Posts by BobCat13

1) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC no longer requesting work.
Message 99770
Posted 9 Jul 2020 by BobCat13
If I am reading this wrong, hopefully someone will correct me. The following line looks to me like you have your buffers set to 0.1 for Store at least __ days of work and 7.0 for Store up to an additional __ days of work.
Wed 08 Jul 2020 06:29:11 PM CDT | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 8640.00 + 604800.00 sec

Now, the following line shows that you have 0 idle instances (nidle 0.00). That should be correct as Cosmology's website lists 21 tasks in progress for your machine (14 single thread tasks and 7 multi-thread tasks) at the time of my writing this message.
Wed 08 Jul 2020 06:29:11 PM CDT | | [work_fetch] shortfall 4562751.58 nidle 0.00 saturated 22834.00 busy 0.00

As long as the client considers you having that 0.1 minimum days of work and 0 idle instances, it will not request work from any project. I would suggest if you want the client to get more tasks, then you should change the 0.1 to 0.5 and the 7.0 to 1.0 (or something smaller than 7.0). Right now with your current settings, once the buffer drops low enough to request work, it will get 7.1 days worth of work from the first project it contacts so long as that project allows that much work and has a deadline longer than 7 days.
2) Message boards : Projects : QMC new jobs, but big trouble..
Message 93711
Posted 14 Nov 2019 by BobCat13
adrianxw wrote:
I saw that QMC had new work, so reenabled it on two machines, (hyperthreaded quads), one machine downloaded 6 tasks the other seven. All had expected runtimes of 2-3 days, no problems with that, due date was a couple of weeks away.

The runtimes are optimistic, they crawl along on both of my 4GHz i7's, but looked to be possible anyway, so I left them going.

Today, the machine with six jobs is back to showing 1.000% complete, the estimated run times have changed one is 3d 16:06 and counting, two of the others show 370+ days, two more 390+ days and the last 422+ days. This machine has now used upwards of 21 days on these jobs. All aborted - 21 days of crunching wasted.

The other machine has all seven tasks still running, showing from 64.626% complete, (2d 23:37:30 elapsed), down to 39.556% complete, (1d 30:02:25 elapsed). However tempting, I am not aborting them - YET.

I have, obviously, set no new tasks on both systems.

That is the way QMC tasks run. 1.000% done means that the task has reached it's first checkpoint. Of all the QMC tasks I have run, the fastest one to finish completed at the 5.000% mark (about 140 hours) and the longest one was at the 18.000% mark (about 750 hours).

If you are the first to complete the task, you will get credit even if the task has passed the deadline. If someone else completes the task before you, you will not receive credit as your result will be marked "Too late". Also, if you see the task listed as having too many errors, don't worry, you will still receive credit if you can complete it successfully.
3) Message boards : BOINC client : Starting BOINC clients and attaching projects, except from a single terminal
Message 80491
Posted 28 Aug 2017 by BobCat13

For Linux, use --daemon

For Windows, use --detach_console

That will start the client and return control of the terminal to you.
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Constantly running 1 WU of each selected project
Message 79562
Posted 12 Jul 2017 by BobCat13
I do not believe it can be done with one client, but you could use the --allow_multiple_clients option to setup a client instance for each project you want to run and restrict each client to 1 cpu. In order for multiple clients to work, each client instance needs its own unique data directory and rpc port.
5) Message boards : Questions and problems : Fresh boinc installation in a headless server, but all my tasks have been stuck in "downloading" state
Message 79523
Posted 9 Jul 2017 by BobCat13
@Juha, you are correct: The idle detection in that version appears to be broken and it seems to think that the machine is always in use. Hopefully the package maintainers can see their way clear to an update soon!

Don't know if they will update for 14.04, but you could always try LocutusOfBorg's builds:

I have used his builds without any problems.
6) Message boards : Questions and problems : Fresh boinc installation in a headless server, but all my tasks have been stuck in "downloading" state
Message 79517
Posted 9 Jul 2017 by BobCat13
Try boinccmd --get_cc_status to see the network status.

Upon a user activated project update, the client will contact the project and even request work, but will not download any workunit files if the network is set to never.
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : GPU's listed in event manager log incl. "use all co-processors", but no (NVidia) GPU WUs being issued. (Gridcoin/ Manager)
Message 79495
Posted 7 Jul 2017 by BobCat13
Does this not indicate anything?

