Posts by The Gas Giant

1) Message boards : BOINC client : 6.11.1 Released to Beta - Notes?
Message 33819
Posted 18 Jul 2010 by The Gas Giant
I would like to be able to use foldit (a most excellent program) and still use my GPUs; I have 4 GPUs in one system! Foldit uses the CPUs but not the GPU.
When I am working with large office files it would be really useful to be able to free up the CPU cores for a few minutes (when a client needs something urgently) without interrupting the GPU tasks.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't BOINC run the apps in low priority so if a program with a higher priority wants the CPU the BOINC app stops while the higher priority app utilises the CPU? Doesn't this do what you want?

BTW, why is the notices tab first and why has the log tab gone and you can only access the messages under the advanved menu?
2) Message boards : BOINC client : 6.11.1 Released to Beta - Notes?
Message 33779
Posted 15 Jul 2010 by The Gas Giant
I see 6.11.1 has been released to beta testing. I've just checked my email but can't see any release notes. Any news on what this new .11 series contains?
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Backup Project Function
Message 33596
Posted 29 Jun 2010 by The Gas Giant
Yeah, I flagged that one as well, but have so far been ignored. The funny side-effect is that when your other projects have work again, all the work for DNETC will be ignored until it's about to run out of deadline... and then it will either run in high priority, or kill the work with deadline troubles. Sigh.

I've not seen that behaviour since the backup so far has been for gpu projects which BOINC processes on a FIFO basis, but I may see it with the long SETI outrage now in progress.
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Backup Project Function
Message 33594
Posted 29 Jun 2010 by The Gas Giant
I utilise the backup project function on all my computers. On my old P4 I run SETI (cpu) and MW (gpu) as the main projects with DNETC and Collatz as backup projects. With the recent changes at SETI with regards to beginning a "3 day data distribution outage" I increased the cache on that machine from 0.5 days to 2 days. The backup project function came into use when MW ran out of work so BOINC downloaded work from DNETC.

Well done BOINC this part worked a treat. However, the amount of work downloaded was 2 days worth! Since the project outages typically last less time than this (well not any more with SETI - but that can be managed), it's not really what I'd like to see as BOINC to do. I'd prefer it only download enough work for an hour - which is the length of time the initial backoff occurs when project is down for maintenance.

5) Message boards : BOINC Manager : No need..
Message 33593
Posted 29 Jun 2010 by The Gas Giant
Sometimes it's not BOINC that's the problem....not often, but sometimes.
6) Message boards : BOINC Manager : No need..
Message 33585
Posted 28 Jun 2010 by The Gas Giant
I found the problem....
7) Message boards : News : Video on
Message 33175
Posted 1 Jun 2010 by The Gas Giant
Thanks Dave. Damn site is down for maintenance....just my luck!
8) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC Allows WU's to go Passed Deadline.
Message 32865
Posted 18 May 2010 by The Gas Giant
Glad to help out...shame it's not considered important enough to make it to a .57 release.

WU's going passed deadline due to a bug...pretty important issue.
9) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC Allows WU's to go Passed Deadline.
Message 32855
Posted 18 May 2010 by The Gas Giant
I've seen this a couple of times but didn't worry too much as the wu's in question were giving 6 cs, but the principle is getting to me now.

On my work machine Dell E6850 dual core 2GB Ram, BOINC 6.10.45 now .56, running Aqua, PrimeGrid, LHC, MalariaControl and FreeHAL, I've seen BOINC ignore a wu heading passed its deadline. In fact this morning there was one that was passed it's deadline. This appears to be due to the interaction with the mutli-thread/core Aqua wu's and the single core 'other' projects and resource share allocation resulting in a single core project wu going passed its deadline.

