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1) Message boards : Server programs : installing on a VPS
Message 88143 Posted 21 Sep 2018 by ![]() |
How would I go about installing BOINC on a centos 7 VPS with cpanel? is there any documentation on configuration? |
2) Message boards : Server programs : running boinc on a cloud server Centos7 + cPanel
Message 84640 Posted 3 Feb 2018 by ![]() |
So I am renting a cloud server for my hosting and seem to have plenty of resources at least CPU wise. Is it deasible to set up boinc on it? currently I have 1GB out of 2 of RAM free so I'm not sure if this is enough and if it's even a good idea? |
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : What is the virtual box for ?
Message 51813 Posted 25 Dec 2013 by ![]() |
I have to admit that I'm ever disappointment with BOINC, the latest incarnation is encouraging me to download virtual box as well with no explantion, why ? why do i need it. Could we have a little less arrogance please ? I did instal boinc+virtual box and guess what ? it knocked out my wifi dongle as it had installed a load of virtual adapters that my pc was trying to use instead. I mean WTF ? I've had to install something with no explanation as to why and it screwed up my system, now that's a great advert for the system !!!!!, so I've had to uninstall the virtual box again, so sorry screw any projects that need it. So would someone like to explain ?, most people will only run boinc if it creates no problems at all as it is non essential and if it so much as affects their use of their computers they will just remove it and bad mouth it to anyone else who they think is going to try and use it. |
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 43303 Posted 7 Apr 2012 by ![]() |
I have not tried to "micromanage" boinc. it is working in this way all on its own particularly on my dads pc that I rarely use. It is because the pc may or may not be turned on in the next few days that trying to start too many tasks at once is dangerous, I thought this was a simple concept ? I left my dads pc yeasterday with 4 tasks half done, it could have completed 2 in the same time and they would be complete. If that pc is not turned on for another 3 weeks that time will be wasted as all 4 tasks will not complete and they will be sent to another user. do you or do you not acknowledge this situation ? |
5) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 43301 Posted 7 Apr 2012 by ![]() |
I'll try and get the debug files sent over. I don't have a problem with receiving more than one task but actually starting more is the problem, if they were just done one at a time it would be fine. I shudder when I hear you bleat on about redundancy and not to worry. I do, there is so much work and so many projects to do and i resent people saying "oh well who cares if you miss a deadline someone else will do it instead". So the precious little time some computers are on is being wasted because boinc insists on running too many tasks at once. I don't play about with my dads pc, I left last night with 4 jobs on the go ! why ? it is a 2 core processor, it will only do 2 at a time. I really don't understand the don't care attitude and the willingness to see resources wasted just so boinc can run badly, I know that the resources are "free" but if you don't mind i pay for my electricity and I'm happy to pay the extra used due to my (quad core) processor and graphics card running full blast all of the time if it is doing something useful, I resent people telling me it's fine if i do that to no good end because we want to be inefficient with free resources. |
6) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 43295 Posted 6 Apr 2012 by ![]() |
if there is any information I can provide that is of use please tell me where to find it and where to post it. the problem seems pretty obvious though and not a bug, just the way it is designed: to look like more work is being done in a multi project situation than really is. The problem is that when there is limited computing time available things go wrong because we run the risk of no task completing on time (being weeks late). now if the developers cannot understand that simple an explanation I don't know what to do. What i want ?: I want boinc to start and complete ONE task at a time, so why not just have a setting for it and be done with it because all existing settings have no effect on this issue ! and pretending they do is just burying heads in sand for the sake of ego ! |
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 43290 Posted 6 Apr 2012 by ![]() |
I am on my dads computer now. I rarely use it, boinc knows this (or should), so why has it allowed two tasks to start at once when it should know there is a large chance of neither completing anywhere near the deadline. Therefore logically the management of tasks is not fit for purpose. over and out ! |
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 43180 Posted 27 Mar 2012 by ![]() |
no luck for me I am afraid, I;m still pretending to have a supercomputer ;) |
9) Message boards : Projects : how many protein folding projects ?
