
Version 4 (modified by Ageless, 16 years ago) (diff)

Deleted the "future version" reference.

Windows Installer Cleanup Instructions for version 6


This document describes how to cleanup a machine so that it'll appear to be a clean machine to future 6.x client installs.

This document assumes that you were able to successfully uninstall BOINC via the add/remove control panel applet.

In addition to the information stored via normal MSI operations the BOINC installer makes the following additional changes depending on the options selected during install:

  • Creates two additional user accounts
  • Creates three local user groups
  • Assigns user rights to newly created users
  • Stores setup information to the registry
  • Migrates existing data from the installation directory to the data directory

Cleanup Users and Groups

To cleanup the newly created users and groups do the following:

  • Click on the 'Start' button.
  • Right-click on 'My Computer' and select 'Manage'.
  • Expand the 'Local Users and Groups' tree node.
  • Click on the Groups tree node.
  • Delete the 'boinc_admins' group.
  • Delete the 'boinc_users' group.
  • Delete the 'boinc_projects' group.
  • Click on the Users tree node.
  • Delete the 'boinc_master' user account.
  • Delete the 'boinc_project' user account.

Cleanup User Rights Assignments

To cleanup the newly assigned user rights do the following:

  • Click on the 'Start' button.
  • Click on 'Control Panel'.
  • Launch the 'Administrative Tools' control panel applet.
  • Launch the 'Local Security Policy' application.
  • Expand the 'Local Policies' tree node.
  • Click on the 'User Rights Assignment' node.

Open each user right that contains an '*S-' style entry, and remove each entry that begins with '*S-'. Each '*S-' entry represents a user account that has been deleted from the system.

Cleanup Setup Registry Entries

To cleanup the newly created registry entries do the following:

  • Launch 'regedit.exe' from the Start\Run menu item.
  • Expand the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' entry.
  • Expand the 'Software' entry.
  • Expand the 'Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley' entry.
  • Delete the 'BOINC Setup' entry.

Cleanup Migration of Data Files

Move all data files back into your installation directory from your newly created data directory.


After performing all the actions your machine should appear to be a clean install to future attempts to execute v6 installers.