Posts by thibaultmol

1) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List (Message 43628)
Posted 20 Apr 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
i have a server that runs boinc, it has 4 hard drives of 2TB each, how can i use them all for boinc (and no, i don't want to make a virtual hard drive that combines the 4 hard drives, just a way to set the boinc data folder to multple locations (i want this because of the new storage system that will be added in the coming year
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : Problem adding .EXE (Message 43482)
Posted 14 Apr 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
i'm having a problem... i want to add this file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dc universe online\UNREAL3\BINARIES\WIN32\DCGAME.EXE"
the error is that it doesn't exit with .exe but it is a .exe, i think that it only accepts .exe and not .EXE... can you please fix this, thank you
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Volunteer Storage: what project available? (Message 43039)
Posted 15 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
Okay, can't wait
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Volunteer Storage: what project available? (Message 43027)
Posted 14 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
hello forum,

i discover the "Volunteer Storage" page on the wiki a few weeks ago and i have question. I really want to use this to suppport certain projects(because i have about 2-4TB of free space!) . Are there any project who use this feature at the moment?

5) Message boards : BOINC Manager : tabs open in new window (Message 42996)
Posted 11 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
i understand, thx anyway... just wanted to get that out of my head
6) Message boards : BOINC client : Why is uninstalling so *impossible* ? (Message 42985)
Posted 11 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol

by the way, if you need to uninstall BOINC right now and can't wait for the update, i suggest using Revo uninstaller, there is a free version on there website, just google it. Basicly what Revo uninstaller does is it deletes almost everything related to the installtion. I always use it to uninstall something, don't know if BOINC instllations are always completely deleted but it normaly should
7) Message boards : BOINC Manager : tabs open in new window (Message 42984)
Posted 11 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
so i have an idea for the BOINC manager, what if you could right click on a certain tab(with tab i mean for example: statistics, tasks, projects) then you get a menu where you can choose to open it in a new window
8) Message boards : BOINC client : request: priority (Message 42981)
Posted 10 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
ok thx
9) Message boards : Questions and problems : Manager says "Task suspended" but is computing (Message 42979)
Posted 10 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
i think you should restart your computer and then run boinc again, i have had this problem too(sort of, i suspended al my tasks but still there were tasks computing thinks, i don't know if the percentage was increasing but when i looked at my taskmanager(in windows) it showed some proccesses from my projects running at full speed(like if they weren't suspended))
so i just suggest that you restart your computer, that will make all the running boinc related proccesses stop and restart at the computer restart

reply if it worked
10) Message boards : BOINC client : request: priority (Message 42978)
Posted 10 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
sry, after thinking about it, this not what i meant, i am talking about helps people with rendering graphics for them)... i want this to happen as quickly as possible so that the user who submitted the render project get his result quicker, so what i want is that when a new tasks from is downloaded, i want boinc to IMMEDIATLY start on those tasks.

please reply and put this in boinc...
11) Message boards : GPUs : using 2 video cards (Message 42945)
Posted 8 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
good question, i think this would be interesting too because i have one really good pc(good proccessor) and 2 graphics but i want to use them both on the same... that also makes it better to manage.

but i don't know if this is possible... BOINC team, please look in to this!
12) Message boards : BOINC client : request: priority (Message 42919)
Posted 6 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
i understand, thx
13) Message boards : BOINC client : request: priority (Message 42876)
Posted 5 Mar 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
hey forum,

i have a great idea for the BOINC manager, i run project like SETI@home but i also have a project called, I want to set a priority for a certain project or task so that when a new task arrives from That my BOINC client automaticly does that one because most of the time is has a short deadline, and i want to help the people who uploaded a render project to have the results as quick as possible

14) Message boards : BOINC Manager : dual monitor problems(i know it only works with UltraMon) (Message 42729)
Posted 24 Feb 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
Hi BOINC forum,

I have a question regarding the screensaver on pc's with dual-monitor, i have read the post by Ageless about 5 years ago, it tells me that i should use UltraMon, so i did, i installed a trial version of UltraMon and i know where the setting is to chagne the screensaver, but the thing that i don't get is how i get it to work, i don't understand . So i installed a trial version of Ultramon, i found where i can chane the setting to change the screensaver for both of the monitors but i don't get them to work, they start and then dissapear after a few seconds or they just show a little boinc icon in the middle on both screens,


btw: when i get it working thx to one of you people, i know a way to have 2 DIFFERENT boinc screensavers running on the screens, just change the settings of the second screensaver to have a bit more or a bit less time in one of the settings.
15) Message boards : BOINC Manager : idea: notes on the statistics (Message 42682)
Posted 22 Feb 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
thx for forwarding this to the developers
16) Message boards : BOINC Manager : idea: notes on the statistics (Message 42678)
Posted 22 Feb 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
hi forum and admins,

i would love it to have an option to add notes to a specific time and date on the statistics in the BOINC manager, so that if i wanted to look how i was doing over the last couple of weeks, i can put a note on the statistic for today because the SETI@home project has a chrashed server, so that i can see why the graph isn't going up

thx, maybe this can be added in 7.x?
17) Message boards : Questions and problems : how do i set my boinc client to only accept multi-threaded tasks (Message 42671)
Posted 22 Feb 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
thx, btw you can select different applications from there website(if you mean that you can select wich application you want to receive)
18) Message boards : Questions and problems : how do i set my boinc client to only accept multi-threaded tasks (Message 42664)
Posted 22 Feb 2012 by Profilethibaultmol
hi forum, i'm new to boinc(i have it for like 5 days),

i have a question regardin multi-threaded tasks, i saw that AQUA@home has those kind of tasks but that is discontinued right?. So i kept searching for such a project, then i found it: Milkyway@home. Only problem here is that i have never seen a multi-threaded task from Milkyway@home (i know how bonic works!, and i know how to add projects and stuff!) but i have 3 pc's(only one of them is a personal SERVER, it has 4CPU's!(8threads), i want to use that power for multi-threaded tasks... So my question is, how do i get boinc to accept only milkyway@home tasks that are multi-threaded


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