Posts by Ray_GTI-R

1) Message boards : News : New BOINC installer includes VirtualBox
Message 51667
Posted 6 Dec 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R

Any VM require a certain ammount of CPU time and RAM to work and this will influence the overall CPU usage of BOINC client, becaus he can take only the maximum CPU percentage that we assing to the VM.
So it is possible that the host system have more CPU to use for BOINC operation, but it's limited by the VM.

I agree with Heki.

Not long ago clustering (many devices act as one big brain or supercomputer) was a hot topic elsewhere. I did the math and it turned out that on an 8-device quad-core ARM setup, with the clustering software being offered, the crunching power of 2 devices/8 cores were "lost" just administering the cluster/ additional software layer. Maybe these ideas scale better when there are ,000s of multi-core devices.
2) Message boards : Promotion : 1st ARM device to exceed 1 million BOINC credits - ODROID-X!!!
Message 50836
Posted 13 Oct 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
See above thread - updated + more info e.g., NVIDIA's KAYLA board.


FWIW Nativeboinc is a proven, lean, efficient, easy-to use app on Android. About 47% of smartphones use Android.
There are:-
"more than 1.08 billion smartphone users in the world" and
"Sales of Smartphones to Reach 310 Million " in the current year (2013).

So, what can BOINC do to promote Nativeboinc?
3) Message boards : Promotion : 1st ARM device to exceed 1 million BOINC credits - ODROID-X!!!
Message 50815
Posted 9 Oct 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
4) Message boards : News : BOINC for Android launched
Message 50025
Posted 30 Jul 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R

Uninstalled BOINC 7.2.27 and the tab rebooted back to default Android OS (Chinese language) deleting all installed apps/settings.

Back to the drawing board chaps.
5) Message boards : News : BOINC for Android launched
Message 50024
Posted 30 Jul 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Using version 7.2.27 obtained via BOINC website.

Device is ICOU8GT (quad core)

Only 2 cores show in the app control "Used CPU cores" (CPU limit is 100% as are pretty much all other controls).

You have a problem.

After current tasks are complete it will be reverted to NativeBOINC that has been running all 4 cores successfully for about 8 weeks. (see
6) Message boards : Projects : ODROID/ARM/NativeBOINC
Message 49752
Posted 30 Jun 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Just about to make 3 million BOINC ARM credits in a little over 6 months.

Thank you mdrjr, Hardkernel and of course Mateusz Szpakowski (matszpk).

JagDoc is doing superb crunching ... nearly 1 million BOINC credits per month via the same hardware/software

7) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 48034
Posted 4 Mar 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Done for future posts.

Sorry about that.
8) Message boards : Projects : News on Project Outages
Message 48032
Posted 4 Mar 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
O@H Project Stopped


O@H was badly run. I contributed funds via PSI, very poor payback - OK zero.

Virtually no involvement by the Project Scientist over 2 years.

The Message Board was abused by some foul-mouthed individuals - one in particular - whilst genuine discourse about the project was positively discouraged e.g., "PT what do you mean by soon?" - resulted in being banned from their forum!!!

A long time ago I asked PSI to shut down this mess ... no reply but it seems they were listening.

Suggest the alternative BOINC project Asteroids@Home that seems more relevant.

9) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 47600
Posted 1 Feb 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
My RPi @ 900mhz has now crunched 399 BOINC OProject tasks consecutively, successully (9,848 BOINC credits if that means anything) since 22 Jan 2013. Or +/- 1,000 BOINC credits per day via OProject and more from other tasks ...

Thanks Daniel ...

Liz / Eben ... Hello! Make this News (again, I ask.)
Make this sticky.
Make any kind of reply.
Anywhere ...

1 million+ RPis can do 1,000 valuable scientific tasks

every day.


10) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 47477
Posted 23 Jan 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Things have moved on very quickly over the past few days thanks to a very clever, very determined RPi dev (Daniel AKA dcarrion87) in OZ so I thought I'd update this thread ... see specifically pages 3 & 4 for more details.

See also:-

My RPi overclocked to 900mhz is also simultaneously crunching a more meaty MW@H task ... 46% after 67 hours!!!

HTH, Ray
11) Message boards : Questions and problems : Project Identifiers
Message 47052
Posted 5 Jan 2013 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Please change my BOINC CPID:-

from 79e3b208d2325acf359e69d886554599
to 06d7e40ae02ef3b9d9fea66ddda7a29d

I don't care how it's done.
I don't care who does it.
I don't care if it's "complicated".

It's been wrong for too long.
I am not happy.
My guess is that many other people have a similar issue.

(BTW same email, same machine, user name, same everything ... hints about e.g., "Merge computers by name" [I'd love to do it properly], "overlapping dates" fails etc. Not my problem.)
(BTW 2 really! I do not have and never have had 41 Hosts.
12) Message boards : GPUs : Mali
Message 46842
Posted 18 Dec 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Has anyone processed any BOINC tasks with a MALI GPU?
(Apologies if this was asked/resolved earlier - I searched but could not find a match.)
13) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 46390
Posted 21 Nov 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
OK 1 month on, NativeBOINC has been running 24/7 on both the ODROID-X and that cheap generic tablet. Very few, minor, operational (not structural) glitches easily resolved and as before ... NO banshee* gobbledygook** bish/bash/etc obfuscation*** ... just the usual stuff. Currently running/rotating milkyway, subset & wuprop projects.

Unfortunately I still cannot get the Raspberry Pi involved with BOINC projects mentioned earlier. Sorry, I don't do QCN & R@H yet :-(

It seems that the RPi has no usable Android implementation. Good people are working towards that although their progress is quite hard to track down but I have found & posted their details on an RPi forum. FWIW a Moderator on that RPi forum tried to roast me (TWICE!) just for asking about their previously touted implementation - now three or so months old - of Android. No, really.

As ever, I'm trying yet another, different route for BOINC on the RPi. Will advise.
14) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC for Android
Message 46128
Posted 26 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Excellent reply claggy. Thanks

I did a bit of digging in the interim, added wuprop to a couple of Windows/Intel machines and came to the conclusion that you describe.
A very useful project for certain machines.

Are there any science projects like this? (wuprop isn't science [?] nor does it appear in the usual "Add projects" list?)
15) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC for Android
Message 46126
Posted 25 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
Have been running nativeboinc on a quad core ODROID-x for a few days.
Just added a 2nd project and hey! I now have 5 concurrent tasks.

How does that work?

pic here
16) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 46047
Posted 19 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R

Here is a photograph of the ODROID-X & generic tablet running Android, BOINC + MW@H ...
17) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 46046
Posted 19 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
OK, I got to thinking laterally ...

Now I have MW@H running on the ODROID-X. 4 tasks, simultaneously, each ~7% complete in ~32 minutes.
I also have MW@H running on a generic (£56 delivered) 7" tablet. One task completed (~13 hours) & validated and another now in progress. No idea how powerful this tablet is, yet. It shows BOGO MIPS, not much use.

Sadly I cannot replicate this success on the RPi for one simple reason ... Android.
That is, I'm pretty sure that any device that runs Android can run BOINC. The RPi doesn't (yet) do Android although there was a teaser pushed out on the RPi forum about two MONTHS ago saying Android is "due soon" or whatever.

The solution is an app that installs in Android with just a few clicks and NO banshee* gobbledygook** bish/bash/etc obfuscation*** ...


The genius who wrote this Android app needs a Nobel prize for "JFDI".
That is:-
It just works, first time.
It just works on completely disparate ARM devices.
It has pretty much all the functionality you would expect, not via the traditional Windows GUI but a darned good GUI replica.
It runs under completely different Android versions ... Android 2 whatever on the tablet & Android 4 whatever on the ODROID-X.

No effort on my part, just click on the obvious "next step".

Also a BIG thumbs up to MW@H for providing a project that gets the job done (there are a few others available via nativeboinc that I haven't tried).

HTH, Ray

* woman of the fairy mounds
** convoluted language that results in it being excessively hard to understand
*** the hiding of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, wilfully ambiguous, and harder to interpret
18) Message boards : GPUs : Question regarding Radeon HD 5450
Message 46017
Posted 17 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
I have ...

3 HD3650 AGP cards working.
1 HD2400 PCI card (no, not PCI-E, PCI!) working.

... on GPU tasks.

My advice FWIW.
Ignore the persistent and very irritant (!) prompt to use the latest BOINC software (7.x.x).
a) Find and use the ATI driver that supports your card.
b) Find and use the BOINC software that still supports AGP.
NB 1) ... only in Windows. (I have tried UBUNTU, please:- just don't ask. Pretty, please don't.)
NB 2) ... a working a) + b) combination isn't easy but it is possible. I've done it.
NB 3) Again, don't ask me about UBUNTU with ATI AGP & BOINC. It still hurts.
NB 4) in Windows I can do the following:-
Control the CPU fan based on temperature (SpeedFan) and observe history plus much more
Control the GPU fan speed based on teperature (ATI Tray Tools), HD3650 only
Control the GPU voltage* (ATI Tray Tools), HD3650 only, not necessary for the HD2400 PCI card - it's a cool running item.
NB 5) ATI Tray Tools allowed me to correct a MAJOR flaw in all of my HD3650 cards fan speed profiles. The standard fan speed profile was set to REDUCE the fan speed when the temperature rose at around 45C. DUH!
* ATI Tray Tools allowed me to operate the HD3650 cards at a SIGNIFICANTLY lower voltage than standard e.g., 0.974V on one card and 1.014V on another versus the 1.134v standard (the 3rd HD3650 card is a really cool dude so no need to intervene).
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 45906
Posted 5 Oct 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
don't know if the Raspberry Pi will be popular enough to justify it

If it helps push the idea of making BOINC Projects for ARM processors readily available, some anecdotal comments seem to suggest that RPi units sold so far is somewhere pretty near 500K with about 1 million expected to be sold by Feb 2013 and an target annual production rate of 2 million.
20) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC on ARM devices (round 2)
Message 45144
Posted 5 Aug 2012 by ProfileRay_GTI-R
I doubt any project has (default) applications for it.

That's kinda where I started.

You may end up having to compile your own applications, or look at 3rd party applications.

Such as ... ?

And then just hope they can run any tasks.

Again, such as ...?

as the CPU isn't that strong.

Agreed, but I started crunching SAH with far inferior CPUs ... vintage 1999 ... using Windows and was content that a WU finished sucessfully even when it took a week of part-time crunching using 200 watts total PC power.
This CPU is actually MUCH better than those CPUs - overclocked & hardfp enabled under a UNIX OS consuming around 5 watts so I am content thereabouts but thanks anyway for the opinion(s).

So, back to my question ...
I can't find a project that runs & has tasks i.e., either Projects don't recognise the CPU (that's 99% of Projects) or if they do recognise the CPU they have no tasks.
Cheers, Ray
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