Posts by anniet

21) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90218
Posted 22 Feb 2019 by anniet
I was going to elevate my nose at you, but
it's likely to interfere with some equipment
so I've put it on my to-do list instead... and
yes. Immeasurably so :)

That is a very pretty waterfall! Thanks for
the link, WK :)
22) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 90216
Posted 22 Feb 2019 by anniet
If it's any consolation, my work fetch blunder
of Tuesday is turning into a much happier
event than it felt at the time. Yes :)

I don't usually have more than 9 Einstein tasks
in progress, but as of 7 this morning, I still had
84 yet to start.

One of the h1 cpu tasks did somehow upload
and report itself midst the carnage of others
that didn't though. I'm not sure what time
that was, although my head is saying it was
around 11pm.
23) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90189
Posted 21 Feb 2019 by anniet
amnesia can be really useful someti-... Insomnia can be really useful sometimes, because I've just found my phone charger :)

Good morning world.
24) Message boards : The Lounge : These may not be with us long.
Message 90187
Posted 20 Feb 2019 by anniet
Tanzania court sentences 'Ivory Queen' to 15 years in prison

A Chinese businesswoman labelled the "Ivory Queen" has been sentenced to 15 years in prison by a Tanzanian judge for smuggling the tusks of more than 350 elephants.

Conservationists welcomed Yang's conviction, saying it was proof of the government's seriousness in the fight against wildlife poaching, but some criticised the sentence.

"[It] is not punishment enough for the atrocities she committed, by being responsible for the poaching of thousands of elephants in Tanzania," Amani Ngusaru, WWF country director, told Reuters news agency.

"She ran a network that killed thousands of elephants."

In Tanzania, the elephant population shrank from 110,000 in 2009 to little more than 43,000 in 2014, according to a 2015 census, with conservation groups blaming "industrial-scale" poaching.

Demand for ivory from Asian countries such as China, Vietnam and Thailand, where it is turned into jewellery and ornaments, has led to a surge in poaching across Africa.

In March 2016, Tanzania sentenced two Chinese men to 35 years each in jail for ivory smuggling, while in December 2015 another court sentenced four Chinese men to 20 years in jail each after they were convicted of smuggling rhino horns.
Although a good start, I'm of the view none of those sentences are enough either, in fact... *troubled frown* sometimes I worry by quite how... erm... apocalyptically-militant I feel about stuff like that. Yes...
25) Message boards : The Lounge : The traveling Dutchman came to Great Britain in March 2019
Message 90167
Posted 18 Feb 2019 by anniet
Time to slaughter your best poultry, sheep or goat and give their entrails as offering to your favorite deity
ehm... would a butternut squash do? It makes a good soup, amongst other things and I could fling the seeds, I don't know, mystically into a wind or something...?
26) Message boards : The Lounge : These may not be with us long.
Message 90152
Posted 15 Feb 2019 by anniet
I forgot to pop in on my own thread! *wait... for scandal to die down*

That's not as outrageous as banning that advert though

*scowl* not even close!

Thank you for posting during my absent-mindedness, WK, and Paul. I might try to find some follow up stuff to the stories since, because that's the problem with news... when it stops being "new" it usually just "stops" except it doesn't.

Anyway, early-ish last year I posted about Sudan (the last male northern white rhinoceros) having died, leaving just his daughter and granddaughter the only representatives of the species. Well this is sort of an update to that.

Scientists fine-tune method to save rhinos

scientists have not given up hope of saving the species from extinction.

They succeeded last year in creating hybrid embryos using frozen northern white rhino sperm and eggs from a southern white rhino, a closely related sub-species.

Now they are working on how to implant the embryos into a surrogate mother to bring them to term, and once they’ve mastered that, they can create purebred northern white rhino embryos that would be carried by a southern white.
There's a bit more than that to read for those interested.

erm... some may want to skip the bit about getting to their ovaries
27) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90086
Posted 13 Feb 2019 by anniet
My eyes are threatening to turn themselves off. So I think I'm going to let them.

Night night everyone
28) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90078
Posted 12 Feb 2019 by anniet
That's a lot too.
29) Message boards : The Lounge : The traveling Dutchman came to Great Britain in March 2019
Message 90076
Posted 12 Feb 2019 by anniet
Most people don't trickle down to Essex - they RUN AWAY from Essex....
It's where I first washed ashore :) Essex. Tilbury to be exact. I didn't stay longer than it took me to leave, but perhaps that news never got out to a wide enough audience...? ;)
30) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90074
Posted 12 Feb 2019 by anniet
how many bottles of beer on the pallet?
A lot.

I just stood on my bounty!! :(

or um... I stood on my other half's bounty...yes, that must be it :)
31) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90063
Posted 12 Feb 2019 by anniet
Oh yes, people. My release into the wilds of
London has just been upgraded to imminent,
which means a proper keyboard to drone on
at you from, you lucky lucky lot and just
when someone said party too!
32) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 90051
Posted 12 Feb 2019 by anniet
I heard seti was down, and TA DA... it was so,
although I got detoured in between which is
sort of good because it means one less wait
before going home.