Resource Shares are:
Aqua 16.55%
DNA 22.37% (suspended)
FreeHAL 1.12%
LHC 42.73%
MalariaControl 15.55%
PrimeGrid 0.67%

Currently only Aqua and PrimeGrid are supplying wu's and due to the resource share allocated to Aqua, only Aqua is being crunched unless PrimeGrid which has 7 wu's cached get's into deadline problems - which it will due to its low resource share. Effectively trying to operate has a backup project. I got into work this morning installed 0.56 and noticed the red messages regarding a PrimeGrid wu passed its deadline from yesterday even though I had just been letting BOINC "do its thing". This PG wu was the only wu with a dead line of the 17th the 6 others have deadlines of the 19th. Aqua wu's have deadlines of the 28th with 45min completion times with 4 cached (limited by Aqua).

It appears that with Aqua running and if BOINC doesn't see 2 or more wu's in deadline trouble it will ignore the single wu and continue to crunch the multi-thread/core project.

I have also seen on my home machine a wu get into dealine trouble and not be crunched when BOINC worked out that a core would be left idle if it worked on the wu in deadline trouble.

[edit] I'll soon see if the same thing happens with the 6 cached PG wu's due tomorrow.
10) Message boards : BOINC client : 6.10.43 Resource Sharing
Message 31760
Posted 25 Mar 2010 by The Gas Giant
Windows 7 Ultimate (Q9450, 2GB RAM)
BOINC 6.10.43
- Aqua (10%) - CPU
- Collatz (1%) - GPU (app_info)
- FreeHAL (1%) - CPU
- LHC (56%) - CPU
- MilkyWay (22%) - GPU (app_info)
- PrimeGrid (10%) - CPU

Connect every 0.01 days - additional work buffer 0.1 days.

I'm not at that machine right now so I can't post or set the flags for debt calcs.

I've tried to set the resource shares so that Collatz is just a back up project to Milkyway, however BOINC appears (ad hoc) to be downloading and crunching too much Collatz in relation to Milkyway by a good 5 times.

I'll set the flags and post the results within the next 24 hours...

11) Message boards : BOINC client : Too Many Wu's Started = Error
Message 31355
Posted 5 Mar 2010 by The Gas Giant
Recent changes to the work schedular means that if BOINC detects deadline issues it will crunch the wu's in deadline problems until the estimated time left for the wu being crunched means it will then complete in time. It then starts on the next wu in deadline trouble. In general terms this is not a problem except when wu's are variable in length or BOINC isn't working for a period of time (like when a computer lock up occurs over night).

This link shows this scenario.

The only problem with this is that if you have 'leave pre-empted wu's in memory' selected then you can end up with many wu's started, not complete and left in RAM causing RAM to be fully used and paging to disk occuring. Not a major problem until virtual RAM runs out as well.

When virtual RAM also runs out I think I've experienced a 'new bug' where I've seen the message "BOINC password error" and the client detachs from the GUI. This has resulted in many wu's erroring out and since BOINC has stopped crunching causes more deadline issues.

12) Message boards : BOINC Manager : My Wish List - part 3.
Message 29202
Posted 4 Dec 2009 by The Gas Giant
To get rid of the debt resetting if a project runs out of work. Debt should rise to a maximum amount -> say 172800 seconds (2 days). Why 2 days? Why not.

Putting such a low limit defeats the whole point of having debt at all. If your computer runs CPDN in deadline-panic-mode for 6 months, CPDN shouldn't run for 6 months to let the other projects catch up. (I'm assuming equal resource shares here)

Fair enough, but the issue is if BOINC doesn't have any wu's cached, asks for new work, then receives none as a project is out of work then the debt is reset to 0. This is not desirable is my point.
13) Message boards : BOINC Manager : My Wish List - part 3.
Message 29165
Posted 3 Dec 2009 by The Gas Giant
To get rid of FIFO for work cached for processing by a GPU.

To have a separate resource share set up for GPU.

To be able to set a 'back-up' project -> give basically all resource share to a single or set of projects and only if those projects run out of work ask for a small amount of work from a user designated 'back-up' project.

To get rid of the debt resetting if a project runs out of work. Debt should rise to a maximum amount -> say 172800 seconds (2 days). Why 2 days? Why not.

