Posts by Nuno Dias

1) Message boards : Questions and problems : Confusing system for setting GPU process priority discrimination (Message 73339)
Posted 15 Oct 2016 by Nuno Dias
Yes, that's a nice baseline explanation to have. Thanks.

In a crunching machine I don't mind if the Boinc processes have low priority, since the machine isn't doing anything else anyways.

What I would like is for GPU tasks to have higher CPU priority than CPU-only tasks. And at the same time keep the overall performance high, meaning without wasting idle CPU cycles just because one process needs to be prioritized. Is this possible?
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : Confusing system for setting GPU process priority discrimination (Message 73142)
Posted 8 Oct 2016 by Nuno Dias
I'm trying to do some optimizations in a system crunching with CPU and GPU. I'm running v7.6.32 on Ubuntu 14. I dig around a bit and tested a few combinations. There are 2 files that seem to be important: cc_config.xml and /etc/default/boinc-client.

If I just change the default -1 value in cc_config.xml for
<process_priority>N</process_priority>, <process_priority_special>N</process_priority_special>
to say 2 and 4, nothing happens (btw, -1 is not listed as an option in

I would also need to edit /etc/default/boinc-client to something like this
BOINC_NICE_CLIENT=-10 (default was 10)
BOINC_NICE_CLIENT=-5 (default was 19)

This way I could see the CPU priority of processes using GPU having a higher priority, keeping CPU only processes at 'normal'.

If I just edit /etc/default/boinc-client without editing cc_config.xml nothing happens and priority for all boinc app processes remains 'very low'.

Could this be made more simple?

Also I haven't tested and I'm not sure if changing to SCHEDULE="0" would actually make any difference.

At this point it also seems that the priority level can change to some lower priority setting sometimes, but I haven't been able to find a pattern so far.

What I can say so far is that for Collatz GPU the performance seems to be pretty much the same in my system, after the change. On the other hand, the global CPU load goes down to around 85% from previous 95%. I'm testing with other longer GPU projects/tasks for a day or two to check if those other projects would benefit from this higher priority setting.

I was wondering if someone here could pitch in with any useful experience or information. Thanks.
3) Message boards : GPUs : Ubuntu+fglrx+repository (Message 68179)
Posted 8 Mar 2016 by Nuno Dias
Hi, thanks for the reply. I'll have a look in more detail later.

A quick reply would be I installed the system this weekend. All versions are the most recent, Ubuntu is 14 LTS and BOINC came from offical repo (no ppa). The GPU is a R9 Fury X and I got the recommended .deb file for that card from the AMD website (should be 15.12).

You're basically saying that this detection problem shouldn't happen anymore with an updated version from the Ubuntu repo? Or do I have to install another version from ppa? Honestly I'd prefer a simple solution I can do manually than starting to add ppas to the system.

It was also not clear from your post, if just add 'my_user' to boinc group, it will be able to find the GPU? Or is that a required step?
4) Message boards : GPUs : Ubuntu+fglrx+repository (Message 68166)
Posted 7 Mar 2016 by Nuno Dias

I installed Boinc from repo and the fglrx drivers, that seem to be working.
BOINC is not detecting the GPU though.

I read the stickied posts here and I still have a couple of questions.

- restarting BOINC doesn't help. I have sucessfully applied this solution to another machine running CUDA, but not this one
- this tip xhost local:boinc &> /dev/null in the /etc/init.d/boinc-client file didn't work (if this is a rock-solid solution, maybe I did something wrong?)
- changing the BOINC user from 'boinc' to 'my_user' made the manager unable to connect. I'd like to keep that working to easily monitor and manage BOINC

- So the 'boinc' user created by the repo installation cannot see the AMD drivers. The simlink solution posted is for a compiled version, would it also work for a repo version? How?

- How can I propagate the fglrx driver configuration that works for my user account to 'boinc' user account as well? Wouldn't this be the most elegant solution?


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