07/07/2017 00:07:34 | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
07/07/2017 00:07:34 | | [work_fetch] shortfall 103680.00 nidle 2.00 saturated 0.00 busy 0.00
07/07/2017 00:07:34 | Collatz Conjecture | [work_fetch] share 0.000 account manager prefs
07/07/2017 00:07:34 | Einstein@Home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 account manager prefs

07/07/2017 00:07:34 | World Community Grid | [work_fetch] share 0.000 blocked by project preferences

Those two lines should have share 0.500 if the Nvidia GPU options are working correctly. Try checking the No Nvidia GPU on the account manager and save, sync to the client, then uncheck the No Nvidia GPU, save and sync to see if that clears anything.
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : Testing BOINC question
Message 79494
Posted 7 Jul 2017 by BobCat13
That means in BOINC Manager on the Tasks tab, click on an active task and see if the Show Graphics button to the left is available. If so, click the Show Graphics button and see if a display opens up representing what the task is actually doing.
9) Message boards : Questions and problems : acemd-918-80.e -- What is it?
Message 77876
Posted 13 May 2017 by BobCat13
GPUGrid application:
10) Message boards : Server programs : Reuse same file in multiple work units
Message 74636
Posted 7 Dec 2016 by BobCat13

The <no_delete/> option may be what you are looking for.
11) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69482
Posted 5 May 2016 by BobCat13
OK, as I suspected, curiosity got the better of me. I created the two batch files BobCat13 suggested in the message I'm replying to.

And it failed. Watching the changes in the second data directory, I saw a file stderrdae.txt being created, with the contents

05-May-2016 15:50:59 Another instance of BOINC is running.
GLE: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.


Armed with that information, I edited the cc_config.xml file for the first (originally running) instance, with the


option, and restarted the first client. After that, everything worked as advertised. Two different clients running (two instances of boinc.exe in Task Manager), two different instances of boincmgr.exe in Task Manager as well, two different displays on screen with different project lists, etc. etc.

I have never had to do this, but I wonder if that is because the two clients have always run under different user accounts? Currently, client1 is installed as a service, and client2 runs under my account. In the past client1 ran under a restricted account I created specifically for running Boinc, and client2 ran under my account.
12) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69458
Posted 5 May 2016 by BobCat13
@Bobcat, Thinking about the BOINC Manager trouble, do you have any specific exceptions set in the firewall - and if so, which firewall do you use?

Privatefirewall 7.0 and the exceptions for Boinc and Boinc Manager/BoincTasks are local lan only, allowed on remote ports 31416-31418.
13) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69455
Posted 4 May 2016 by BobCat13
You can try to use boinccmd, but it may also like the first BOINC only. I don't think there is a way to tell boinccmd to point to a second running client.

Works similar to the shortcut properties for the Manager, except the port has to be entered after the IP separated by a colon. Here is an example using get_cc_status and set_network_mode on the test second client I am using:

C:\Program Files\BOINC>boinccmd --host --passwd xxxxxxxxxx --get_cc_status
network connection status: don't need connection
CPU status
    not suspended
    current mode: according to prefs
    perm mode: according to prefs
    perm becomes current in 0 sec
GPU status
    not suspended
    current mode: according to prefs
    perm mode: according to prefs
    perm becomes current in 0 sec
Network status
    not suspended
    current mode: according to prefs
    perm mode: according to prefs
    perm becomes current in 0 sec

C:\Program Files\BOINC>boinccmd --host --passwd xxxxxxxxxx --set_network_mode never

C:\Program Files\BOINC>boinccmd --host --passwd xxxxxxxxxx --get_cc_status
network connection status: don't need connection
CPU status
    not suspended
    current mode: according to prefs
    perm mode: according to prefs
    perm becomes current in 0 sec
GPU status
    not suspended
    current mode: according to prefs
    perm mode: according to prefs
    perm becomes current in 0 sec
Network status
    suspended: user request
    current mode: never
    perm mode: never
    perm becomes current in 0 sec

C:\Program Files\BOINC>

14) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69437
Posted 4 May 2016 by BobCat13
And now, in contrast to as it acted before, the second one does NOT say "wrong password" right after trying to connect once, but I can see in the lower right corner of the Manager window "connecting to" and "disconnected" - in about 2-3 seconds intervals, all time long, until I close the Manager.