For BOINC to not immediately start a task if a project has been suspended and then resumed. The system should wait until the running wu checkpoints or ends before swapping out.

If the internet conneciton goes down but the local LAN is still operational, I wish BOINC manager wouldn't freeze or lock until a time out is reached.

For a RSS reader to be incorporated into BOINC manager so that project news for attached projects would be displayed -> Be nice if Ctrl+Shift+N on the alpha BOINC managers worked (News).
14) Message boards : BOINC client : Core 2 Quad or I7
Message 28832
Posted 18 Nov 2009 by The Gas Giant
On old P4 with HT on gave an increase in RAC than with it turned off. Individual wu's may have taken longer but since you were doing 2 at the same time there was on overall increase in crunching capability in the BOINC world.

I do recall the issue with DB accessing, but in BOINC it was the cpu to have for a while.
15) Message boards : BOINC client : Incredible fast computing on GPU
Message 28831
Posted 18 Nov 2009 by The Gas Giant
I know that my ATI 3850 has
Over 1 teraFLOPS of Compute Power – up to 640 stream processors (320 x 2) on a single card deliver the raw horsepower to attack the most demanding graphics applications

I hate to burst your bubble, but the HD3850 only has 320 stream processors and a peak of 427GFlops. Better check this wiki page.

Even if you have the 3850x2 (which has two GPUs and 2x320 stream processors) it'll do 855GFlops at max.

It was suspicious to me too, but BOINC Manager reports
ATI GPU 0: ATI Radeon HD 3800 (RV670) (CAL version 1.4.427, 256MB, 442 GFLOPS peak)

And it's still pretty nice :)

Anyway, it just looks like that two GPU's are better then two CPU's O_o

My 3850 in my old Prescott P4 3.0GHz with HT on, got me a RAC of 25000 to 28000 on Milkyway and currently looks as though it'll get ~21000 on Collatz. CPU only crunching gets me ~800 using the optimised SETI ap.

Yeah baby!
16) Message boards : BOINC client : GPU Resource Share Ignored
Message 28496
Posted 5 Nov 2009 by The Gas Giant
I'll set those tonight. Maybe I should have stated that BOINC is not respecting the resource share for the projects I am running on my GPUs.
17) Message boards : BOINC client : GPU Resource Share Ignored
Message 28472
Posted 3 Nov 2009 by The Gas Giant
As I don't appear to be able to post to the alpha mailing list these days....not sure why, can't really be bothered working out why.

I am running 6.10.17 (but I have seen this aver since GPUs have been detected by BOINC), 32bit XP SP3, Q9450, ATI4850 and ATI4870. AQUA(20%), MW (54%), Collatz (4%), SETI (12.5%, suspended), Spinhenge (9.5%, suspended). Connect every .1 days, cache 0.25 days. MW is set up to run 2 wu's per card at once while Collatz is at default of 1 per card.

I understand that both MW and Collatz have been down and up a lot recently, but even so, BOINC is not respecting the resource share and is crunching too much Collatz and is more like 50/50.
18) Message boards : The Lounge : The last who posts (***) before 1212 posts and before the year 2010 wins.
Message 24825
Posted 11 May 2009 by The Gas Giant
Jord, not fair. We played a good game and now you've changed the rules! I'm taking my bat and ball and going home... :(
19) Message boards : The Lounge : The last who posts (***) before 1212 posts and before the year 2010 wins.
Message 24690
Posted 2 May 2009 by The Gas Giant
Although the answer to just about everything is forty-two, it isn't the answer here. The answer isn't twohundred and twelve either.

If not guessed by post 220, the title of this thread will change. ;-)

20) Message boards : The Lounge : The last who posts (***) before 1212 posts and before the year 2010 wins.
Message 24665
Posted 30 Apr 2009 by The Gas Giant

Happy dance time!

WOOHOO now we get to find out what (***) is!

Plus I get to choose who gets banned for a week! ;)
Next 20

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