Posts by bdice

1) Message boards : Projects : Announcing BMG@Home - Seeking Testers & Volunteers for Bulk Metallic Glass Simulations! (Message 67995)
Posted 25 Feb 2016 by bdice
Hi Dr Who Fan! Thanks for your reply. The x86 version is still in progress and I don't think it is working at the moment. I apologize for your trouble, I thought I had disabled the x86 version because of earlier problems during testing.

I will look into your problem and follow up with further information on the thread on the BMG@Home forums.
2) Message boards : Projects : Announcing BMG@Home - Seeking Testers & Volunteers for Bulk Metallic Glass Simulations! (Message 67982)
Posted 24 Feb 2016 by bdice
Hello! I am an undergraduate researcher who has re-designed a molecular dynamics simulation code to run through BOINC. This project simulates the formation of Bulk Metallic Glass, a material stronger than most steels and as elastic as most polymers. Bulk metallic glasses have applications in everything from damage-resistant smartphones to bio-compatible glucose monitors for diabetics. However, there exist challenges in designing optimal bulk metallic glasses and understanding the ways that their bulk properties relate to their micro-scale formation. This project, performed in collaboration with Yale University's O'Hern group, aims to gain greater fundamental understanding of these materials. I am seeking testers and volunteers to help with this computation.

The project URL is:

At present, this project is only designed for Windows x64.

If you can point me to other places to seek testers, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

If you want to know more about the science, you can read our recent paper:
3) Message boards : Server programs : Python assimilator with multiple upload files. (Message 65008)
Posted 21 Oct 2015 by bdice
I added a couple functions to get the full list of output files. The first function uses some of the same approach as the filepath resolver in the default script, but this function gets the full filename so that I can read the file in another function. The second function returns a dictionary where the keys are the "open names" specified in the template XML and the values are the absolute paths. I use these key/value pairs to perform specific actions on each file, based on its "open name."

import boinc_path_config
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from assimilator import Assimilator

    def get_absolute_path(self, name):
        fanout = int(self.config.uldl_dir_fanout)
        hashed = self.filename_hash(name, fanout)
        updir = self.config.upload_dir
        result = os.path.join(updir,hashed,name)
        return result
    def get_multiple_file_paths(self, canonical_result):
        result_files = dict()
        rootxml = ET.fromstringlist(['<root>', canonical_result.xml_doc_in, '</root>'])
        resultxml = rootxml.find('result')
        for file_ref in resultxml.iter('file_ref'):
            file_name = file_ref.find('file_name').text
            open_name = file_ref.find('open_name').text
            result_files[open_name] = self.get_absolute_path(file_name)
        return result_files
4) Message boards : Server programs : Python assimilator with multiple upload files. (Message 64679)
Posted 5 Oct 2015 by bdice
Hello! I am a long-time fan of BOINC and have recently begun using it for my own scientific research in computational materials science.

I am developing my result assimilator program in Python using the model My client software is uploading multiple files to the project/upload/ directory, but I don't know how to locate them all when using the Python assimilator.

My assimilate_handler function looks like this:

 def assimilate_handler(self, wu, results, canonical_result):
        This method is called for each workunit (wu) that needs to be
        processed. A canonical result is not guarenteed and several error
        conditions may be present on the wu. Call report_errors(wu) when
        overriding this method.

        Note that the -noinsert flag (self.noinsert) must be accounted for when
        overriding this method.
            f = open('log.txt', 'a+')
            f.write(' %s\n' %
            for r in results:
                f.write(' *result: %s\n' % Assimilator.get_file_path(self, r))
            if canonical_result is not None:
                f.write(' *has canonical_result: %s\n' % canonical_result)
            f.write('wu.__dict__: %s\n\n' % str(wu.__dict__))

Unfortunately, when outputting the results, I get this: PROJECTNAME-a965a898c8e74af17240b1a80aad6356-1444013135
 *result: /var/lib/PROJECTNAME/project/upload/293/PROJECTNAME-a965a898c8e74af17240b1a80aad6356-1444013135_0_0
 *result: /var/lib/PROJECTNAME/project/upload/89/PROJECTNAME-a965a898c8e74af17240b1a80aad6356-1444013135_1_0

Both of those are the first uploaded file, duplicated twice (the jobs automatically run twice for error-checking/validation, I assume). How could I find the paths to the other files, which end in _0_1, _0_2, etc.? I know that they're hidden in other directories in project/upload/, but I'm not sure how to retrieve them.

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