That is caused be either the client not having started properly or some security software blocking the communication between the two. The fact that earlier you were getting incorrect password errors should indicate that security software is not the problem as the client and manager had to talk to each other to see the password was not correct.
15) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69423
Posted 3 May 2016 by BobCat13
At this point, I don't know what to try other than stopping the second client if running, edit the gui_rpc_auth.cfg and change the password to something simple like the word test then save the file. Start the client again, change the properties of the Manager so the password is test and see if that works.
16) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69418
Posted 3 May 2016 by BobCat13
Let's see if the client has even started properly. Check your data directory for the second client and if the client has started properly, you should see a list of files similar to these:

There should also be one folder named Notices. If only the gui_rpc_auth.cfg is present, then the second client has not started properly.

17) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69413
Posted 3 May 2016 by BobCat13
You did stop/start the client, correct? The gui_rpc_auth.cfg is only read when the client starts, so any changes to it require the client to be stopped and then started again.
18) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69407
Posted 3 May 2016 by BobCat13

Create a shortcut to BOINC Manager on the Desktop and change it's properties to read:
"c:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe" /m /n /g 31418 /p xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

after following all the steps as described, I could get the second BOINC manager to open, but right thereafter the message "the password you have provided is incorrect - please try again" shows up :-(

I had replaced the many xxx with exactly what was contained in the original gui_rpc_auth.cfg. So - no idea why this password is not being accepted.

So, unfortunately, the second BOINC manager does not work here :-(

Ok, there were two ways I can reproduce the error. First was to mistype the password in the properties of the Manager start command. Second way was to append the gui_rpc_auth.cfg with a txt suffix, which causes the client to create a new gui_rpc_auth.cfg when it is started with the .bat file. Check that the gui_rpc_auth.cfg file that was copied over does not have .txt suffix. If you created the file by right-clicking and choosing create new text file and then renaming it to .cfg, it may still have the .txt suffix. The best was to do it is to have both data directory folders open and drag from the first client to the second client choosing the Copy option.
19) Message boards : BOINC client : allow multiple clients
Message 69394
Posted 3 May 2016 by BobCat13
Hence, my plan would have been to install a second BOINC not on the RAMDisk, but on the SSD, just for GPUGRID, and leave ATLAS plus WCG on the RAMDisk.
Okay, this obviously is not that easy.

It is not that difficult.

Create a new folder (i.e. c:\Boinc2) for the second client and copy the gui_rpc_auth.cfg from the first Data directory to the second Data directory. Create a .bat file on the Desktop and edit it so you can enter the following into it:
"c:\Program Files\BOINC\boinc.exe" --allow_multiple_clients --redirectio --detach_console --gui_rpc_port 31418 --dir c:\Boinc2

Create a shortcut to BOINC Manager on the Desktop and change it's properties to read:
"c:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe" /m /n /g 31418 /p xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It should not be necessary to change the first client and manager at all as long as you start the first client and Manager before starting the second client and Manager. The first client will start normally thinking it is the only one on the system and the Manager is setup to automatically connect on port 31416 to the first client.

It is also not necessary to change the gui_rpc_auth.cfg on the second client as both clients can use the same password as long as the port is different. Once you have confirmed that both clients are running and the second client recognizes your GPU, you can detach from GPUGrid on the first client and attach on the second client.

    1. Jord has localhost set in his command for the second Manager, but I cannot get that to work and only works for me.
    2. If you don't plan on using the GPU on the first client, you could uninstall boinc and reinstall as a service to disable the GPU and only attach to GPU projects on the second client.
    3. On the client/Managers, you may need to change the "Suspend when non-Boinc CPU usage is above" to 100 as the clients see each others usage as non-Boinc.
    4. If you don't want to use 2 Managers, you could use BoincTasks and set it up to control both clients from the same GUI.

20) Message boards : BOINC Manager : Feature Request: Date Received
Message 68490
Posted 24 Mar 2016 by BobCat13
You could switch to BoincTasks, as that has Received as a user selectable column.
Next 20

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