Posts by Es99

1) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 67751
Posted 14 Feb 2016 by ProfileEs99

Anyway, sometimes I have a return of my bronchitis, and the insurance company wants me to use a generic version of my penicillin replacement med, as I am allergic to penicillin. The generic version has "all the same ingredients as the original one" they say at the pharmacy, but they don't really, do they? Else you'd give me the original one and not a generic one. As there are differences in colouring, added substances and so fort. Perhaps that the actual medicine is the same, but everything around it isn't.

And so I show a really bad allergic reaction on the generic versions (there are three), which I don't have with the normal one. But each time I go to the pharmacy, I have to fight them again because they want to give me the generic one. And when you're already ill, it's no fun to have to fight someone deciding over you and your health that you should try these first before you're allowed to do the original one. ...

That's very true. My oldest son would just vomit up the generic suspension (which defeats the point of trying to give it to him) so I did have to ask the doctor to prescribe the brand name. That was just a matter of the flavour though. The active ingredient was still paracetamol. The doctor didn't make a big deal of it though.
2) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 67713
Posted 13 Feb 2016 by ProfileEs99
I thought everyone in the UK knew to buy the generic brands and not the name brands. Certainly when you have kids the doctor won't prescribe the name brand 'Calpol', but will prescribe the generic paracetamol (acetaminophen) suspension. As its been 15 years since I had a young baby, you can see that people have known about this for a long time.

I haven't bought name brand stuff since goodness knows how long.
3) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 67141
Posted 25 Jan 2016 by ProfileEs99
grrrrr and a long post .... grrrrrrrrrr

Don't worry, just assume you posted it and then I replied disagreeing with everything you said. It will save time. ;)
4) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66935
Posted 18 Jan 2016 by ProfileEs99
Note to self, don't mention you have enough to take your husband out to dinner or people will think you are 'flush' and start hitting you up for money.

*shakes head in wonderment*
5) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66931
Posted 18 Jan 2016 by ProfileEs99

The first thing is to draw up a list of proposed changes for discussion and agreement, that is maybe something you could take on? The next stage is to find out how many man-hours it could take to implement, and therefore the approximate cost. Perhaps ES99 could look into that aspect?

Nope. I have enough on my plate without people volunteering me for anything else.
If it turns out that it will take hundreds of man-hours costing many thousands of dollars, then the money could probably be better spent elsewhere. If it is a reasonable sum then yes, I would be prepared to donate something towards it, perhaps as ES99 is flush at the moment she could add something to the pot.

Who said I was flush? This is your idea Chris, please don't drag me into it. It will probably cost thousands of dollars and lots of man hours, I suggest you look into it before making suggestions for what other people can and cannot do.
6) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66908
Posted 17 Jan 2016 by ProfileEs99
This was an instance where the moderator concerned asked for a six hour cooling off period only

The moderator was wrong. Which is why I did what I did. They should have been over-ruled.

If we thought they were wrong, we would have done so.

We have to work with the way the system was set up.

No you don't!!! For Lords sake are you men or mice?

Quite a few of us are neither.

but I do not suspect it would be quick or easy to change.

But that is no reason not to try is it?

It really isn't a priority for the project and certainly not a good use of their time.

I wouldn't be a seti Mod if you paid me $10 million a year. But I would pay the project $1000 a year for the privilege of being Fred. But it won't happen, so mass resignations won't be needed.

It certainly won't happen, not considering your current state of mind. However, seeing as you are so keen to flash your money about and have the code fixed, why don't you offer to pay someone to recode the forum rather than use it to try and bribe people into doing things your way?

I would agree with this wholeheartedly. Some out there may think the mods act on their own, the current team go to great lengths to try and be fair, we don't just hide post and ban people without discussion, and we can and do ask Fred's advice.

Thank you for that, and I hope Mark S is listening.

Hypothetically of course ...

I hope you are listening too. Perhaps you should look to the beam in your own eye for a change.
7) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66868
Posted 16 Jan 2016 by ProfileEs99
I have been told that when, perhaps, one starts losing the argument, one struggles and flails a bit.
And has Angela in the forums.

