Posts by nedsram-cdl

1) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks stop running (Message 26143)
Posted 20 Jul 2009 by nedsram-cdl
I finally worked out why this was happening, and I thought I'd post it for the record.

My daughter (20) had been going into task manager and manually killing the tasks, on the grounds that they were "slowing things down"! Vista often runs like a dog on my i7 PC even with little or nothing going on. Nothing to do with BOINC. :-)

I recall that earlier versions noticed when a task had stopped running, and restarted it with a warning that "if this happens repeatedly you may have to reset the project". However Boinc Manager now seems happy to sit around for ever with no tasks running. Is there a workaround for this (other than banning my daughter from the PC ;-) )?
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks stop running (Message 24525)
Posted 24 Apr 2009 by nedsram-cdl
To reply to Dagorath and ZPM.

It's a 64 bit PC with 3GB RAM. At the moment it is successfully running 8 CPDN tasks, and there is 350MB available.

Sorry for the late reply. I didn't have email notifications turned on.
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Tasks stop running (Message 24353)
Posted 17 Apr 2009 by nedsram-cdl
I have several PCs and this only happens on my new i7 PC. This can run 8 tasks simultaneously. However I often find that one or more - sometimes all - tasks have stopped running, even though BOINC Manager says that they are running. Sometimes restarting BOINC manager fixes the problem, but not always.

Earlier today I killed the frozen tasks from Process Explorer (Task Manager) in the hope that BOINC Manager would restart them. However this caused all of them to fail; not quite the outcome I had intended!

Is there a known issue with this processor, and if so, any suggestions please? I normally run CPDN but after the recent outage I have re-added SETI. This happens to both projects. BOINC Manager version 6.4.5.
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Moving WUs to a different PC (Message 20463)
Posted 24 Sep 2008 by nedsram-cdl
You can only do this when you move the complete BOINC directory (or Data directory in case of BOINC 6) with all sub-directories to the new PC, while the new PC must be using the same operating system platform and have the same CPU manufacturer as the old PC had.

So... Can do:
Windows 2000 -> Windows XP
Intel P4 -> Intel Core2

Can't do:
Windows XP -> Linux
Intel -> AMD

It also depends on which projects you are attached to, if they are updated enough to allow the above. In any case, all your work is registered to the PC that downloaded it, that same PC should upload it. The PC is registered at the project under the hostID. When you change CPU or OS, you will get a brand new hostID, to which all that work isn't registered, so it won't upload/report it to that one. Lost time and work.

If the OSes and CPUs don't match your best bet is to run out your cache on the present PC and if that's not possible, to abort all the work you have in progress and start anew on the other system.

After you moved the directory, you should of course install BOINC on the new system, pointing to the directory you just moved to install BOINC in.

Thanks. The problem is that the old PC will be "recycled" for another user, and BOINC will certainly be removed at this time. So I can't wait until they've finished then upload them. So I guess the WUs might as well be aborted when the PC goes away.

Sorry that was me. I used an old account!
5) Message boards : Questions and problems : Moving WUs to a different PC (Message 20406)
Posted 22 Sep 2008 by nedsram-cdl
My work PC is about to be replaced. I'd like to keep the partially completed WUs so that they can complete on the new PC. Last time I tried this - by copying across the folders - they were deleted as "unknown" on the other PC. Is there a way that they can be "saved" so that they can complete on the new PC?
6) Message boards : BOINC client : Aborting benchmarks - then no BOINC processing (Message 12280)
Posted 3 Sep 2007 by nedsram-cdl
Yes, it's a known issue.

As you noticed, it happens when benchmarks are aborted because an application that has to be removed from memory failed to respond to the quit request within the 10 second interval that the BOINC core client allows. The problem is that the delayed quit response is never acted on and the core client keeps the application marked as running. If memory serves me right things do sort themselves out if the core client decides to schedule another result. It affects applications that have sequences of calculations that are indivisible (e.g. CPDN post-processing) most frequently.

It was first raised on the development mailing list more than 2 years ago by Chris Sutton and myself. I can remember raising it on the list at least twice since then with suggested fixes.

Edit: just checked and the 10 second limit is still in place for 5.10.*.

Thanks Thyme. I upgraded as also suggested, but from what you say this seems to be a known and as yet unresolved issue. And yes, it was CPDN that was involved. I resolved it by restarting BOINC manager.
7) Message boards : BOINC client : Aborting benchmarks - then no BOINC processing (Message 12270)
Posted 2 Sep 2007 by nedsram-cdl
Just now I noticed that BOINC wasn't doing any background processing. Then I also noticed that 11 hours ago, it came up with "unable to stop applications - aborting CPU benchmark". As a result I've lost 11 hours' worth of processing. I'm using version 5.4.11.

Can anybody shed any light on this please? It's not the first time it has happened. Is it a known issue?
8) Message boards : BOINC client : Boinc WIKI or FAQ (Message 7264)
Posted 4 Jan 2007 by nedsram-cdl
Just one other thing, hoping not to expose my ignorance too much :) What does Wiki stand for?

