Posts by AmigaForever

1) Message boards : News : BOINC client 8.0.2 released
Message 114096
Posted 1 Jun 2024 by AmigaForever
So - any timeline? Or anything else you can share about this?
Just asking. No ungratefulness intended ;)

You can read the development of the project here
Here you can see issues, pull requests, etc

Thank you! 🙂
Have a nice weekend! Greetings from Germany!
2) Message boards : News : BOINC client 8.0.2 released
Message 114087
Posted 31 May 2024 by AmigaForever
First of all I want to THANK YOU for still developing the BOINC client further.
It would be a shame if all this would go to crap as it is a highly successful scientific method, not to mention after all those years and work and different projects.
So I am very glad and relieved that you guys managed to get enough funding so the project can stay alive.

On the other hand there have been quite some bug reports AFAIK over the years (but feel free to correct me).
Considering the above and the time that has already passed since the last BOINC update I just
would like to know if you guys have any timeline yet when we can get a few of those bugs fixed.

But it's not only bugs, useful features had been suggested too.
For example it would be VERY useful if the user could enter the time which BOINC stays paused.
Currently this is fixed set to one hour.

So - any timeline? Or anything else you can share about this?
Just asking. No ungratefulness intended ;)

Have a nice weekend everyone!
3) Message boards : News : Client version 7.8.3 released
Message 82370
Posted 30 Oct 2017 by AmigaForever
Boinc v7.8.3 works like a charm on my system (PhenomII 945 X4, 4 GB RAM, Win 10 Pro).....

Keep up the good work guys! ^^
4) Message boards : News : Client version 7.8.2 released
Message 82027
Posted 17 Oct 2017 by AmigaForever
AmigaForever wrote:
@ Ageless: Thanks a lot for still putting effort into the BOINC community. It would by far not be what it is without you. Thanks m8!
Even though I am a C64 fan? ;-)

My first console was an Atari 2600. I got in touch with my first "real" computer by a friend who had an C64 at that time (late 80s) and I programmed a little bit at an Atari of a relative after that. My first own comp was an Amiga 500 in 1989.

Man, those were the times.....

So, well yes, I can accept you
5) Message boards : News : Client version 7.8.2 released
Message 82023
Posted 16 Oct 2017 by AmigaForever
Boinc v7.8.2 works fine for me since its release.

My system:
PhenomII 945 X4
Win 10 Pro

Just thought to let you know.

Oh, I just saw that 7.8.3 has been released. Nice....
Now I'll take a good look at that version :)
I'll let you guys know.

@ Ageless: Thanks a lot for still putting effort into the BOINC community. It would by far not be what it is without you. Thanks m8!
6) Message boards : News : Ageless: a decade of moderation
Message 70585
Posted 30 Jun 2016 by AmigaForever
I know I am late, but better late than never, right? ;)

Thank you very much for all your efforts from me too, Ageless!

The BOINC community has benefitted very very much from you constant work. Wouldn't want to miss you!

All the best, Jord!
7) Message boards : News : BOINC 7.6.22 release for Windows and Mac
Message 66593
Posted 3 Jan 2016 by AmigaForever
Thanks guys, it's good to see that development is still going on.

BTW, Happy New Year to all of the BOINC team and God's & Jesus' blessings!
8) Message boards : BOINC client : Not requesting tasks: some task is suspended via Manager
Message 62303
Posted 24 May 2015 by AmigaForever
Hello guys,

I just found some strange behaviour of the BOINC client. I don't know if this has been adressed already 'cause the search function on the forums doesn't work neither on Opera nor on Firefox (and this by all projects I am involved....).
Anyway, here it is:

I stopped one single task on World Community Grid; this task belongs to "The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2"; I stopped it temporarily because this project has very long checkpointing intervalls, so I let it run only when I am more than five to six hours away (~ checkpointing intervall). All other WCG tasks ran flawlessly.

