Info | Message |
1) Message boards : Web interfaces : cURL a solution for using
Message 45024 Posted 22 Jul 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello, maybe this was not a problem for anyone else but when I tried to use a variation of the script two web hosts said they don't allow wget. Probably since you can grab entire sites with wget and in a shared hosting environment that could be resource abuse issue. My script does some things differently but the basics are: (excerpt from original script) wget -N --tries=2 -nv (example using curl to grab the file) curl > team.gz I'm not a "curl expert" so maybe there are some options similar to the --tries=2 that I haven't explored yet but for a basic download function it's been working just fine. So if you are trying to implement these functions and find your host won't allow wget, try curl. If anyone knows of negatives to using curl for this function please let me know. Thanks. |
2) Message boards : News : BOINC server downtime
Message 44622 Posted 25 Jun 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
These outages kept catching me by suprise since I don't visit the BOINC forums every day. Then I realized that Thunderbird has an RSS feed reader! Eureka! Now I get all the projects delivered to my mail program (which runs constantly) and I don't have to come visit these pesky websites for info! Technology... go figure. |
3) Message boards : Promotion : BOINC User's Group on Linked In: 536 members and growing!
Message 44392 Posted 3 Jun 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
I came across David's original Linked In announcement today. On 28 Aug 2008 the group was nearing the 100 member mark. Now there are 536 members of the BOINC User Group on Linked In! Good job David! If you've got a Linked In profile and haven't joined the group yet, here's the link: |
4) Message boards : Promotion : Let's make May BOINC volunteer computing awareness month!
Message 44370 Posted 1 Jun 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Just a quick summary, the campaign got 19 re-tweets! Not too bad. I've set a reminder for next year in Google Calendar so I'll start building support for the campaign a little earlier so mark your calendars as well! Thanks to the folks who showed their support with RT's! |
5) Message boards : Promotion : Let's make May BOINC volunteer computing awareness month!
Message 43970 Posted 4 May 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Thanks for the RT. I'll probably send out another tweet over the weekend, and try some other #hashtags. |
6) Message boards : Promotion : Let's make May BOINC volunteer computing awareness month!
Message 43943 Posted 3 May 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello crunchers! This month I challenged the members of the Atlantic team to make May "BOINC Volunteer Computing Awareness Month". This idea has intrigued some fellow crunchers on the BOINC LinkedIn group so let's expand the campaign and make it viral! My suggestion for a Twitter campaign is this: Let's make May: #BOINC volunteer computing awareness month. #BOINCMonth #Crunchers RT and make this viral! @NASA_Langley @Dropbox @sciam As you can see, I've crafted a Tweet with some #hashtags including #BOINCMonth then I add a couple of @'s to target companies that are involved in science, computing and the news media. When you make your own Tweet, target different Twitter accounts and who knows how far this can go?! If you send a Tweet, copy/paste it to this thread, or the one on LinkedIn so we can track the campaign. #BOINCMonth !!! Woot! |
7) Message boards : Web interfaces : Help with displaying team statistics in a website.
Message 43756 Posted 24 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Well, I'm looking a little foolish because the link to what I need is already on this site: Looks like everything, including a better version of the download script I spent all of yesterday "inventing". Hah! It never fails that no matter how hard i look for something on the Internet, I don't find it until after I post a forum question somewhere... |
8) Message boards : Web interfaces : Help with displaying team statistics in a website.
Message 43742 Posted 24 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
An update: figured out how to wget the team.gz files and grepped out my team ID's for the accounts I participate in. Now to see if I can figure out a script that can initiate the RPC's and extract the data I want to format and display on the team website. I've got a novice level of .CSS and no experience writing PHP scripts so this should be a challenge. Any takers on the helping thing? |
9) Message boards : Web interfaces : Help with displaying team statistics in a website.
Message 43700 Posted 23 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
@Idahofisherman, I want a much greater degree of control over how the information is formatted and displayed. Also, future plans include Twitter API integration and storing the data in an MySQL database for use in graphs, etc. I need the raw data for that, it's available I just want to know what methods have worked best for other sites, and not to re-invent the wheel. (Though I don't mind figuring out stuff myself). |
10) Message boards : Web interfaces : Help with displaying team statistics in a website.
Message 43688 Posted 23 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello crunchers, I've been working on a website for the Atlantic Team and I would like to add a page that displays the current stats for each project. I have been reviewing/testing the information from these pages: First, I'm at "novice" level for web programming. I've hand-coded the team page, and can edit scripts, but I'm not up to creating custom PHP scripts, etc. The RPC's don't make much sense to me so even though all the information I need might be in front of me, I'm stuck. So here are some questions: 1. Since there are several sites that manage stats I was wondering if there was a repository of pre-existing scripts that I could just customize? My needs are simple, I just want to display the stats for my team, I'm not trying to compete with the larger stats sites, and re-invent the wheel. I mainly want to manage the raw data for display formatting purposes, but maybe in the long run store it in a MySQL database. 2. I was trying some of the examples and noticed that people get a CPID but it looks like teams get a different ID for every project. Is there something like a CPID for teams? I've got some programming skills but I'm not at the level to tackle this myself so if there are any folks who have done this and can offer some pointers, or other resources I'd greatly appreciate it. In the future, I'd like to fiddle with the Twitter API and be able to make a daily automated team stats tweet. There are a ton of PHP scripts available for interfacing websites to the Twitter API, but again my problem is getting the data from the projects in the first place. Thanks. |
11) Message boards : Promotion : Promoting BOINC on Pinterest
Message 43465 Posted 13 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello crunchers! Thanks to Pinterest, there is a new way to promote BOINC! When you add the "pin it" button to your browser, it's easy to pin images from specific sites to your pinboard. These types of pins have a link back to the originating site so it's a handy way to promote websites for your favorite projects, or your own BOINC website. I've created a pinboard for the projects supported by myself and the Atlantic team. I've also found a couple of WCG related boards. If you start a board, post a link to this thread and I'll follow your BOINC pinboard. |
12) Message boards : Promotion : Promoting BOINC to local computer user's groups.
