Posts by Rasputin42

1) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe (Message 67182)
Posted 25 Jan 2016 by Rasputin42
Seti is back!
2) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe (Message 67163)
Posted 25 Jan 2016 by Rasputin42
It went down 05.10UTC-for what it's worth.
3) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe (Message 67119)
Posted 24 Jan 2016 by Rasputin42
Or a power outage.
But the snow storm was not in that corner of the usa.
4) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe (Message 67115)
Posted 24 Jan 2016 by Rasputin42
Hopefully not for long.
5) Message boards : Projects : Bitcoin Utopia not science project (Message 54892)
Posted 15 Jul 2014 by Rasputin42
I think, it should be banned.
Nothing to do with science, just money.

600 users making 90% of ALL BOINC CREDITS????
How can this be right?
6) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53891)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Thanks, Richard.
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53889)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
On an other matter:
Is there a simple explanation, why finished tasks are uploaded, and then need to be reported, speratly?
Why is the successful upload not the same as reporting it?
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53885)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Do not get upset.
I am just trying to highlight a possible loophole for cheating on credits.
It is nice, that you are checking on other projects threads about this.
regards Rasputin42
9) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53881)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Sorry Juha,
my mistake.
10) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53880)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Thanks Josh,
It would just keep whatever benchmark values it had, before it was disabled?
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53879)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
The conclusion is, that no matter what, there would never be a period longer than 5 days without a benchmark, unless boinc is not running at the due time.In that case it would do a benchmark at start up.
Is this correctly phrased?
12) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53876)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
So, if i leave boinc running forever(no up/downgrade), it will never do a benchmark, if the last benchmark was less than 5 days, before i started the endless boinc?
13) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53874)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
What about , if i do a manual benchmark.
Case 3) would interest me.
14) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53873)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Thanks, Guys.
15) Message boards : Questions and problems : Benchmarks (Message 53869)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Rasputin42
Does anyone know, how boinc decides, when to run the benchmark test?
I do not need all details, just a rough idea.
16) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks are not started with shortest deadline first (Message 43160)
Posted 25 Mar 2012 by Rasputin42
Thanks for the reply.
There is simply no scenario, where it is more effective to calculate the tasks with the shortest deadline first.
Prove me wrong.
17) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks are not started with shortest deadline first (Message 43155)
Posted 25 Mar 2012 by Rasputin42
Yes, it is 24/7/52.
That is beside the point.

Important is , that the way boinc picks the next task is wrong.
If there are too many tasks with a short deadline,some tasks will miss the deadline.However running several tasks partially is stupid, as, if they cannot be finished in time, they will not get any credits.
If a task reaches the deadline, without being started,it will expire and i would not have wasted any computing time.
If boinc just runs the tasks with the shortest dealine first and finishes it, before starting the next one, is the only reasonable way.
18) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks are not started with shortest deadline first (Message 43072)
Posted 16 Mar 2012 by Rasputin42
Thanks Ageless.
I appreciate your response.
Has the project any influence of of the urgency of any task?
Boinc is running 24/7/365.
I usually restart every week or two.
(not including power cuts)
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks are not started with shortest deadline first (Message 43067)
Posted 16 Mar 2012 by Rasputin42
I am just trying to understand, how boinc determines, which task to start next.
There does not seem to be any any logic to that at all.
Would it not be a good idea, to start a task with the shortest deadline first?
So, if i am only running seti tasks, why is i picking a task with a deadline one month down the road instead of one that has a deadline of 6 days (given same run times for the tasks?
If you know, how boinc works out, which task to pick next please let me know.

High priority mode has its own problems.
If tasks do go to high priority mode, there is no understandable system to it, that i can see.
For example, it starts a task in high priority, runs it to 90% or so, and starts the next task of the same project in high priority mode and so on and so on.
Ending up with a lot of partially finished tasks of the same project (switching between tasks set to a very high value) and this with no further tasks downloading.
In which universe does that make sense?
20) Message boards : Questions and problems : I'd like to build the ideal BOINC computer (Message 43050)
Posted 16 Mar 2012 by Rasputin42
First step:
What do you want to achieve?
Are interested in only some specific projects or are you interested to get the most credits?
Are you interested in a better world ( drug research, clean energy etc.)
Or mathematical ( prime numbers, whatever they are good for)
or other things (like exploring the universe (mikyway, einstein,seti)

Next 20

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