Glad you had a nice time, unixchick. Welcome
back! :)

I had never heard of the WouffHong.
No. Me neither.

I thought I should look into it though, in the
circumstances, and discovered there's also a

And an Uggerumph... *frost eyeballs in
betreger's snow* which looks the kind of hairy
best not thought about really. Which is a bit
late now.
33) Message boards : The Lounge : The traveling Dutchman came to Great Britain in March 2019
Message 90010
Posted 11 Feb 2019 by anniet
You'll have someone to remind you to keep left! YAY :)

somewhere central for prodding
Does this refer to a kind of, bigger, group-meet-up, Jord, rather than you having to pick us off one-by-one? Or some obscure English custom I'm not familiar with? ;)

I like the idea of a group do, I do :) so was looking into places up to say, about 2 hours out of London by train but got rudely interrupted so didn't get very far with that. It might have to be a one or the other but not a both just from a financial/time/wellness point of view :/ Do you whatsapp at all?

I do now. I can't actually set up a group though. My daughter did try to guide me through the process but ended up declaring it would be quicker if she walked home from Spain and did it for me - so contacted my sister for me, who erm... got her husband to set one up for us :) I think that's why I got a book in the post. Androids for seniors. It's got a bit mislaid since...

I'll send you my new number anyway - probably won't be until later today because some appointments beckon before that.
34) Message boards : The Lounge : Grumbles, Glory and Covid-19
Message 89990
Posted 10 Feb 2019 by anniet
That was a rather fetching tinfoil hat you had on, Jord. I liked it a lot.

@ all the grumbles:
I hope things get sorted very soon, people.

@ Sirius:
I'm not entirely confident that will be your experience, though... so you know... good luck! ;)
35) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 89840
Posted 29 Jan 2019 by anniet
We might need waffles at some point... quite a soon point at that.
36) Message boards : The Lounge : Grumbles, Glory and Covid-19
Message 89835
Posted 29 Jan 2019 by anniet
At last.
Don'tevenASKaboutmyday,people... but tonight's star attradistraction... is Smudge (a large black cat) in a small dark space alleging he's stuck. I'm alleging I don't believe him which will hopefully do the trick, because that small dark space is somewhere inside a 1970's electric organ that looks like whoever put it together had absolutely no intention of leaving any way back from there.

I did find this though: on how to get them open, and this extract:

don't blame me if you try to disassemble an organ and it maims or kills you.

...on what comes next... which suggests he knows something about what he's on about, or at least knows something that he's not telling us about, but the instructable displays no discernible intentions of ever putting it back together again, which is where we diverge. Not too much in the hopes that it'll work because it doesn't now, but more in the hope that when I'm finally able to arrange for the council to collect it, I'd ideally like it to count as "one large bulky item" not, several ones.
37) Message boards : The Lounge : The Seti is Slumbering Cafe
Message 89826
Posted 29 Jan 2019 by anniet
I suppose it will be soon then... the one
here I mean...
38) Message boards : The Lounge : Grumbles, Glory and Covid-19
Message 89811
Posted 27 Jan 2019 by anniet
I really do know better than to wander into politics, but I think I've made amends for the mix-up. I do hope so.

They might be letting me go home in a couple of 18 hours!
Or they might not. What does the rule book say?
At the moment? "Go back Tuesday" :/ but still! That's ages away! :)

Willingly or forcibly?
:)) I've not got... troublesome yet. I just keep failing their tests :\ sometimes after just having scraped a pass through one.

It's not pre-shock of meeting the bearded Dutchman, is it, as then we'll cancel that. :)
SNORT!! :))))) No :) You don't get let off that easily!

at other thread stuff: I'm glad to hear the kitchen and bathroom work has gone so well, betreger! When we had a new kitchen put in, our landlord's contractors left saying they'd be back Friday to fill in the big hole they'd left in the wall, and came back three weeks later to do it. I whiled away the time discouraging a pair of woodpigeons from setting up home in it. It was fun and all good, until the handles started falling of the cupboards and the plumbing under the sink dismantled itself. I instinctively have a lot more confidence in yours not doing that though :)

And may I ask how the sabotage plot is coming along, Dave? ;)
39) Message boards : The Lounge : Grumbles, Glory and Covid-19
Message 89805
Posted 26 Jan 2019 by anniet
Well the poor thing is doomed then...

They might be letting me go home in
a couple of hours! I'll find it easier on
the computer to sort out a bit of a
mix-up I caused in over in politics
then... I only went there out of
boredom. Four days in a row of
handing yourself in to ACU can do
that to you.
40) Message boards : The Lounge : Grumbles, Glory and Covid-19
Message 89798
Posted 26 Jan 2019 by anniet
I'm being dumb on a smartphone.
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