Posts by cristipurdel

1) Message boards : GPUs : Waiting to run (1 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU) ... fail
Message 86718
Posted 27 Jun 2018 by cristipurdel
Solved it here
I just used for WCG

2) Message boards : GPUs : Waiting to run (1 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU) ... fail
Message 86716
Posted 27 Jun 2018 by cristipurdel
Thanks for the reply, I was going over your post in

Shouldn't this problem be fixed if Einstein would modify their app to use smth like 0.9CPU + 1GPU?
3) Message boards : GPUs : Waiting to run (1 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU) ... fail
Message 86706
Posted 26 Jun 2018 by cristipurdel
I have a system with NVIDIA + AMD APU 2400G

On the Nvidia I am running GPUGRID (0.908 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU), while on AMD GPU (1 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU) I am running Einstein

I also want to run 6 WCG tasks on the remaining CPUs but, from what I see, BOINC 10.2 considers the amd gpu low priority and gives higher priority to WCG CPU tasks

So in BOINC I had the option use at most 75% CPUs (6 out of 8 for WCG) so the remaining 2 CPUs can be used for GPU tasks

Anyone can help with this issue, since I guess the easiest solution is to change the Einstein assignment to 0.9 CPU + 1 AMD/ATI GPU

Other solutions?
4) Message boards : Android : How to Recycle Android Phones for BOINC or Folding Rig Without Using Batteries
Message 85005
Posted 4 Mar 2018 by cristipurdel
Updated with step 6 & 7 for a more... efficient/cheaper/easier solution
5) Message boards : Android : How to Recycle Android Phones for BOINC or Folding Rig Without Using Batteries
Message 79716
Posted 21 Jul 2017 by cristipurdel
in case somebody is interested :)
6) Message boards : Android : BOINC shows 0 tasks, but it is running when charging
Message 79507
Posted 8 Jul 2017 by cristipurdel
Since no one replied I just wanted to add what happened after a few days of seeing this.

I believe the issue was that there were by accident more than 100 tasks downloaded onto my phone. The work units (FightAIDS@home) were small and I usually give my phone a lot of space to use. After I momentarily stopped downloading new work units the number got down to 70 and all the tasks appeared as if there were no issues.

I am not sure if this is a bug, but if you experience it, just pause the download of new work units and let the workunits that are there finish.

On my Landvo octo cores (7 out of 8 running), I see maximum of 163 WUs
On my Allview octo cores (7 out of 8 running), I get the same issue as you, where I guess I have more than 163 WUs downloaded :)
7) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 78568
Posted 3 Jun 2017 by cristipurdel
I would like to have an option in the manager smth like:
After being idle for X min, set PState to the lowest level (basically set all cpu freq to idle) and run tasks on Y cores.
Although the freq will be around 800MHz, it is still better than nothing when having lots of threads.
Plus the power efficiency should be , ideal from point of view of efficiency :).
For example, on a Core i7-6820HQ
running on all 8 threads, TDP = 45W at 3.2GHz
running on all 8 threads, TDP = 15W at 0.8GHz
on idle, TDP = 13W at 0.8GHz
And also add an option to specify which frequency should be set for all cpus, like the new option in Windows Creators update: maximum processor frequency
8) Message boards : GPUs : Quiet PC With 2 TFLOPS GPU for BOINC OR FOLDING, Easy Installation, Almost Fanless
Message 77357
Posted 13 Apr 2017 by cristipurdel
I would suggest to upgrade to 1050 ti :)
9) Message boards : GPUs : Quiet PC With 2 TFLOPS GPU for BOINC OR FOLDING, Easy Installation, Almost Fanless
Message 77235
Posted 8 Apr 2017 by cristipurdel
In case someone was looking for an easy tutorial
10) Message boards : Android : Android Monitor alternative to BoincTasks?
Message 75058
Posted 2 Jan 2017 by cristipurdel
Since BoincTasks is not working with the official BOINC app, is there a way to monitor cpu usage from windows 10 for multiple android devices from one interface?
I could run nativeBOINC with BOINCTasks, but last time it was not running so smoothly as the official BOINC app.
Since there are a lot of affordable multi-usb hargers (I jsut saw an ANKER 10 port with 1.2A) and a lot of cheap 8cpu androids, it would be nice to have something to manage them all :)

