Posts by Marcus

1) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Displeased with Bonic after several months. (Message 45)
Posted 30 Aug 2005 by Marcus
To whom it may concern,

I am adding my two cents to this message because I am hoping that someone in the BOINC development department will read these and do something about it.

I too have been running SETI@home on my machines since I first heard about it years ago. The whole project not only made sense to me but also was easy. I think having computers run through different types of scientific information during their idle time has always been a great idea. However this BOINC thing really bites!

Not only is it almost impossible to understand but there are no easy to reference manuals or anything on how to get started and setup the software. I literally have spent hours sitting at my computers trying to get this software working. It was a pain in the butt for windows and after about two hours and help from the system administrator at work we gave up on setting up the software on LINUX.

Now perhaps there are people out there who are gurus in this area and will laugh at me for having so much trouble with this but quite frankly I have better things to do with my time than to mess with a program that as far as I was concerned worked perfectly when it was cheesy.

So let me just state that I work at a university and I work in the sciences and I was the one who setup all of the computers in all of the labs to start running SETI@home and now with all of this trouble and lack of info I am being asked to remove all of the software and never touch the computers again, this all after I assured everyone that SETI@home was a no brainer and all one had to do was install it and leave it. It could take care of itself.

Well this is no longer true in my opinion. So I am giving you an ultimatum, (remember you work with this stuff everyday Joe Bilgleschmucker at the law offices of Dewey Cheatem and Howe doesn’t and he would dump the program in a second if you don’t make it COMPLETELY brainless) get this software back to an easier setup ASAP or I guess I will just have to go back to running the old star field, and I guess we can push SETI back another 30 years.

Sorry to be so blunt but the old version of click on the exe file and setup two or three little easy to understand steps was much easier than running around the net reading gobs of information on stuff I don’t care about just to get the program working.

Well I also would like to thank you for the forum so that I may rant.


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