
Version 70 (modified by Joachim, 10 years ago) (diff)

updated images

Android/BOINC development items

Ticket Summary Status Component Owner Reporter Priority
#1352 Properly render web content in BOINC Notices new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Major
#1353 UI feature: statistics / achievements / sharable new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Major
#1360 Stationary device mode: enable by default on stationary devices new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Major
#1378 don't truncate email addr auto-fill in Android, and error-check the field new Manager - Android davea davea Major
#1343 Change Notice notification icon to make it recognizable new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Minor
#1346 Add preference: buffer size new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Minor
#1349 Make language a preference new Manager - Android Jitender Joachim Minor
#1354 Manual RPC new Manager - Android Joachim Joachim Minor

Some remaining development tasks. Please contact me (David Anderson) and post to boinc_dev if you want to help.

Feasability of GPU computation, e.g. LG Nexus 4's GPU Adreno320 supports openCL 1.2

Google seems to push RenderScript? over openCL support on Android...

Higher resolution project icons and slideshow images

Icons and slideshow images are not ideal for high resolution screens.


e.g. run time, finished tasks, etc.

Badges / Achievements

  • supplied by project and/or local based on statistics
  • shareable on social media

Attach Wizard

Feedback indicates that users are not happy with having to register with every project separately.

Revised project attach process proposal:

  1. splash screen

splash screen

  1. project selection. multiple choice. (long) clicking on one item brings up project description (not modeled).

project selection. multiple choice.

  1. initial credential input. use these credentials to run registration RPC on all selected projects (excepts for those with disabled account creation, try login RPC for those). alternatively, allow user to manage accounts individually (brings up sequence at 4.2).

4.1. batch attach. use provided credentials to run registration RPC on all selected projects (try login RPC for projects with disabled account creation). show useful hints about BOINC, swipeable through multiple hints. (what hints are useful?? )

batch attach. working. hints swipeable.

batch attach. working. hints continued.

4.1.1. batch attach successful. "get started" brings up normal UI.

batch attach. success.

4.1.2. batch attach has conflicts. multiple conflicts possible. show overview. only show overview if conflict occurred.

conflicts occurred during batch attach. overview.

There are four essential conflict scenarios:

  • project allows account registration. registration RPC returned -137:"name not unique" (in picture: SETI@Home)
  • project does not allow account creation. login RPC returned -206:"bad password" (in picture: WorldComminityGrid?)
  • project does not allow account creation. login RPC returned -136:"name not found" (in picture: Something like WCG)
  • undefined error. something else went wrong. (not in picture)

Clicking on a specific project brings up input dialog to provide new credentials.

conflicts occurred during batch attach. dialog for specific project.

After clicking "login" or "register" RPC is started in the background and dialog is closed. User can continue with other project.

conflicts occurred during batch attach. retry in progress after input dialog finished.

User can decide at any point in time to stop resolving conflicts by clicking "Finish" which returns to normal UI. (Unresolved projects are not attached)

conflicts occurred during batch attach. retry successful.

4.2. individual attach. user has clicked corresponding button in 3. bring up sequence with login credential for every project.


  • always store user name and email address of last input to pre-populate fields.
  • never store password
  • further attaches bring up same sequence (without 1. of course)

Attachments (22)