Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of BoltGoals

Dec 3, 2007, 9:10:38 PM (17 years ago)



  • BoltGoals

    v1 v2  
    3535 * Course documents can have various types of "control structures".  For example, they can specify that a lesson should be chosen randomly from a given set, or should be chosen based on student demographics.
    3636 * Bolt offers analytic tools that let you evaluate the effectiveness of your lessons, and that help you make your course  adapt itself to different types of students.
     38== Other features of Bolt ==
     40By default, every Bolt page includes an "ask a question" link.
     41These questions are delivered as private messages to the course developer.
     45== The bigger picture ==
     47Bolt's primary goal is to serve the needs of volunteer computing and skill aggregation projects.
     48However, we believe that it can also become a tool for research in education and cognitive science,
     49for a variety of reasons:
     51 * Experiments can be deployed with large sample sizes.
     52 * Experiments can be deployed immediately, with no dependence on the academic calendar.  Significant results are available in days rather than months or years.
     53 * The student population varies widely in age, language, and education level.
     54 * The student population is self-selecting for interest in the topic area, and has diverse learning goals.
     55 * Experiments are not limited by standards or syllabi.
     56 * Experiments can be conducted without dependence on educational institutions or teachers.