Today I noticed that BOINC did not get any new WCG tasks, so I tried manually. And then BOINC refused to get more WCG tasks:

24.05.2015 16:08:17 | World Community Grid | Not requesting tasks: some task is suspended via Manager

So BOINC refuses to get ANY new task from a project when one (!) of its is paused? This seems awkward to me. Is there a deeper reason behind this? I mean, a user should be able to decide which tasks he runs at the moment and which should be paused. The project doesn't really loose something if some tasks get held to long - it just gets dismissed and resent to another user.

Anybody can give me a little more info about that please?

And a blessed Pentecost to all!
9) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 61679
Posted 18 Apr 2015 by AmigaForever
What I would definitely like to see in BOINC is the feature I already requested: When double-clicking on a WU, the WUs' property window should pop up.

This would make checking or searching for a specific WU much more omfortable.

Moreover, why not implement a up-down-feature (like arrows) within the properties window, so one could cycle through all WUs?

Ah yes, please, could you make the snooze feature adjustable (both GPU and BOINC total), so one could set the amount of time BOINC and/or the GPU would snooze? This is in the "the list of past requests" but has not been implemented yet.

Thanks a lot for considering this.

Many greetings!
10) Message boards : Questions and problems : Switch between applications every X minutes problem
Message 59566
Posted 12 Jan 2015 by AmigaForever
I didnt know that, I always thought it is a must-switch......

Thanks guys for clearing that up! Much appreciated!
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : Switch between applications every X minutes problem
Message 59545
Posted 11 Jan 2015 by AmigaForever
Hello guys,

I was just suspicious until a few days ago about this, but today I observed without any doubt:

The option "Switch between applications every X minutes" does not work properly (anymore ?). BOINC seems to decide totally by itself how much computing time it gives to a project; for example, I enlisted about a week ago into The SkyNet POGS (, and since then BOINC does only compute POGS WUs if some are in the queue. Other projects' WUs like WCG or Asteroids@home are kept waiting.

If no POGS WUs are available, the other projects seem to get the switch...

I am aware that BOINC indeed does give the projects internal values like the Duration Correction Factor to determine the best amount of computing time. But if I want the projects to be changed after a selected period of time, BOINC should just do right that and nothing else.

Maybe I got this all wrong and all works as it should though; in that case someone please give me a short explaination.

Thank you very much!

My systems' specs:

BOINC v7.4.36
PhenomII 945 CPU
12) Message boards : News : BOINC 7.4.26/.27 released to the public
Message 58668
Posted 13 Dec 2014 by AmigaForever
You see, there is absolutely no point in having a go on me.

Your original proposal was on the 12th of October. I emailed the developers about it on the 13th. You then did a bump of your proposal on the 11th of November, making it seem as if your proposal had more merit than anyone else's in the Wish List thread.
And then you went on about it on the 18th of November, a second bump if you will.

The developers don't read these forums, not even the threads they started themselves (*), perhaps only when someone posts a big bug and it's been pointed out to them. I already forwarded your request to them, there's really no need to continue to bump your proposal until you've got a mention of it in all the threads that are open.

In your last bump in this thread you wrote how you were thinking about becoming an Alpha tester, and the only thing I added to that was that you can then request stuff like that through the Alpha email list, and bump it there if you feel like it's needed to be bumped. The Alpha email list is read by the developers.

(*) One exception to that rule: Charlie does react to threads about Mac problems.

I didn't know that the devs don't read the forums..... I find that strange though.

Anyway: I bumped the request because a) I didn't know / wasn't told that it had been forwarded to the devs and that they don't read this forum, and b) because I was hoping this very basic function could be integrated in the then upcoming release version of BOINC. Still I don't understand how such basic functions haven't been integrated into BOINC from the very beginning of its development.

Sorry if I got your post wrong - I found it offensive, and that pissed me off 'cause all I wanted to do was help.
13) Message boards : News : BOINC 7.4.26/.27 released to the public
Message 58097
Posted 24 Nov 2014 by AmigaForever
One thing though: The handling of the entries in the GUI list could really be better, this wasn't implemented in this release, so I am hoping for the next one.

