00:00:00 [---] Config: GUI RPC allowed from any host 00:00:00 [---] Config: simulate 4 CPUs 00:00:00 [---] log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task, cpu_sched_debug 00:00:00 [World Community Grid] General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 11-Jun-2023 16:39:47) 00:00:00 [World Community Grid] Host location: none 00:00:00 [World Community Grid] General prefs: using your defaults 00:00:00 [---] Preferences: 00:00:00 [---] - When computer is in use 00:00:00 [---] - 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last 1.0 minutes 00:00:00 [---] - max CPUs used: 4 00:00:00 [---] - Use at most 100% of the CPU time 00:00:00 [---] - max memory usage: 6.14 GB 00:00:00 [---] - When computer is not in use 00:00:00 [---] - max CPUs used: 4 00:00:00 [---] - Use at most 100% of the CPU time 00:00:00 [---] - max memory usage: 6.14 GB 00:00:00 [---] - Suspend if running on batteries 00:00:00 [---] - Store at least 0.00 days of work 00:00:00 [---] - Store up to an additional 1.00 days of work 00:00:00 [---] - (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager) 00:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: Prefs update 00:00:00 [Asteroids@home] URL https://asteroidsathome.net/boinc/; Computer ID 724473; resource share 1 00:00:00 [climateprediction.net] URL https://climateprediction.net/; Computer ID 1509741; resource share 9 00:00:00 [Cosmology@Home] URL http://www.cosmologyathome.org/; Computer ID 452346; resource share 1 00:00:00 [DENIS@home] URL https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/; Computer ID 215790; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Einstein@Home] URL https://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; Computer ID 12844586; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Einstein@Home] Not using CPU: project preferences 00:00:00 [Gerasim@home] URL https://gerasim.boinc.ru/; Computer ID 63032; resource share 1 00:00:00 [latinsquares] URL https://boinc.multi-pool.info/latinsquares/; Computer ID 115161; resource share 1 00:00:00 [LHC@home] URL https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/; Computer ID 10772269; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Milkyway@Home] URL http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/; Computer ID 923200; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Moo! Wrapper] URL http://moowrap.net/; Computer ID 1319211; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Moo! Wrapper] Not using CPU: project preferences 00:00:00 [NFS@Home] URL https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/; Computer ID 7195224; resource share 1 00:00:00 [odlk] URL https://boinc.progger.info/odlk/; Computer ID 20077; resource share 1 00:00:00 [PrimeGrid] URL http://www.primegrid.com/; Computer ID 1129779; resource share 1 00:00:00 [PRIVATE GFN SERVER] URL http://boincvm.proxyma.ru:30080/test4vm/; Computer ID 1638; resource share 1 00:00:00 [PRIVATE GFN SERVER] Not using CPU: project preferences 00:00:00 [Rake search of diagonal Latin squares] URL https://rake.boincfast.ru/rakesearch/; Computer ID 19566; resource share 1 00:00:00 [RamanujanMachine] URL https://rnma.xyz/boinc/; Computer ID 1579; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Rosetta@home] URL https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/; Computer ID 6181969; resource share 1 00:00:00 [SiDock@home] URL https://www.sidock.si/sidock/; Computer ID 32273; resource share 1 00:00:00 [SRBase] URL http://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/; Computer ID 219055; resource share 1 00:00:00 [SRBase] Not using CPU: project preferences 00:00:00 [TN-Grid Platform] URL http://gene.disi.unitn.it/test/; Computer ID 63552; resource share 1 00:00:00 [Universe@Home] URL https://universeathome.pl/universe/; Computer ID 616685; resource share 1 00:00:00 [World Community Grid] URL https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/; Computer ID 7150719; resource share 3 00:00:00 [yafu] URL http://yafu.myfirewall.org/yafu/; Computer ID 57977; resource share 1 00:00:00 [yoyo@home] URL http://www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo/; Computer ID 511557; resource share 1 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:00:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055399) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569204) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683787) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798370) 01:00:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.932208) 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:00:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:00:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:00:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:00:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:00:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:00:00 [climateprediction.net] [task] Starting task wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0: FLOPS left 3959559.64G 01:00:00 [yafu] [task] Starting task yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0: FLOPS left 332084.15G 01:00:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:01:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:01:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:01:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055415) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569186) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683770) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798353) 01:01:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.932074) 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:01:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:01:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:01:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:01:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:01:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:01:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:01:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:02:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:02:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:02:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055432) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569169) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683753) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798336) 01:02:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931941) 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:02:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:02:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:02:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:02:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:02:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:02:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:02:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:03:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:03:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:03:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055449) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569152) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683735) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798319) 01:03:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931807) 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:03:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:03:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:03:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:03:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:03:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:03:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:03:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:04:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:04:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:04:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055466) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569135) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683718) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798302) 01:04:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931673) 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:04:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:04:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:04:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:04:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:04:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:04:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:04:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:05:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:05:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:05:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055483) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569118) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683701) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798284) 01:05:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931540) 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:05:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:05:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:05:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:05:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:05:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:05:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:05:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:06:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:06:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:06:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055499) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569101) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683684) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798267) 01:06:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931406) 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:06:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:06:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:06:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:06:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:06:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:06:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:06:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:07:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:07:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:07:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055516) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569083) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683667) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798250) 01:07:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931272) 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:07:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:07:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:07:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:07:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:07:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:07:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:07:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:08:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:08:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:08:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055533) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569066) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683650) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798233) 01:08:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931138) 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:08:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:08:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:08:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:08:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:08:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:08:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:08:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:09:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:09:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:09:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055550) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569049) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683632) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798216) 01:09:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.931005) 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:09:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:09:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:09:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:09:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:09:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:09:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:09:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start 01:10:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 as deadline miss 01:10:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 as deadline miss 01:10:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.055566) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.569032) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.683615) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -0.798199) 01:10:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (CPU, FIFO) (prio -9.930871) 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list: 01:10:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] final job list: 01:10:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] 0: wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:10:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] 1: yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 (2.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: yes) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 2: ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 3: ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] 4: ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 (1.00 CPU; MD: no; UTS: no) 01:10:00 [climateprediction.net] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling wah2_nz25_215p_209405_25_995_012221899_0 01:10:00 [yafu] [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling yafu_ali_2786784_L150_C122_1689020106_487_0 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_23_1 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_29_0 01:10:00 [Asteroids@home] [cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (4.00 >= 4), skipping ps_230627_input_14472_4_1 01:10:00 [---] [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end