Quoted from "The word wiki is a shorter form of wiki wiki (weekie, weekie) which is from the native language of Hawaii (Hawaiian), where it is commonly used as an adjective to denote something "quick" or "fast" (Hawaiian dictionary). In English, it is an adverb meaning "quickly" or "fast".

The first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, is named after the "Wiki Wiki" line of Chance RT-52 buses in Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii. It was created in 1994 and installed on the web in 1995 by Ward Cunningham, who also created the Portland Pattern Repository."

What I Know Is
9) Message boards : BOINC Manager : My PC can no longer phone home (Message 7212)
Posted 1 Jan 2007 by nedsram-cdl
Take a full backup of the Boinc folder (with Boinc shut down) and copy it to the same location on another PC. Then just resume running. It'll phone home the results.

It's a complication that the other PCs you have to chose from also run Boinc, you'd need to move their installations to one side temporariliy.

It's important that you have the permission of anyone whose PC you use, i.e., your work needs to be happy that Boinc is running. I have heard of someone going to court through using a work PC.

Thanks Mike. There was a time when they used to have the SETI screensaver on every PC. Then there was a change of policy, and since then they have prohibited SETI/BOINC on "live" PCs, and done all they can to make it as difficult as possible on any other - although they never went as far as actually prohibiting it. It seems that finally they have defeated our SETI guru (who has millions of credits to his name, and I know is pretty devastated about this).

I think I'll write off the SETI WUs, wait until the CPDN task has finisned, then port the BOINC folder, report CPDN, and call it a day on that PC.
10) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Monitor will not power off (Message 7182)
Posted 29 Dec 2006 by nedsram-cdl
I understand that if you suspend BOINC, that your monitor will power down at the end of the timeout?

Yes ... all is normal, and between the time the screensaver is enabled and when the monitors are supposed to power down, I see the "bouncing BOINC".

When you're working with BOINC, is it set to run always, or only when your computer is idle? And is that videocard really a card, or an embedded videochip on the motherboard?

I have it set to 'Activity=>Run based on preferences" ... without knowing what the preferences are. BOINC provides "Advanced=>Options" but I don't see screensaver options.

However, the screensaver setup offers "settings", for which "go to blank screen" was disabled, and "minutes until blank" set for 5 minutes. I will try enabling the "blank screen" and see what happens.

You have installed the latest drivers for your videocard and if appropriate for your monitor?

Yes ... It's up to date (according to Dell's support).

Yes, change the screen saver to "blank screen". There is no point in running the BOINC screen saver. It just slows down the crunching (and breaks the PC if you are (still) running W98). You can easily do that from the desktop properties.

And why not set it to "run always" while you are at it. It will only run when there are no higher priority tasks, so it won't degrade performance when you are running applications.
11) Message boards : BOINC Manager : My PC can no longer phone home (Message 7181)
Posted 29 Dec 2006 by nedsram-cdl
My work PC cas crunched happily for over 2 years. But now they have blocked all access so that it can't report results or get new WUs, not even via a proxy. (This only affects one of my PCs, but has apparently had a disastrous impact on the main work user.)

I understand that it may be possible to port the BOINC folder to another PC and upload the results from there. I have two SETI results to report, and an ongoing CPDN WU that has perhaps three months to run to completion, but several trickles to report now.

Any advice on how to do this please, or pitfalls to avoid? It would have to be ported to a PC that already runs BOINC.
12) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Remote update project over VPN (Message 6488)
Posted 16 Nov 2006 by nedsram-cdl
I don't think wildcards can be used... but the name of the other PC shouldn't change. So why not use that one in the remote_hosts.cfg file?

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately there is no DNS lookup available for my home PCs, so that fails as well.
13) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Remote update project over VPN (Message 6422)
Posted 13 Nov 2006 by nedsram-cdl
I sometimes use BoincView to look at a PC across a VPN network. There are some issues with this, but the main one is that I can't use "update project". A message appears "GUI RPC request from non-allowed address ....".

The problem here is that the remote firewall assigns a dynamic IP address to the PC I am running BoincView on, so it's different every time. Can wildcards be used in the list of acceptable IP addresses for remote communication (e.g. 10.26.1.*)?
14) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Downloads and processing is fine...uploads fail (Message 1817)
Posted 12 Dec 2005 by nedsram-cdl
My first download for the seti project worked fine. It was processed and sent back. Now I have about 20 files that have downloaded and have been processed but keep failing. The upload starts and the Speed starts at about 0.10 KBps and the progress will get just past 2% and then it will fail and be set to retry in about 2 hours. I've tried retrying them manually with same result. Anything I can do?


No there is nothing you can do - except be patient, and sign up for some more BOINC projects so that your computers don't run out of things to do.

The "progress" of about 2% doesn't mean it has actually managed to upload/download anything. This is just the first data packet it has sent, and it hasn't been acknowledged yet. After a while it will give up and back off.

A few uploads have been getting through - albeit at a trickle - for days, but downloads were turned off on Friday "to allow uploads to catch up". Hmmm. If we are lucky they will turn downloads on again when it reaches clocking in time in California.

