Posts by Drago75

1) Message boards : Questions and problems : Intel Alder Lake CPU not using P-cores? (Message 110600)
Posted 30 Nov 2022 by Drago75
ok, meanwhile I tried to manually asign individual tasks to the p-cores via the task manager which worked! The tasks assigned to the p-cores ran a lot faster, unfortunatetly the whole cpu got throttled down all the way to 2000 Mhz slowing all the others. All core temperatures were kept at 67 degrees C and the fan went into silent mode. So far I couldn*t find a way to fire it up as MSI center doesn*t seem to have any effect on fans or cpu frequency on this laptop. The BIOS doesn´t offer fan control either. Man, this is frustrating! The Alder Lakes seem to be no good for BOINC unless maybe under Linux they perform better,
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : Intel Alder Lake CPU not using P-cores? (Message 110597)
Posted 30 Nov 2022 by Drago75
That would be sad! To leave half of it`s computing power unused... I can`t imagine that any OS would be that cpu demanding, Those Intel cpus seem to do quite well in gaming, surely they don`t run the latest games on the small cores only to reserve all the p-cores to perform Windows updates in the background,
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Asteroids@home (Message 110592)
Posted 30 Nov 2022 by Drago75
You can also limit the CPU's frequency to keep the temp down. First of all if you are using the PC only for BOINC consider turning off the Gaming Mode or any setting in the BIOS which allows boosting CPU performance. If you are using Windows you can use MSI Center to manually lower the CPU frequency if still necessary. If you are using Linux use "Cpupower-gui" which is available in the software library for download, so no sudo-ing. :-)
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Intel Alder Lake CPU not using P-cores? (Message 110591)
Posted 30 Nov 2022 by Drago75
Just got a Laptop with an i7-1280P (6 P-cores, 8 E-cores), hyperthreading capable, together 20 threads running Windows 10. When I start BOINC on it the following happens: BOINC starts 20 tasks at once and all cores start running. After a few seconds the P-cores go back to idle while the 20 tasks seem to be handled all by the 8 E-cores which leads to really long calculation times and the E-cores are on the virge of overheating. When I reduce the number of tasks to 16 they get handled ok by the E-cores and the temps come down to around 75 degrees. My question is, does anybody know how to give the P-cores some work, too?
5) Message boards : News : BOINC in Retrospect (Message 109126)
Posted 9 Jul 2022 by Drago75
It is sad to read that the original idea of BOINC did not work out as expected. What I don't get are the security concerns potential project owners may have concerning their data being run on private home pcs. Since there is a quorum on the results on a randomly chosen different pc it would be next to impossible to sneak in any fake positive result. Surely the most promising candidates for further research would be run again on their own hosts just to make sure. In terms of data security BOINC works very much like the TOR network If they would trust their data on one of the big cloud computing companies such as Microsoft or Amazon instead they must realize that those companies have the potential to read out all the data being run on their systems. It is a question if the data really gets encrypted as they claim. Those companies are also valuable targets for hackers.

If open to public research is difficult to continue maybe it is time to think about offering a payed service which would work similar to a cloud computing company. Of course it had to be a lot cheaper than the competition. Maybe a small incentive to the crunchers in Gridcoin or whatever. Doesn't have to much as most of us crunch only for stars (thank you Sebastien!) and badges anyway.

Maybe more drug makers could be convinced to use BOINC for their developments if they don't have to publish their results. In return they could agree to sell any new drug which was discovered through BOINC at a reduced price.

Anyway thank you David so far for so many years of dedication to the project!

6) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107464)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Boinc crashes with every change I do to the work cache. Even when I change it from 0.1 + 0 days to 0.2 + 0 days on the devices. The website settings are always set to 0.1 + 0 but as I learned they are ignored anyway on Android.
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107447)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Hey Jord. Ok I will report that like you said.

Does nobody else have that problem?

Cheers to you all…
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107436)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Richard, the device I checked requested a scheduler update every 70 seconds but this may have been also because I had deactivated new work four days ago to get the work queue down. It was an Einstein device. I installed Universe and it downloaded 67 wu's at once and no new requests in the last 10 minutes. It leaves the device sitting with 167 wu's in the queue total so maybe that is the new target now. Maybe I have to deplete the queue completely before asking for new work.

Who Fan, I did as you said and edited and saved the online settings of those two projects and activated new work on several devices which still have a lot of work in the pipeline. No new work as of now. Maybe that's a good sign.

The problem of the crashes when changing the work cache remains on all devices. Some are 7.16.16., most are 7.18.1. My hope is that that goes away after WCG starts to send out work again.
9) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107433)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Since WCG Scheduler is missing / offline...
Just a wild guess could BOINC be trying to retrieve the default "web based" scheduler settings from WCG, thus causing the crash?

Does he have local BOINC override settings on his devices?

