specified in the config.xml file. It has the following command-line options:

-min_age_days N
Purge only WUs with mod_time at least N days in the past. Recommended value: 7 or so. This lets users examine their recent results.
-max N
Purge at most N WUs, then exit
-max_wu_per_file N
Write at most N WUs to each archive file. Recommended value: 10,000 or so.
Compress archive files using zip
Compress archive files using gzip
-d N
Set logging verbosity to N (1,2,3)
Don't archive workunits or results

Recording credited jobs

You may want to keep a record of which user returned a valid result for each workunit (e.g. so that you can give them credit for specific discoveries). If you use db_purge, this information is removed from the database; it can be extracted from the XML archives, but it's slow.

Alternatively, you can store the user/workunit association in a separate table called credited_job. This records in this table are small - they store only a user ID and a 64-bit integer which is taken from the workunit's 'opaque' field (typically an index in a separate database). By default, the table has indices that allow you to efficiently enumerate workunits for a given user and users for a given workunit.

To use the credited_job table, pass the -update_credited_job flag to your validator.

Archive file format

The archive files have names of the form wu_archive_TIME and result_archive_TIME where TIME is the Unix time the file was created. In addition, db_purge generates index files 'wu_index' and 'result_index' associating each WU and result ID with the timestamp of its archive file.

The format of both type of index files is a number of rows each containing:


The ID field of the WU or result, 5 spaces, and the timestamp part of the archive filename where the record with that ID can be found.

The format of a record in the result archive file is:


The format of a record in the WU archive file is:
