Info | Message |
1) Message boards : Questions and problems : Can the "slots" folder in the Data directory be located on a seperate drive?
Message 112575 Posted 23 Aug 2023 by Erich56 |
I know that the complete BOINC Data directory (containing, among others, die "slots" folder) can be transferred to a different drive by modifying the "DATADIR" entry in the Windows registry. Can anyone tell me whether there is a way to put the "slots" folder only onto a different drive (e.g. Ramdisk)? |
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : "job cache full" due to indicated unrealistic high remaining runtimes of GPUGRID Python tasks
Message 109980 Posted 4 Oct 2022 by Erich56 |
For about a week, I have the following problem when trying to crunch GPUGRID Python tasks on one of my hosts which consists of: 2 CPUs Xeon E5 8-core / 16-HT each. 1 GPU Quadro P5000 128 GB Ramdisk 128 GB system memory until about 10 days ago, I ran 2 Pythons simultaneously (with a setting in the app_config.xml: 0.5 gpu usage) without any problems. Now, while only 1 Python is running and I push the update button on the BOINC manager for fetching another Python, the BOINC event log tells me that no Pythons are available. Which is not the case though, as the server status page shows plenty unsent tasks for download; besides, I can download such tasks on another PC. So I tried to download tasks from other GPU projects, and in all cases the event log says: not requesting tasks: don't need (CPU; NVIDIA GPU: job cache full). In the BOINC computing preferences, I then set the "store at least work" to the maximum possible of 10 days, and under "store up to an additional" also 10 days. However, this did not solve the problem. There is about 94GB free space on the Ramdisk, and some 150GB free system RAM. So, what I noticed then was that "job cache full" is obviously preventing more downloads: a running Python, due to it's technical nature, shows remaing runtimes of 30 days, 60 days or even more - and this causes "job cache full" :-( Which does not reflect the reality though, because a Python, on this host, finishes after about 24 hours. Before, like on my other machines, remaining runtime for Pythons was indicated as 1-2 days. So, at some point something unknown must have happened, letting the runtimes jump up that drastically only on this one of my several hosts (in fact, another host whith a smaller GPU, right now, after a runtime of several hours, shows a remaining runtime of about 24 hours). I posted this problem in the GPUGRID forum already; members confirmed that due to the technical nature of the Python tasks, such unrealistic "remaining time" indications are shown in the BOINC manager; so, obviously in some cases that's normal what concerns the GPUGRID Python tasks. One member was even talking about 157 remaining days (!) shown on his host (while the tasks in fact finish far below 24 hours). With the generous hardware ressources of this host, I would like to crunch 2 Python tasks simulteaneously in any case (like I am doing it on another host with less hardware ressources). Can anyone help me to get out of this problem? Is there any possiblity to tweak the values or whatever? In the GPUGRID forum, so far I could not get any advice. |
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC not working with data directory on USB 3.0 disk ?
Message 104227 Posted 1 May 2021 by Erich56 |
Jord, it's exactly as you say - there are quite a number of different subtypes of USB3 ports. I first connected the external drive, which is USB3.0, to these ports at the rear of the case, i.e. to the motherboard directly. This did not work, though - I couldn' even get the curser moved. So I connected it to a port on fhe front of the case, called "USB3.0". The downside is, that this port is not part of the motherboard, but rather connected to it via internal cable. So my guess is that for this reason the connection simply is not stable enough for BOINC. What I decided this morning was to install Primo RAMDisk, with which I had working already on another PC several years ago. This new PC has 64GB RAM inside, so it's perfect for RAMDisk. An in fact, it works excellently :-) |
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC not working with data directory on USB 3.0 disk ?
Message 104214 Posted 30 Apr 2021 by Erich56 |
Depending on operating system, make sure the USB ports/controller don't go into power saving mode after N, I was even not aware that there is a setting for this. The OS is Windows 10 Pro. Where do I find this setting? I see the USB Controller in the Device Manager, but no such settings. |
5) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC not working with data directory on USB 3.0 disk ?
