Posts by Bryn Mawr

1) Message boards : Questions and problems : maximize task throughput without cpu over temp (Message 114362)
Posted 7 hours ago by Bryn Mawr
I am using Windows 11 and have experimented with using tthrottle on my old machine. Never could get the results I was expecting, do you throttle the boinc process or each task process? Thank you for responding so quickly I will try your cpu percentage recommendation to see if that helps.

I run exclusively on Linux, the tthrottle suggestion was purely on the back of running BoincTasks rather than from personal experience.
2) Message boards : Questions and problems : maximize task throughput without cpu over temp (Message 114355)
Posted 13 hours ago by Bryn Mawr
Far better to stick with %CPUs (say 40% rather then your current 90%) than use %time / CPU which can stress the processor.

It sounds like you are using Windows, have you considered using tthrottle to force a lower temperature limit?
3) Message boards : Questions and problems : Where did my account go to???? (Message 114074)
Posted 27 May 2024 by Bryn Mawr
I meant this web site did not find my account not SETI. I was forced to create a new account on this web site in order to post here. Looking back at the original post I did not make that very clear sorry.

This site is not a project site, it covers generic queries about the software. Having to change you account here will, therefore, not affect the credits generated by the projects.

Have you tried logging into one of the accumulation sites such as BoincStats to see what they have on record?
4) Message boards : Questions and problems : Long Run Time (Message 114052)
Posted 22 May 2024 by Bryn Mawr
Be sure that the task manager is showing you all tasks and not just the tasks for your user.

It’s very often the background system tasks that steal your resources - windows updates, file indexer, McAfee, etc.
5) Message boards : Questions and problems : how to login (Message 113915)
Posted 19 Apr 2024 by Bryn Mawr
i don't know project names - i only know BAM and science united - anything that will let me login!

Science United is your problem, it takes over your machine and dictates which projects you’re allowed to run.
6) Message boards : Questions and problems : how to login (Message 113796)
Posted 20 Mar 2024 by Bryn Mawr
Plus - what operating system, which version of Boinc, what are the error messages, …
7) Message boards : Questions and problems : boinc manager not showing statistics as a time line; only data as a single day point shown (Message 113702)
Posted 29 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
You deleted the history held within Boinc Manager when you detached from the project and you’re not going to get it back unless you have a backup from before that point.

It will build up again over the next ?30? days, if you need the data for reference purposes and you allowed export then it will still be in BoincStats or the like.

If new data points are not being added within Boinc Manager then, as Dave says, it is likely that you have not completed any new tasks successfully.
8) Message boards : Questions and problems : No BOINC screen saver (Message 113658)
Posted 22 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
I have had no reply. I want the screen save to work. What can I do? I am on Win 11 23H2. Is that a problem?

The screen saver is a good way to quickly see at a glance what is going on. I know I can check statistics in BOINC Manager and I do that, but that takes unnecessary time away from my work.

Please reply.


No reply because I have absolutely no idea - I’ve never bothered with the screensaver as I see no point in it.
9) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 113619)
Posted 15 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
And now it's time again for another System Error period. I knew it was coming when the site became incredibly laggy.
Let's see how long this outage lasts.

System error

World Community Grid is currently experiencing an unexpected error. Please check Facebook or Twitter for more information.

Edit, added: Now also spreading to the BOINC part of WCG: "World Community Grid 2024-02-15 09:27:12 Scheduler request failed: HTTP service unavailable"

Odd, website is running smoothly from here.
10) Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINC Invalid client RPC password. Try reinstalling BOINC (Message 113616)
Posted 14 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
Works if you are still running any LTS of Ubuntu versions 20 or less.
I would have thought if everyone had this problem with versions 21.x and above of Ubuntu, we would have heard a lot more about it here.

I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 with Gianfranco’s version 7.20.5 and have had zero problems - certainly not “hopelessly broken”.
11) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 113615)
Posted 14 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
The website works on and off. I managed to post on the forum, but then it became a 503 error again.
A minute later it worked, and next minute 503 again.

Edit: Now it's really screwed up. 503 errors, and then suddenly System error, and getting logged out.
Not possible to log in again when the website comes back, and then it goes away again. At least the
BOINC part of WCG still works.

Working now with only occasional 503s
12) Message boards : Questions and problems : Can I recover statistics from "removed" projects (Message 113582)
Posted 11 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
I "removed" a bunch of old projects I was not running any more just for aesthetics. Didn't realize the statistics would also be removed.

Is there any way I can recover the millions of points from these projects? Can't find any way to reactivate these projects. Not sure I remember all their names

I do have a week old backup, what files would I need to restore to go back to where I was last week?

thanks, tom kosvic

If you reattach to the projects you should get the credits back.

To find the names in the backups go to the projects directory and the sub-directories will list then. For Linux the projects directory is either in /var/lib/boinc or /etc/boinc - no idea for Windows.
13) Message boards : Questions and problems : Where is the cc_config.xml file suppose to live? (Message 113372)
Posted 14 Jan 2024 by Bryn Mawr
If you go into options and change one of the log reporting flags then it will create a config file for you. I generally turn sched_ops on as the info is useful but not too many lines.
14) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 113320)
Posted 24 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
It’s back :-)

Early Christmas gift from WCG?

Now all we need is enough tasks to crunch
15) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 113318)
Posted 24 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
It’s back :-)
16) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 113315)
Posted 24 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Site down
17) Message boards : Questions and problems : when adding a second machine/client , can I just copy the project config files from the first client (Message 113268)
Posted 13 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Hi, I have one machine running BOINC participating in several projects. Works fine. Simple Q but I couldn't exactly find the answer.

If I install Boinc on a second physical machine, is there a set of files I can simply copy across so it also works on the same projects. I'm running the machines headless from CLI, so simply copying a few xml files would be great, if that's all that's needed


The main two are cc_config.xml and app_config.xml in the project directory.

The app file will not exist if you’ve not created it and the cc file won’t exist if you’ve not set non-default settings.
18) Message boards : Questions and problems : Only 1 out of seven projects reporting work (Message 113128)
Posted 17 Nov 2023 by Bryn Mawr
I am attached to seven projects:

This is not what I signed up for. I want to see work in the other projects. They all have work available.

What is wrong here? What do I need to do?

I cannot remember the last time I got work from them.

Nothing to send

Sign up to yoyo they have plenty

WCG comes and goes.

Climate is a waste of energy, CO2 levels drop any lower most life could end. We are about 417 and should be 10x that to turn everything green

Then how come the level was about 280 before the start of the industrial revolution? Appears to have been plenty of life about then, enough to support an agricultural society.

An approximate 40% increase in the CO2 level in the past 75 years is not natural - it’s the rate of change, not the absolute level, that will kill us.
19) Message boards : Questions and problems : What is "BOINC Central" project ? (Message 112972)
Posted 22 Oct 2023 by Bryn Mawr
So there is a direct link to boinc sporadic apps ?

(+ here also)

But is is strange though : does it mean we would not attach to a dedicated project but to this "boinc central" stuff ? and therefore not be able to choose what we want to do ??

Within the project choose which app(s) you want to run.
20) Message boards : Projects : Anything and Everything to do with (WCG) World Community Grid (Message 112932)
Posted 15 Oct 2023 by Bryn Mawr
The website is back but no WUs to process

Next 20

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