Message 42963 Posted 9 Mar 2012 by ![]() |
Thats a really good question! I wonder if they all use the same type of calculations. If so then so many others could also use GPU processing.... |
10) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42667 Posted 22 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
ok so where do I find this file and who do i send it to ? I think basically it is not fault/bug but just that the software needs to be improved to be more advanced at project management. i get the impression that it is designed to give the impression you are working on all of your projects at once so starts more than one WU at once. I am happy to know that over the period of a month my pc has done it's allotted amount of work and that allows for one Wu at a time to be started. It would be nice if boinc can in the case of boinc being set to use much more ram when the pc is idle than when in use starts two WU, one that needs more ram and one that needs less, but in this case it must manage the situation and I don't think it is currently built to do that |
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42666 Posted 22 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
ok so where do I find this file and who do i send it to ? I think basically it is not fault/bug but just that the software needs to be improved to be more advanced at project management. i get the impression that it is designed to give the impression you are working on all of your projects at once so starts more than one WU at once. I am happy to know that over the period of a month my pc has done it's allotted amount of work and that allows for one Wu at a time to be started. It would be nice if boinc can in the case of boinc being set to use much more ram when the pc is idle than when in use starts two WU, one that needs more ram and one that needs less, but in this case it must manage the situation and I don't think it is currently built to do that |
12) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42663 Posted 22 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
does boinc feed back information about what is going on ? tasks being missed and what the settings are. If this information was sent back then the development team would have the facts and can act on them. I've not actually found the "switch projects every "x" minutes" to have any effect at all on anything and worse it can't be simply disabled.boinc seems bent on making. To be honest having certain log files demanded of me to prove my case is not helpful, I've described the problem and whoever wrote the program knows what they did. Please just consider developing it further. |
13) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42628 Posted 19 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
I am ever more exasperated ! I have boinc on my work PC, this is a celeron 2.8 GHz and does not have to do any heavy work just office stuff and printing out the odd cad drawing. It runs on a very fixed weekly schedule. yet I still have to micromanage things because even with a known working pattern the stupid damn thing ditched a task that had a deadline that evening yet only 8 minutes to go to work on another task that had a week to go, so i had to halt that to force it to finish the other task first. This is bonkers ! the task management is basically not fit for purpose ! the only reason I can accept 2 tasks being started at once is when much more ram is allowed to be used when in "standby" allowing the PC to work on tasks with more memory requirements while I'm away and switching back to a task with a lower ram usage while I'm using it. To do this however there needs to be a much better coordination between tasks and possibly the boinc manager being able to know properties of each task in advance and make proper intelligent decisions. Sorry to upset a proud programmer but facts are facts and progress is made by accepting that things can be improved. |
14) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42548 Posted 12 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
if I have set 0.2 days to be cached why were 2 WU's downloaded ? an 11 hour and over 30 hours (possibly 60)....... |
15) Message boards : Projects : how many protein folding projects ?
Message 42544 Posted 12 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
So that's 4 projects that do protein folding. Do we know how they differ ? from what i understand it is a central part of many researches for cures so I'm guessing they all explore different aspects or are we doing it all 2-4 times over ? |
16) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42542 Posted 12 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
sounds mighty complicated for the average user. i may be able to wade my way through this logic but most people simply won't. I now remember why I set some time of caching - it was because some projects have trouble connecting to the project servers so i had a situation where work had finished and new work was not being downloaded. Either way i have trouble. What is the "switch between projects every "x" minutes" setting for ? I can't see that it has any effect at all. while we are on that little set of settings what about the use "x"% of cores ? I mean what the ???? why not just specify number of cores ? I mean when i have 4 cores it looks silly but ok I know that it is 25% per core, but when a user has a 7 core processor its not so simple. I really think some of those settings need making better and simpler |
17) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42540 Posted 12 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
yes I'm trying that too now but really caching work to me means having work stored ready and doing it when the last task is finished. I do indeed have a couple of computers that I can't guarantee to have connected all the time and one I only connect when it needs more work so if it has a WU ready so that when the current one finishes is has more work immediately it won't sit idle until i notice it's done. |
18) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42529 Posted 11 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
my problem is where I'm part way through a task with a 12/02/2012 deadline and boinc decides it will stop doing that task and instead start on a task that is due in on the 18/02/2012 (I have this situation on an old XP1600 pc that I'm running just boinc on right now). What is the logic of that ? I need another 2.5 hours to complete the task due in first, if that task is set aside in favour of a new task that is due in a week later the more urgent task could get overlooked if I happen to turn the PC off for a couple of days, why start 2 tasks at once ? it increases the risk of both being lost as opposed to one getting sent in just on time and one that was never started getting dropped. I understand that there is built in redundancy to the overall "grid" but this seems to be all the more needed to cope with this way of working, why can't one task at a time be started ? there is no logic in starting two at once and running the risk of getting neither done. even my main quad core PC is doing this it just does not make sense, one task at a time, at the end of the day it aint gonna go any faster. |
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : task management is useless
Message 42527 Posted 11 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
Now I am running a number of projects and boinc seems to think it is clever to keep switching between them. Well actually NO ! that is not a clever idea and I don't want it to but can't stop it save for manually micromanaging the software. I want a task to start and run until complete, not switch to another taks and leave one partly done. I can't always guarantee how long the Pc will be on for and I really don't see the point in putting a task due in on the 13th on hold in favour of one due in on the 19th when I could turn the PC off in an hour and not turn it on until the 14th !!! I'm not sure if I'm getting my meaning across but basically the scheduling of tasks is bonkers and some of my tasks risk not going through on time because boinc has to look clever and run more stuff at once than it is really running. I have tried setting the "switch between applications every "x" minute" to 1000 minutes but still no luck so that setting elludes me and frankly I'm just fed up. Am i missing something or does this aspect of the software really need looking at please. I run boinc on a whole range on computers, I don't think the computing power is being efficiently used, if tasks miss deadlines then I'm guessing all of those hours work have been a waste of timer, you never know when a PC will be truned off and how long it may remain off, so please get the tasks done with the least time left first and don't keep swapping between tasks because you may loose them both |
20) Message boards : GPUs : what is the cuda "compute capability" figure
Message 42504 Posted 9 Feb 2012 by ![]() |
I see, so basically it does not mean that the GPU is any more faster but that it can do more types of calculations opening it up for more types of computing tasks |
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