Just because you asked for a feature request a month ago, that doesn't mean it'll get implemented immediately. Not only do GUI changes have to be compatible across the main platforms (do the same thing without special compiling requirements on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX), they also need rigorous testing, something not done in just a month.

I am pretty sure it takes pretty long testing for the immense complex function "double click left -> open properties". In fact, I cannot think how the developers of most other software I use found the time and resources to implement one of the most standard GUI functions yet!

Seriously: I thought I suggest a feature you find in most software used nowadays (and the last 15-20 years) because I thought this was forgotten somehow. It was meant as a nice reminder for one of the most common functions and a little caretaking for the GUI. In fact, for me a good and well-groomed GUI is one of the essentials of good software. And I should know as a former programmer (that was long ago, though).

You see, there is absolutely no point in having a go on me. And btw, right now I am confused what you guys set your priorities to.
14) Message boards : News : BOINC 7.4.26/.27 released to the public
Message 57826
Posted 18 Nov 2014 by AmigaForever
Good job guys, v7.4.27 runs without a flaw (so far) on my system.

Thank you very much!

I really think of getting into being an alpha tester to help bringing BOINC development forward..... I'll definitely take a closer look onto this.

One thing though: The handling of the entries in the GUI list could really be better, this wasn't implemented in this release, so I am hoping for the next one.
What I am talking about is here:

Anyway, thanks again to the whole team!
15) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 57523
Posted 11 Nov 2014 by AmigaForever

What I would really like to see because it would be a great ease:
If you double-click on a task, the "properties" windows for that task opens.

Until now it's: Click on task -> click on properties -> properties window
opens. If you want to check on more than a few tasks, this procedure is quite annoying.



I've absent-mindedly double-clicked on a task before now, expecting that would be the natural thing to happen - and been mildly irritated when it didn't.

16) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 56643
Posted 12 Oct 2014 by AmigaForever

What I would really like to see because it would be a great ease:
If you double-click on a task, the "properties" windows for that task opens.

Until now it's: Click on task -> click on properties -> properties window
opens. If you want to check on more than a few tasks, this procedure is quite annoying.

17) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC 7 development discussion thread.
Message 56179
Posted 22 Sep 2014 by AmigaForever
Same as my post from 15 Sep 2014, now I am using version 7.4.22:

Works fine, no problems at all.
18) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC 7 development discussion thread.
Message 56034
Posted 15 Sep 2014 by AmigaForever
Although not an alpha tester, I downloaded, installed and am running the 7.4.21 version of BOINC.

As far as I am concerned, no problems whatsoever occurred. Runs fine and smooth.

I am in five projects involved, and my system specs are:

AMD Phenom II X4 945
Win XP SP3

Keep up the good work guys! Thanks a lot!
19) Message boards : BOINC client : My Wish List
Message 52619
Posted 18 Feb 2014 by AmigaForever
I would like to suggest an improvement in the scheduler.

I think it would be useful it there are downloaded as many tasks as are a multiple of active cores (taking potentially settings in the app_config.xml or other project specific pref files into account).

For example: I have an Phenom II X4 (= 4 cores), which are all active on BOINC. So it would be useful if the scheduler grabs 4 x X WUs. The number X would needed to be computed (or roughly estimated) by taking the prefs options Maintain enough tasks to keep busy for at least Y days and Up to an additional Z days amount into account.

Currently the scheduler does not work this way, it does get quite some WUs which mostly leads to 1 or 2 being left over, meaning that the rest of the cores goes idle.

I should mention that I do not let my BOINC run all day and night, but get some WUs which it processes until I am back home...
20) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC 7 development discussion thread.
Message 51123
Posted 2 Nov 2013 by AmigaForever
Rom Walton wrote:
Howdy Folks,

I plan on releasing BOINC 7.2.26 as the next public release on Monday.

Please speak up if you have found a showstopper or log any remaining test results you might have queued up.

Thanks in advance.

----- Rom

Works fine for me on five different projects.
Next 20

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