Message 104211 Posted 30 Apr 2021 by Erich56 |
In order not to overtax my SSD with the current stress test project from WordCommunityGrid, I decided to do what I had done already a few years ago when I participated in a project with enormous amounts of data written to the SSD: I shifted BOINC over to an external USB3-disk. And that worked out very well (although I had to accept the lower speed, of course) However, this time it did not seem to work. The BOINC manager gets disconnected every few minutes and needs to get reconnected manually. So I must consider this approach as failed, as sorry as I am for my SSD. Or does anyone here have any idea what's going wrong and what I could do to get the thing run properly? |
6) Message boards : Questions and problems : Error 2718. Missing package name for product code '{B3B5C017-61CD-4587-9FA8-7E5E2D94810E}
Message 103768 Posted 31 Mar 2021 by Erich56 |
...Richard, you made my day :-) The upgrade to 7.16.11 worked perfect! Thanks you so much for your quick help, best regards |
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : Error 2718. Missing package name for product code '{B3B5C017-61CD-4587-9FA8-7E5E2D94810E}
Message 103765 Posted 31 Mar 2021 by Erich56 |
On one of my PCs, long time ago I had installed BOINC 7.6.22 this way: Program Directory in Drive C:\ (SSD) and Data Directory in Drive D:\ (HDD). Now the HDD gave up. So I decided to download and install the latest version 7.16.11, completely on Drive C:\ As expected, I could not simply install the new version over the old one. So I tried to run the uninstall routine, which did not work either (obviously simply because there was no access to drive D:\ any more). So I deleted some BOINC-related files in the windows explorer of Drive C:\ manually, but many of them could not be deleted. So I opened the registry and deleted everything related to BOINC. After restarting the PC and beginning with the installation of 7.16.11, I got an error notice saying Error 2718. Missing package name for product code '{B3B5C017-61CD-4587-9FA8-7E5E2D94810E} As this looked like a registry entry I suspected that while deleting BOINC-related data from the registry before, I inadvertantly deleted something else which I should not have deleted. So I restored the registry and tried again to install 7.16.11. However, the same error message is showing up again. So obviously this does not have anything to do with the registry. However, I now have no idea how I can install BOINC. What does "Missing package" mean in this context? Hope that anyone here can help, thanks in advance[/url] |
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : can the "TdrLevel" check be switched off?
Message 87513 Posted 8 Aug 2018 by Erich56 |
In a forum someone pointed out that this may have to do with the TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery), part of the WDDM which is part of Windows Vista and later, but NOT XP. Hence, the advice I got was to "switch off" this feature in Windows10 by adding the following registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\GraphicsDrivers: QWord "TdrLevel" with value "0". This, so to say, imitates what I had in WindowsXP, i.e. NO Tdr at all. Edit: I now tried this registry entry as DWORD (vice QWORD as before), and after this, BOINC did NOT complain about any "unsuable GPU". So I am wondering whether DWORD or QWORD is correct. I have been told that 64-bit systems use QWORD. However, all the other entries I saw in this specific section of the registry were DWORD. Maybe the reason why BOINC doesn't complain about this DWORD entry is that it doesn't have any effect. No idea. |
9) Message boards : Questions and problems : can the "TdrLevel" check be switched off?