She is losing her breath, and has banned me yet again for simple infractions,.

More than I are calling for her head.

Cute idea, the lead sci man having his dear modding.
She is far too left to mod anybody.

Sad episode in modding history...go now, Angela. Run..............

Angela didn't ban you.

Now take a short rest, and come back in a better frame of mind. No one wants to see you go on a longer vacation than necessary.
8) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66505
Posted 29 Dec 2015 by ProfileEs99
Hello Chris and Es99...

Anyone see that giant squid video they are showing on tv?

I didn't realise they could survive in shallow water.
9) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66499
Posted 29 Dec 2015 by ProfileEs99
Darn it. I finally get a minute to sit down and look through the forums....and its Tuesday!

Another time perhaps.
10) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 66079
Posted 13 Dec 2015 by ProfileEs99
And you are all correct to call me out on my rant.
Although I am sure that you all know me by now and my history of excessive bluster, given the nature of recent worldwide events, it was indeed inappropriate.

I've nothing to add to this as so many other people have told you exactly what they think about your excesses and one would hope you have got the message by now.

On a more positive note, I just read the amazing news from Es99 about the miraculous return of her beloved Sauron kitty!!! A Christmas miracle indeed. Although I had sent many prayers for her return, like Es, I had also given up hope after her being gone for so long. I am overjoyed for Es and her family.
That news gave a flood of happiness and warmth to the ol' kittyman's heart.

Thank you, Mark. I know you wished hard for her safe return. Its amazing news and a total shock to have her home so suddenly. We got a phone call yesterday morning and within an hour Sauron was back in our arms. She's the same old mischievous cat, but a little older and fatter.
11) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 65005
Posted 20 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
s' up

Took all my empty cans to the bottle depot this morning and I've never seen it so busy. Its almost as if everyone in the area had a massive party last night.
12) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 65000
Posted 20 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
There was some program on the history channel last month and they said it isn't California that we should be worried about but rather Oregon/Washington region that would most like have the next major quake.

Can't remember the name of the program but they said the fault line in that region was more likely to have a major displacement .

Oh that would be a subduction event on the Juan de Fuca plate. Yes, much of the world would need to worry about that tsunami. I'm sure measurable in the Thames.

The odd thing is that the tsunami would barely affect Puget Sound they think. Our greater concerns are earthquakes and Mt. Rainier erupting, that would probably take out Tacoma with the lahars.

I would be sad to see anything happen to the Outlet mall in Tulalip.
13) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64978
Posted 20 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
Canada just elected a new Prime Minster, and although he wasn't my first choice, for some reason I'm not that unhappy.

Complete Justin Trudeau Striptease Footage
14) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64871
Posted 13 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
At least you are not standing in raw sewage and the A/C is out with the humidity at 80% and the temperature headed towards 100F. At least the water cooler is working. Gosh I love work! Oh, is there and outrage going on? Happy outrage day all.

Sounds like you are going through sh*t right now.

Have fun.
15) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64736
Posted 7 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
Well, if it hangs around too long; you could always use a squirt gun and shoot it with water. It might run away then...

Actually, that's pretty much what happened. Mr 99 came home to find me trapped and terrified in the house by the angry squirrel and squirted it with the garden hose.
16) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64731
Posted 6 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99

It won't go away, and this picture doesn't convey just how angry this squirrel is. :(
17) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64730
Posted 6 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
You know its Tuesday when the riff-raff arrive.

I've a got a squirrel hanging on the wall outside my kitchen window going nuts. I think it decided my cat was a threat, so I've bought her inside until it gets over itself.
18) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64616
Posted 2 Oct 2015 by ProfileEs99
Happy Birthday, Jord!
19) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64539
Posted 30 Sep 2015 by ProfileEs99
I came in during the outrage, but I hadn't finished reading about Annie's biting when I was done with work and left.

Poor Annie. :( I do hope this isn't the start of the Zombie apocalypse.
20) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 64526
Posted 29 Sep 2015 by ProfileEs99
Not much meowin' going on here today.

I think everyone is so excited about finding water on Mars that they can't post.
Next 20

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