It surprises me that so many people post here without first finding out what is going on (or rather not going on in this case). Have a look here:

SETI BOINC technical news
15) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC 5.2.7 onwards and VPN connections (Message 1573)
Posted 5 Dec 2005 by nedsram-cdl

I don't have the answer to your problem, as I have no experience with VPN. I can, however, steer you to what will most likely be a work-around. I'm sure that Task Manager has a listing on the Processes tab that controls your VPN, though I don't know which particular process. There is something called Process Explorer available (free, GoogleSearch for it) which will tell you what each process running is related to. I think that once you know which one works your VPN that you can exit the process and then restart it, allowing you to log on and connect again.

Here's hoping that someone will come along with a better solution.

Many thanks for that suggestion. I do have Process Explorer on all of my PCs. I like a good hack!
16) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC 5.2.13 on W98 - missing two DLLs (Message 1571)
Posted 5 Dec 2005 by nedsram-cdl
When I upgraded my ancient W98 PC to 5.2.13, it moaned that the following DLLs were not found; after I installed them it ran OK. Why are these DLLs required on W98, when they don't appear to be needed on other versions of Windows?

libeay32.dll ("contains encryption functions which allow for coded communications over networks")

libcurl.dll ("a highly portable and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library - MIT")
17) Message boards : BOINC client : BOINC is doing only LHC which I have set at 125 (12.5%) (Message 1569)
Posted 5 Dec 2005 by nedsram-cdl
OK I hope BOINC's weightings are longterm. I wanted SETI to get exclusive use of 1 CPUCore and The rest to share the 2nd (50/25/25). If SETI runs out of stuff and the server is broken then Einstein gets to monopoize a CPU while LHC/Climate shares the 2nd 50/50. Definitly looks like it don't work work that way.

One way to force BOINC to run SETI only is to suspend temporarily all of the other projects. As there is nothing else it can run, it will then process SETI. I'm not sure whether you can do that on a per CPU basis though. If not, you can (say) on alternate days let everything run, or let SETI only run. I had to do that on a PC which had decided that it must run CPDN only for the next ten years :)

As others have said, you should get rid of Classic. It will die anyway later this month.
18) Message boards : BOINC Manager : BOINC 5.2.7 onwards and VPN connections (Message 1565)
Posted 5 Dec 2005 by nedsram-cdl
This may be a coincidence, but it has happened on two different PCs now, one running XP and the other 2000 Professional.

I don't use VPN to connect BOINC, just part time to access my company's intranet. (I'm a teleworker.) I had no problems until I upgraded BOINC (to 5.2.7 on one PC and 5.2.13 on the other). The problem which has developed on both PCs is as follows:

When VPN has connected, there is no longer a taskbar "bubble" telling me that it is now connected, and no connection icon appears in the taskbar. (I have it set to display one.) The only way I can access the connection is via the control panel, and this doesn't give me the option to disconnect, only to connect. As it's already connected, this doesn't do anything of course. So the only way I can disconnect from VPN is to log off. When I log back on, usually the VPN icon now appears in the taskbar, with an option to disconnect. As it's not connected, this doesn't do anything either, so I can no longer connect to VPN unless I reboot the PC.

Has anybody come across this problem and have a solution? Is anybody aware of an issue with BOINC and VPN? Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Failing that I may be forced to roll back to an earlier version of BOINC to see if the problem goes away.

I'm running BOINC as a service on both PCs, and I use a blank screen screensaver.
19) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Remote control over VPN from PC behind router (Message 803)
Posted 4 Nov 2005 by nedsram-cdl
Unfortunately I'm not likely to get into work for some time, so I won't be able to update the software.

You can TRY using BOINCView to attach to work instead of BOINC Manager. I don't know if that will make any difference, but it seems to work "locally" for multiple Windows computers regardless of BOINC versions... (I only have one PC, rest are Macs, so I haven't used it much.)

A successful outcome. Thanks to the SysInternals forum I found out about reg.exe, and was able to add the -allow_remote_gui_rpc parameter to the service startup parameters. I then restarted it and was able to update the project using BoincView - although a firewall somewhere seems to be blocking my access using port 1043, so I had to do it via direct network access.
20) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Remote control over VPN from PC behind router (Message 786)
Posted 2 Nov 2005 by nedsram-cdl
I suggest to update the remote client to a newer version just like your local client - does 4.25 has the password authentication actually?
As you have already set a password in gui_rpc_auth.cfg, you could start the remote client with parameter "-allow_remote_gui_rpc". The IP check will be disabled and that will allow you to connect from everywhere without the need of knowing the address but the password.

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I'm not likely to get into work for some time, so I won't be able to update the software.

I assume that adding the parameter is just a matter of altering a registry value (it runs as a service). Unfortunately I can't see any way of doing this remotely. (I don't have fancy stuff like Carbon Copy.) Neither can the people on the sysinternals forum where I posted this question either.

So unless I can physically get in there it looks as though I am checkmated on this one. Unless of course somebody knows better...


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