Message 87509 Posted 8 Aug 2018 by Erich56 |
Boinc version 7.12.1 (x64), OS: Windows10 Home. 2 GTX980ti. Intel i7-4930k, running @ 3.9GHz On a WinXP machine with which I have been crunching various BOINC projects for the past 2 1/2 years without any problems, I now installed Windows 10. When crunching GPU projects (any one) on Windows 10, it happens in irregular intervals (maybe after 1 hour, or after 8 hours, or at some time inbetween) that all of a sudden the monitor freezes, and crunching stopps. Neither keyboard nor mouse react any more, so all I can do is pushing the off-button on the PC and make a reboot. Then, the Windows event log under "system" shows the warning "the graphic driver nvlddmkm does no longer react and was restored". This notice shows up every 4 seconds, from the time on the crash happened until I switched off the PC. So if this happens during night and I notice it only next morning, this entry is logged a few thousand times. Under "details" it shows "eventID 4101", and under event data "nvlddmkm". In a forum someone pointed out that this may have to do with the TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery), part of the WDDM which is part of Windows Vista and later, but NOT XP. Hence, the advice I got was to "switch off" this feature in Windows10 by adding the following registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\GraphicsDrivers: QWord "TdrLevel" with value "0". This, so to say, imitates what I had in WindowsXP, i.e. NO Tdr at all. However, the problem is that once I add this registry entry and restart the PC and Boinc, Boinc tells me "no usable GPU found" in the event log. So, it seems that BOINC is making a check regarding presence or absence of TDR - is this correct? If so, is there a way to eliminate this check? |
10) Message boards : News : NSF funds new model for BOINC
Message 79075 Posted 17 Jun 2017 by Erich56 |
Not to be listened by boinc's admins is like a Dante's "contrappasso": gpugrid admins don't listen their volunteers. :-Pthis, unfortunately, is very true :-( One can observe this day by day when reading in their forum. |
11) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 75152 Posted 9 Jan 2017 by Erich56 |
today, I tried to re-activate ROSETTA which I was crunching last several months ago. However, the server is not accessible. The homepage not either :-( Can anyone tell me whether they have only a temporary outage, or whether the Rosetta project does no longer exist. |
12) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 75151 Posted 9 Jan 2017 by Erich56 |
Since 12:30 hours today, GPUGRID is back :-) |
13) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 75148 Posted 9 Jan 2017 by Erich56 |
GPU Grid is down. ...In fact, access problems startet on Jan. 7 evening. From Jan. 8 morning on, no access at all :-( |
14) Message boards : BOINC Manager : how to set snooze time for GPU?
Message 70481 Posted 26 Jun 2016 by Erich56 |
Going blind I would not know but a quick forum search reveals you can set gpu snoozing using boinccmd tool per referring to this part of the posting from your link: You can set it using a GUI RPC command, e.g. on my Windows machine: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinccmd.exe" --set_run_mode never 15 I have to do what exactly? |
15) Message boards : BOINC Manager : how to set snooze time for GPU?
Message 70468 Posted 26 Jun 2016 by Erich56 |
I think to remember that with a former version of BOINC, I was able to set the snooze time period (at that time, only for the CPU). Now I would like to set a certain snooze time period for the GPU, but I cannot find this anywhere in the Options (neither for CPU nor for GPU). Am I blind, or can such a setting no longer be made by the user? |
16) Message boards : Projects : GPUGRID down?
Message 69817 Posted 30 May 2016 by Erich56 |
Just because somebody is a wizard at protein binding energies, doesn't necessarily mean they're red hot at computer security! That's a problem which affects all small-staff BOINC projects. When I contacted them the other day with regard to a specific IT-technical matter, I was told that the only one who could look into that is out for the time being, and they don't know when he will be back. So let's hope that now someone else can fix the current problem. Otherwise, the GPUGRID servers may be down for quite a while :-( |
17) Message boards : Projects : GPUGRID down?
Message 69812 Posted 30 May 2016 by Erich56 |
Their website security certificate expired yes, earlier today I got messages to that effect, regardless of what browser I used. Later then, no connections were possible at all. Just too bad that they let the certificates expire :-( Should not happen |
18) Message boards : Projects : GPUGRID down?
Message 69808 Posted 30 May 2016 by Erich56 |
For several hours, I have not been able to open any GPUGRID page; also, no finished tasks can be uploaded, nor can any new tasks be downloaded. Any idea what happened to GPUGRID? |
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : How to update BOINC whithout losing all data in the data folder ?
Message 69759 Posted 26 May 2016 by Erich56 |
Yes, the only thing that the BOINC installer does (for Windows at least) is to remove the old BOINC program files (boinc.exe, boinmgr.exe, boinccmd.exe etc.) and libraries and then install the new ones. thx, worked out fine :-) |
20) Message boards : Questions and problems : How to update BOINC whithout losing all data in the data folder ?
Message 69755 Posted 26 May 2016 by Erich56 |
Sorry for my dumm question - I have been with BOINC long time, but whenever updates were available, I started "from scratch". Now on one of my PCs I should finally update from 7.6.9 to 7.6.22. But I have a lot of ongoing projects with WUs being crunched in the data folder ("Slots") and various app_config.xml in the "Projects" folders, as well as a "cc_config.xml" in the main BOINC data folder. I would guess that the update as such is only for the BOINC programm Folder, correct? Is there a way to only update the program part, and leave the data part as is? |
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