Posts by Rich

1) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC ignoring suspend when busy and even manual suspend actions on MacOS
Message 114007
Posted 9 May 2024 by Rich
I've noticed for several weeks now my Macbook just bogging down whenever I need to do any real work. Yesterday I found the cause, BOINC was running when while I was actively using the computer. In fact, it's cranking away as I type this even though I have the "suspend when computer in use" checked.
It seems to start up randomly, and almost always when I am on a zoom call or watching a video on the browser, FWIW.

I stopped the program yesterday and when I restarted it things generally worked fine but today it's back to starting up randomly and sending the load avg to 200+, even when I open the app and click 'suspend' it is still running.

BOINC version 7.24.3

2) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Manual suspend keeps getting reset
Message 94820
Posted 10 Jan 2020 by Rich
Running BOINC Manager 7.14.2 on MacOS 10.13.6

Powerbook currently connected to a small power supply so I wanted to keep BOINC suspended since it will drain my battery completely in less than an hour. I opened the Manager and clicked Suspect. All was well for a while, then I was away from computer for an hour and came back to find BOINC running (Seti@Home if it matters) and battery down to 2%. Opened manager and no indication I had suspended it.
Do the preferences get refreshed somehow?

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