Message 43393 Posted 11 Apr 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
I've been curious about Pinterest so I created an account there and created a board to promote BOINC. Since Pinterest creates a link from an image back to the originating website, I thought that might be a good way to spread awareness of volunteer computing to a new audience. |
13) Message boards : Promotion : Promoting BOINC to local computer user's groups.
Message 43133 Posted 22 Mar 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Thank you. I am happy to share the .mm file and the images used with it. I just need to figure out the best way to do that. Send me an email (mark at boincatlantic dot org), and I can send it as a .zip attachment (68.7kb). I am also working on a website for the Atlantic Team, so I could put it there to download. It's basically an HTML file that Freemind reads so I could post it here, but that would be a long post, and the images that it links to would be lost. |
14) Message boards : Promotion : Promoting BOINC to local computer user's groups.
Message 42878 Posted 5 Mar 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello group, Last Thursday I made a presentation about BOINC to the Tidewater Unix Users Group (TWUUG). I had never attended a meeting before, so I figured that the best motivation to get myself out to one was to volunteer to make a presentation. Then I had to go, right?! Anyway, they are a very friendly group but what surprised me is that nobody had heard of BOINC before. Can you imagine that after all of these years, some folks still don't know what BOINC is? And these guys are hardcore computer geeks besides! As you probably guessed, this group consists of Unix/Linux software and hardware enthusiasts, admins and hackers so of course they want to know all of the details about how BOINC works. I did my best to explain, and they also had me execute the TOP command to see how BOINC interacts with the system. They seemed impressed that BOINCs NICE setting was 19 (which means it is a low priority process). In Linux the NICE rating goes from +19 to -20 with a "-" rating indicating higher priority scheduling. This came up when I was taking them through the Preferences settings and explaining the setting labeled: "When processor usage is less than [ ] percent (0 means no restriction.)" Apparently on a Linux system that setting does nothing since it's the NICE setting that actually determines what priority the application gets. I did not know that. In the end, the group seemed to approve of the software which is high praise from knowledgeable folks like that. Hopefully we will gain some new crunchers from the encounter. I plan on attending the regular monthly meetings from now on. Is there a local computer users group in your area? Maybe they would like to hear a presentation about BOINC? A copy of the mind map I used for my presentation is here: I will gladly share the .mm (mind map) file if you have a program that can read it. I use FreeMind which is available from the software repository (GNU/Linux). The actual .mm file has active hyperlinks to the websites I used in my presentation. Let's spread the word about BOINC! |
15) Message boards : Documentation : What are the software components of BOINC?
Message 42791 Posted 29 Feb 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
the "BOINC Wrapper" that's boincmgr, the GUI? Ok, I was reading that link earlier and that just didn't sink in. I've got it now, thanks. |
16) Message boards : Documentation : What are the software components of BOINC?
Message 42784 Posted 28 Feb 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Just so I'm clear, when I am reading info on the BOINC websites and it refers to the "BOINC Wrapper" that's boincmgr, the GUI? FYI: Here's a .PNG generated from the mindmap (Freemind) that I plan on using. The red arrows are live links I can click on to take folks to hyperlinks as I go through the presentation. |
17) Message boards : Documentation : What are the software components of BOINC?
Message 42777 Posted 28 Feb 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
Hello group, I'm doing a presentation on BOINC for a local Unix/Linux computer user group and I'm looking for information on the components that are installed on a users computer and that work together to crunch projects. (GNU/Linux) 1. boinc: (core client/Daemon) 2. boincmgr: Project Manager (the BOINC GUI) 3. Software installed by each project to crunch their data. Is that a good summary of the components? I'm trying to find this info in Wiki's, etc. but haven't come across it yet. I'd like to make a block diagram or flowchart to use in my presentation, but I want to be sure I've got a clear understanding of the components and their relationship to each other. Thanks for the help. UPDATE: I found a Wikipedia article that seems to be answering my questions, but if you have a better source, help is appreciated: |
18) Message boards : Questions and problems : Several boinc project does not connect correct
Message 41937 Posted 5 Jan 2012 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
I never used F-secure, but different AV products respond differently to BOINC. Perhaps try another AV product? I used Norton while I was using Windows and it never had a beef with BOINC. It is not unusual for some projects to go down. You didn't say if you checked the project websites... they often seem to run on the same server. So, if the website is down, then the project is down too. The problem is on their end, not yours. For example, for the last 2 days Rosetta@home and Milkyway@home have been down so I can't communicate with them. |
19) Message boards : Projects : Projects for not often turned on laptop/pc
Message 41412 Posted 30 Nov 2011 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
@Dagorath, thanks. |
20) Message boards : Projects : Projects for not often turned on laptop/pc
Message 41396 Posted 29 Nov 2011 by BOINC Atlantic Team |
@Dagorath, I went to sign up for Correlizer and they don't seem to be accepting new accounts. |
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