Hey Dr Who Fan! I don't use local settings on my devices as I wouldn't know how to. You got me thinking it started happening around the moment when WCG stopped sending work so maybe it is related to them. Just changed some settings of the event log like Richard proposed. If that comes out a dead end I will detach from WCG on one device to see if that changes things. Thank you guys!
10) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107432)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Hey Richard. No, I didn't write an app_config file under Android. :-)

The behaviour you discribe is pretty accurate. After the first batch of wu's got downloaded about a minute later there is the next one. That keeps going until my S8's are loaded with 700 wu's and my S9's with around 1000. It happens with Einstein and Universe. Have you tried changing the work cache on your tablet to see if it happens to you, too? Ok, I will have a look at the event log settings to see if that helps...
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107425)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Update: This also happens on my Odroid running Android and Boinc 7.18.1. This device didn't receive any OS update so far, yet Boinc crashes now if I try to change the work buffer setting. After a couple of times it finally accepts them but they seem to be ignored.
12) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107424)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Hey Dave. Yes the additional work buffer is 0. Until february I never had problems with changes in the work buffer. What may have happened is that the last Android update provided by Samsung somehow has let to the BOINC buffer settings not being taken into account anymore. This is a strange behaviour and it happens on ALL of my devices.
13) Message boards : Questions and problems : Android, getting too many wu's to handle in time (Message 107421)
Posted 17 Mar 2022 by Drago75
Shortly before WCG went on hold I increased the work cache on my phones to 7 days. After there was no more new work I reduced the cache to 0.1 days again. All 16 phones with BOINC 18.1 installed showed the same behaviour. The BOINC App crashed after the change, had to do it again, crashed again, the phones offered to close the app and restart it. After the restart the cache showed 0.1 days correctly but when asking work for other projects like Einstein and Universe I got hundreds of wu's on each phone which would correspond more to the previous seven days of cache. On Einstein that leads to a lot of aborted wu's because they were not started in time. On one phone I reinstalled Boinc but the behaviour is the same. Does anyone know why that is?
14) Message boards : News : Android client version 7.18.1 released. (Message 105514)
Posted 29 Sep 2021 by Drago75
I installed the new Android client version 18 on two of my phones. They work fine but progress on WUprop is no longer recorded. The others with the previous version get logged properly. Could there be some compatibility issue?
15) Message boards : GPUs : How to increase GPU performance? (Message 102959)
Posted 10 Feb 2021 by Drago75
Before I tried to fiddle with the settings by writing xml files I tried a simpler approach and tested my GPU with Einstein. On their settings page you can simply allow several WU at once to your GPU. The outcome was that my GPU still didn't go higher than 5% usage and the temperature remained at 53 degress although it crunshed two WU's at the same time. On the other hand it took more than twice as long so nothing to be gained there. I just wonder what those pros with high-end graphics cards do differently. They always claim that they run three or even four WU's at the same time. Maybe they just didn't realize that the calculations take longer that way or they have a trick up their sleeves how to avoid that. Curious...
Thanks Richard
16) Message boards : GPUs : How to increase GPU performance? (Message 102956)
Posted 10 Feb 2021 by Drago75
Thanks for your replay, Richard. Unfortunately I am not an expert on GPU programming. I was just wondering if maybe I could run 2 WU at the same time like I have read in several other posts but they never explain in detail how they achieved that.
17) Message boards : GPUs : How to increase GPU performance? (Message 102954)
Posted 10 Feb 2021 by Drago75
Hello everyone. I am running a GTX 1660 AMP under Windows 10. When I run projects like Number fields the GPU runs only at a small percentage of it's potential. According to Windows task manager at 5% at 52 degrees C. Is there a way of increasing throughput? I have tried to run a BOINC project and a Folding at home process simultaniously which does increase the percentage of use and the temperature but it also slows down both processes.
18) Message boards : Android : BOINC projects running under Android 10 (Message 101052)
Posted 11 Oct 2020 by Drago75
I am trying to do the same, but how can you set the prefernces on your phone to constantly run 4 rosetta tasks and 4 WCG? I couldn`t find that option on the phone or do you have to use that setting on the website so these settings are used globally on all of your gadgets? I would prefer to only set up my Huawei P20 that way because it runs into major heat issues. My Galaxy S8 (android 8) is running a full set of 8 tasks at once and it gives me on average 17 results on WCG per day if I let it run continously. It is actively cooled, all cpu cores run close to 100% and the temperature is always around 35 degrees C.
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : elapsed time is misleading (Message 101040)
Posted 10 Oct 2020 by Drago75
I changed the setting like you said with cpu's to 70% and cpu computing time to 100% resulting in a reduction of 3 tasks to a total of 5 at the same time. Unfortunatetly the remaining cores heat up to about 80 degrees celsius which is way too hot for continous work so I had to revert to the old settings.

With this I am asking for a change in the BOINC manager to show the elapsed and remaining times counting continously irrespective of cpu times setting.The way it is at the moment it is just confusing!
20) Message boards : Questions and problems : elapsed time is misleading (Message 101038)
Posted 10 Oct 2020 by Drago75
I used the advanced local settings. You mean to reduce the number of cores involved in the calculation. Got ya!

Next 20

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