Posts by Blake Herttua

1) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Switching to Linux (Message 5470)
Posted 30 Aug 2006 by Blake Herttua
Hello all. I am going to switch from Win XP to Ubuntu Linux soon and I am of course going to keep running BOINC. My question pertains to all of my project work units, specifically Climateprediction and QMC. Both take long crunch times (climate being by far the longest... not due to report until 1/1/2008) and I don't wish to lose them. I know I can enable no new work for SETI, LHC and Einstein when the time comes, but what about the other two. Is there a way to migrate my work?? Thanks!

2) Message boards : BOINC Manager : statistics tab (Message 3196)
Posted 22 Feb 2006 by Blake Herttua
I like to view my stats project by project not too keen on the all projects in one box not enough colours available for multiple projects

Single Project

Projects all together

That is beautiful!! Are you using an optimized client? How did you get the stats page to look like that? That would be much better for me than the current layout of 2 cloumns! Thanks in advance!!!

Opps yeah forgot to mention it is the next release of BOINC currently been tested

Consider the matter closed! Well done to the developers!! Kudos!
3) Message boards : BOINC Manager : statistics tab (Message 3189)
Posted 21 Feb 2006 by Blake Herttua
I like to view my stats project by project not too keen on the all projects in one box not enough colours available for multiple projects

Single Project

Projects all together

That is beautiful!! Are you using an optimized client? How did you get the stats page to look like that? That would be much better for me than the current layout of 2 cloumns! Thanks in advance!!!
4) Message boards : BOINC Manager : statistics tab (Message 3176)
Posted 20 Feb 2006 by Blake Herttua
Not that I know of. I'm attached to 15 projects and have 2 columns, 8 rows.

Thanks. I didn't think that there was, but you don't know if you don't ask.

Hint to the developers... Please add this feature!
5) Message boards : BOINC Manager : statistics tab (Message 3174)
Posted 20 Feb 2006 by Blake Herttua
Hi, I have a question that hopefully someone can answer for me. The statistics tab displays my current (4) project stats in 2 rows of 2 columns. Is there any way to force the display as a single column of 4 rows or more should I join more projects (like orbit@home) when it comes online? Thanks!


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