I remember why NativeBOINC is not working: "Unable to get access password"
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : Small Form Factor Cluster
Message 70990
Posted 23 Jul 2016 by cristipurdel
Anyone tried to make a small form cluster?
I was thinking of 5 intel compute stick powered by a powerful usb hub (I have an anker with 5 usb & 8A)
Right now I am running 3 Android 8 cores like below
image upload
12) Message boards : Questions and problems : Streaming stick or Android/Linux TV install
Message 70922
Posted 17 Jul 2016 by cristipurdel
Did someone manage to run boinc on a Chromecast/Fire TV Stick/Roku or an Android/Linux TV?
13) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 65531
Posted 21 Nov 2015 by cristipurdel
I would like to see an option in BOINC for Android smth like:
Stop task after checkpoint when running on battery

I am running boinc on 7/8 cores on a mobile device, also while on batteries. While running for WCG, tasks are taking around 12 hours, with 1.5 hours per checkpoint. Since I have a limitation on the battery, around 50%, the phone will disregard the progress from the last checkpoint when it reaches 50%.
Worst case scenario is that all 7 cores are short by 1 minute before the next checkpoint, when the battery limitations kicks in, so around 10 hours of crunching is wasted.
IMO it will be a more efficient way to compute and conserve the battery.
14) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 64430
Posted 22 Sep 2015 by cristipurdel
My feeling is that the 'Just in case' scenario of 250MB is a bit misleading. It can affect for example low RAM smartphones like: 1C 250MB, 2C 500MB, 4C 1GB, 8C 2GB. I also see on a SGS6 with 3 GB of RAM, the OS is taking around 1.5GB with apps installed, leaving 1.5GB of RAM for 8 Cores, so less than 250MB/Core. I would prefer to have the 'Just in case' scenario replaced with a warning message but still bypass this limitation and leave the app to crunch.
Plus based on this the most demanding app does not use more than 125MB, so kind of pointless to have a 'Just in case' 250MB RAM with a low probability.
What really annoys me is that although I have 180 MB RAM free, I cannot crunch due to the smartphone being to old, but the WCG app is on averaging taking 37MB RAM. I really don't want to run collatz on it :)
15) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 64384
Posted 20 Sep 2015 by cristipurdel
When comparing the BOINC app with the NativeBOINC, there are some features that are missing:

1. Option for "Set up hostname", which is useful especially if using bam with a lot of android devices (in my case more than 10)

2. RAM management. In NativeBOINC I am running WCG FAAH which in theory needs 250 MB, but actually needs around 40 MB. The BOINC app checks if the mobile device has 250 MB available (in my case on an old Samsung Galaxy 1, with 370MB RAM, out of which 185MB is used for system), and if it does not comply, will not start the project app. I find the NativeBOINC implementation (or workaround) the best option for RAM constrained devices.
16) Message boards : Promotion : Annual Windows phone BOINC inquiry
Message 63888
Posted 28 Aug 2015 by cristipurdel
If it can also be used on the gpu it will be a game changer.
17) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 63439
Posted 8 Aug 2015 by cristipurdel
I would like to see an option to limit the GPU CU based on percentage, like it is done for CPUs for supporting GPUs, see Asynchronous Shading from and my post from 23 Oct 2012 :P
18) Message boards : Android : Running on Android GPU
Message 63075
Posted 15 Jul 2015 by cristipurdel
Another option would be to run OpenCL apps only for specific devices, like the ones from

For OpenCL detection there are a few apps which do this in google play store, but it would be better if boinc does this automatically
19) Message boards : BOINC client : Windows 10 Phone
Message 62172
Posted 15 May 2015 by cristipurdel
Did someone tested if it works without no issues?

I am more interested if it works also on the GPU, if there are no issues with the openCL GPU detection.

My understanding was that Win 10 Mobile should be the same for phones as it is for desktops, so they should be almost identical :)
20) Message boards : Questions and problems : Raspberry Pi 2
Message 62156
Posted 13 May 2015 by cristipurdel
Hi, just saw your post.

If you managed to run wcg on RBP2, which OS did you use and how long does it take to finish a WU?

Next 20

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