Posts by James Drews

21) Message boards : Web interfaces : Request for additional features in User Detailed Information. (Message 3091)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Hi all:

Is it possible to add the additional items?:

1> Average daily points for all projects and user total.

Could you tell me exactly what you are looking for here. The Recent Average Credit value is the average credit returned over the last week already. Or are you looking for something else?
22) Message boards : Web interfaces : Request for additional features in User Detailed Information. (Message 3090)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Ok, I put the time of the XML data file that was imported on the main page. The BBC project was added yesterday (24 users imported at the time their stats data was exported).

As for the averages, that will probably take me a bit.
23) Message boards : Web interfaces : new boinc project w extra web features (Message 3082)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Is the project "public"? If so, I will add it to the boinc combined stats site (its only exporting the user info, can you also export the host and team info?)
24) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BBC Climate Project - Network Install (Message 3081)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Oh, and for managing farms - I have a tool in the works. It is still mostly design scratches on paper as I haven't had much time to code lately. There was a code change in the core client that was submitted and accepted to make this possible (it is in the 5.3.x version of the client). I'll post more once I have a beta version up and running.
25) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BBC Climate Project - Network Install (Message 3080)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
That is actually easy to do. All you need to do attach to the bbc project from one computer. Then copy the file (found in the boinc program directory - c:\\program files\\boinc\\ by default for a windows client) to the boinc directory on all the 400 other machines. The next time the boinc client starts on those machines, it will fetch work from the BBC project.
26) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BBC Climate Change Experiment (Message 3079)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Well, they are exporting the stats files and it is granting credit to people. I think the confusion is that the boinc credits from the bbc project will not show up on the project. If you are attached to both projects, your user CPID should sync and the combinded stats sites will do the combination for you. :)
27) Message boards : Web interfaces : Add a + 100,000 and a - 100,000 to BOINC Combined user totals (Message 3001)
Posted 9 Feb 2006 by James Drews
28) Message boards : Web interfaces : Computers not hidden but says they are? (Message 2999)
Posted 9 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Looks like your there now (53rd today in the 10 or less list when sorted by total credit)
29) Message boards : Web interfaces : Computers not hidden but says they are? (Message 2989)
Posted 8 Feb 2006 by James Drews
*sigh* I must have been kind of sleepy the last time I updated the sql script. You should show up in the 10 or fewer and 20 or fewer lists tomorrow (Feb 9) after the scripts run again (they complete about 6am CDT).

For some reason, I messed up the filter process in that it was always using old data, and not updating one of the tables used in the filter process. I fixed that now.

Just an FYI, BURP is not counted in filtering process and will always show the computers as "hidden" when viewing the details for a person. This is because the export files for the hosts are in an old format that does not export all the needed information (like who a host belongs to and the host cpid).

30) Message boards : Web interfaces : Add a + 100,000 and a - 100,000 to BOINC Combined user totals (Message 2988)
Posted 8 Feb 2006 by James Drews

The total user base is now almost 500,000 strong, and I check it daily but have to go through it 10,000 records at a time. Adding a +/- 100,000 tab would speed up he search time considerably.

Which stats site are you talking about?
31) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Stats page top single user (Message 2930)
Posted 2 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Another thought hit me. When you say you have credits on Seti@Home, are you refering to those that were imported from the Seti@Home classic (pre-boinc)? If that is the case, those are not counted in any ranking system that I know of as the "credit" method used between the two is vastly different.
32) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Stats page top single user (Message 2929)
Posted 2 Feb 2006 by James Drews
or you could just go by your CPID:

Only thing is the page only shows the over all world rank. I will work on having it display the other rankings when I get some free time.

This sight still does not show credits I have done for SETI.

Ageless, the web sight You can always post to the Seti Helpdesk forums. Those don't require you to have credit.

This web sight helpdesk has been down since I have joined the new BOINC sight for SETI- at least it shows it is down for repairs on my end.

Anyhow thanks for the help- I will just forget about it.The credits are going somewhere I just don't know where?

Right now, I show 4 "staylor"'s from the seti@home project. But none of them have the same cpid as the one in the URL above. Until your cpid goes in sync, the seti credits won't show up on that link. If your computer is attached with boinc to that project as well as the others, the cross project id (cpid) should go in sync.
33) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Stats page top single user (Message 2908)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by James Drews
or you could just go by your CPID:

Only thing is the page only shows the over all world rank. I will work on having it display the other rankings when I get some free time.
34) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Stats page top single user (Message 2907)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by James Drews
Either I fat fingered it, of just can't type. Anyway, your entry is curently (as of Feb 1) at rank 1105
35) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Stats page top single user (Message 2895)
Posted 31 Jan 2006 by James Drews

My nickname is staylor - I have found my current rankings but not on the list mentioned here

Probably because your ranking in that set is crrently at 966

The page you are looking at is ranked by the recent average credit, not total credit. That page would be:

Both pages above have you listed (at least today when I looked)

Guess I really need to impliment a search on that site. Not enought hours in the day...
36) Message boards : BOINC client : Installing the client in linux (Message 2677)
Posted 20 Jan 2006 by James Drews
I just downloaded the linux version and followed the instructions for intalling a self-extracting archive, but when I type in the

<i>sh<i> command it tells me that directory doesn't exist. I thought that command was supposed to create the directory?

Can someone please tell me how to do this?

After you downloaded the file, did you chmod it so it is executable?
chmod 550

The other probem may be that the shell (sh) isn't in your path. It usually lives in /bin, so you could type /bin/sh (but I still think it needs to be chmod'd first)

37) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Automating Project Attachment on Remote Machines (Message 2676)
Posted 20 Jan 2006 by James Drews

Is there a way to attach a PC to an account, without storing the account key on that PC's .xml files in plaintext for everyone to see? Could BOINC be told to keep account keys in hashed form and just compare the hashed ones with project's server? (but still require plaintext account-key or password for changes of settings in /home.php)

Or am I missing something?

Short of adding code to the core client to encrypt the files (ok, since it is open source, it wouldn't take much to write a program to decrypt, but it would keep out the casual file browser type person).

For "public" machines, you pretty much have to use file permissions to keep people out of the account_*.xml files.

38) Message boards : BOINC client : Assign client to alternative TCP-port (Message 2663)
Posted 18 Jan 2006 by James Drews
In later versions (can't remember which version it got added in), there is a command line option that you can add to set the port it listens on:

-gui_rpc_port xxx

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