Posts by Hendrik B.

1) Message boards : Documentation : Links at VBoxApps wiki page outdated (Message 55769)
Posted 2 Sep 2014 by Hendrik B.
Done, updated to vboxwrapper 105

Thank you a lot Jord, the links work nicely again :)

2) Message boards : Documentation : Links at VBoxApps wiki page outdated (Message 55763)
Posted 1 Sep 2014 by Hendrik B.
Hey there,
Just a short note,
I noticed, that at the VBoxApps Wiki Page, if you go down to the "Premade vboxwrapper executables" I found, that some links to vboxwrappers, are outdated.
The newest vboxwrapper build in the "" folder of the server is: vboxwrapper_26105_XXX
But apparently the links are all going to vboxwrapper_26086_XXX-Versions.
As I personally discovered there are features missing in the vboxwrapper_26086_XXX-Versions, which are already mentioned on the wiki (as example the "enable_isocontextualization"-function), this is really bad.

So could someone please update the corresponding links to the newest versions and make sure, that they will stay updated, as the wiki changes?

3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Calculating the number of cores provided by a project (Message 55671)
Posted 28 Aug 2014 by Hendrik B.
Your suggestion worked nicely, thank you :)
I wrote a little python script to analyze the file from the Seti@home statistics for me.
The results were:
Inactive Computers: 119137
Total CPU's inactive: 452946
Active computers: 181761
Total CPU's active: 816959

It took a total time of 21 Minutes for the script to go through the 4GB File that Seti produces, but that is just okay.
As minimum for <expavg_credit> I used 1, is that as well the number that Boinc uses to produce it's statistics?

If anyone is interested, here is the code of the python script written for python 2.6.
It is really dirty and not a clean at all, but it does what it should and it does it relatively fast. (You will need to reinsert the tap-spaces, as the board removed them...)

import time

__author__ = 'Hendrik'

The script will only work with python 2.6.x or higher, but not with 3.x

This is a little script wirtten to read a host statistics file made by a boinc project.
It will find out how many logical cpu cores are considdered active (by a threshhold you can define for the "expavg_credit" value)
parameters are given over command line input.

Sorry this is really dirty and not clean writing at all...


import xml.sax as sax

class hostStatsReader(sax.handler.ContentHandler):

    def __init__(self):
        self.ergebnis = {}
        self.schluessel = ""
        self.wert = ""
        self.aktiv = None
        self.typ = None
        self.lines = 0
        global NumberLines, ReportLines
        self.allLines = NumberLines
        self.allLines = (self.allLines * 29) /30
        self.linesToReport = ReportLines

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if name == "host":
            self.schluessel = ""
            self.wert = ""
        elif name == "expavg_credit" or name == "ncpus":
            self.aktiv = name
            self.typ = eval("int")

    def endElement(self, name):
        self.lines += 1
        if (self.lines % self.linesToReport) == 0:
            percent = (self.lines * 1000) / self.allLines
            print "about " + str(self.lines) + " lines read. That are about " + str(percent) + " promill"
        if name == "host":
            self.ergebnis[self.schluessel] = self.typ(self.wert)
        elif name == "expavg_credit" or name == "ncpus":
            self.aktiv = None

    def characters(self, content):
        if self.aktiv == "expavg_credit":
            self.schluessel += content
        elif self.aktiv == "ncpus":
            self.wert += content

Threshhold = 1
FILE = "D:\Studium\CERN\BOINC\hostStatsReader\host_atlas"
NumberLines = 34637
#NumberLines = 104016628
ReportLines = 100000

FILE = input("Enter the name of the File (enclosed by quote signs): ")
NumberLines = int(input("Enter the number of lines the file has: "))
ReportLines = int(input("Enter after how many lines there should be a status update printed out (note, a lower number slows down the process significantly, choose at least 10000, for big projects choose about 100000 or more): "))
Threshhold = float(input("Enter the threshhold number for the  expavg_credit value (normaly 1): "))

handler = hostStatsReader()
parser = sax.make_parser()
start = time.clock()
stop = time.clock()
time = stop - start
print "Time for reading the File (in secs): " + str(time)

ergebnis = handler.ergebnis
activeComputers = 0
inactiveComputers = 0
totalCPUSactiv = 0
totalCPUSinactiv = 0
for item in ergebnis:
    if float(item) <= Threshhold:
        inactiveComputers += 1
        totalCPUSinactiv += int(ergebnis[item])
        activeComputers += 1
        totalCPUSactiv += int(ergebnis[item])

print "Active computers: " + str(activeComputers)
print  "total CPU's active: " + str(totalCPUSactiv)
print "Inactive Computers: " + str(inactiveComputers)
print  "total CPU's inactive: " + str(totalCPUSinactiv)

4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Calculating the number of cores provided by a project (Message 55636)
Posted 26 Aug 2014 by Hendrik B.
Thank you for your fast reply,
I would like to calculate the total number of cores of all computers active at one project at this moment or averaged over a decent time. But not only the number of work units that were send out, but rather how many cores are available to this project
The Host statistics files, which you mentioned gave me a good hint.
Although for seti@home the only way for me to find out something about the numbers of cores in the project were the host stats and the host CPU breakdown from . The problem on each of them is, that I would have to sum up huge amounts of numbers, by copy and pasting them into excel. Then I would get the total number of cores for all hosts ever registerd, but I would not find out, how many of those cores are actually considered active. Do you know how I could find that out?

5) Message boards : Questions and problems : Calculating the number of cores provided by a project (Message 55589)
Posted 26 Aug 2014 by Hendrik B.
Hi there,
In cloud computing the number of "logical cores" is often used to describe how much resources a certain system can deliver. I would like to compare some Boinc projects (as example Seti@home) to computing centers using this number.
Is there a way to get the total number of at the moment running logical cores for a Boinc project? (or a Number that is close to it)

So the question and answer that I would like to have from a Boinc project would be as example:
If I have two hosts actively running on a boinc project with one i7 (8 logical Cores) and one i5 (4 logical Cores) processor, the answer to the total number of actively running logical cores would be “12 logical Cores”.

Is there some way to actually do this calculation for Boinc projects?

Thank you in advance,

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