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Message 4999 - Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 6:54:12 UTC

it would be nice if the linux version had a tray icon like in windows, and had all the features that the tray icon does in windows, (as in it minimizes to the tray when you press X (close) instead of just closing the program.
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Message 5063 - Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 2:48:09 UTC

i would love to see an auto copy feature so that every time you update boinc you dont have to manually renter the projects again. it gets old real fast.

i would love to see a limiter added that prevents projects from monopolizing the system by making the due date 24 hours later than the file is sent

also there needs to be a way to force the project to have a finish time.
i joined a project and it ran for 48 hours with no end time when i wrote to the project manager he said it should only have run for 40 minutes

the scheduler should look to see when the last time a project was updated in case a project does monopolize the system, i havent seen seti run in almost a month now because of other projects running
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Message 5067 - Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 10:06:47 UTC

I would like to have an override option to current application switching (switch between applications every XX minutes) that would force the projects application to calculate one whole work unit at a time from the beginning to the end before switching to another project. This way I could disable the 'Leave applications in memory while preempted?' option and save memory. Currently rosetta and wcg's human proteome folding uses lots of memory, but the work units are quite small (about 8 hours).

Example: Let's say the resource share for SIMAP is 50, for Rosetta 100 and for WCG 100. Then it would first compute one whole work unit for SIMAP, then one whole work unit for Rosetta, then WCG, then Rosetta again and then WCG again and then back to SIMAP, always doing the whole task/work unit and clearing the memory before switching to another project.

The option could be called: Switch between applications only after finishing task (yes/no), and if this was enabled it would change the Switch between applications every xx minutes text to disabled.

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Message 5068 - Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 10:59:59 UTC - in response to Message 5063.  

i would love to see an auto copy feature so that every time you update boinc you dont have to manually renter the projects again. it gets old real fast.

i would love to see a limiter added that prevents projects from monopolizing the system by making the due date 24 hours later than the file is sent

also there needs to be a way to force the project to have a finish time.
i joined a project and it ran for 48 hours with no end time when i wrote to the project manager he said it should only have run for 40 minutes

the scheduler should look to see when the last time a project was updated in case a project does monopolize the system, i havent seen seti run in almost a month now because of other projects running

You should not have to reattach to projects after an upgrade. The unistall leaves the needed files intact so that I picks up where it left off.

Once a project monopolizes the host it is normally not allowed to download work again to make up for this time.

There are several limiting parameters with each task. It is up to the projects to set these appropriately.

The debt system will ensure that the host rotates through the different projects. It may take some time though if you are attached to many projects. In most cases if you try to force the client to change before it is ready it will make things worse.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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Message 5080 - Posted: 21 Jul 2006, 19:16:04 UTC

I would like to have an auto-update function, the ability to sort items in a list, a "combobox" in the attach dialog to choose the project easily whitout entering the project url, and an optional splash screen.
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Message 5082 - Posted: 21 Jul 2006, 22:25:28 UTC - in response to Message 5080.  

I would like to have an auto-update function

For security reasons, this isn't an option. What will be an option in the next version 5.6, is to check if there is a new version.

a "combobox" in the attach dialog to choose the project easily whitout entering the project url

Also not an option. When BOINC started, there were 3 projects (Seti, Einstein and CPDN) available. By now it's 30+ projects that are available. Many of them in Alpha or Beta stage, some of them don't want to be listed until they are out of alpha/beta.

Plus BOINC needs to be updated each time to get more projects in that list.
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Message 5096 - Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 23:46:08 UTC

this may or may not have been asked and it was quite confussing to find. There are two suggestions/questions I have:

1) Will the "Boinc Manager" ever support viewing of more then 1 project or multiple computers for the same project, Such as BoincView for windows. I.e. I have at my disposal 8+ computers that are capable of running the BOINC client at any given time (this includes my own workstation (which runs Linux Full time so boincview isn't an option cause it doesn't run very well in linux (not in windows on my wife's computer either))) and I would like to be able to check on all of there status' at once .... and the native boinc manager seems the very logical choice to do this .....

2) as much as I know the folks at Berkeley are into developing there own software .... ever here of a real web based forum such as phpbb2 or other paid for ones .... they will allow for better searching capabilities ......
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Message 5121 - Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 17:55:58 UTC - in response to Message 5096.  

1) It is already an option in BOINC Manager (version 5.x.x and above).
See here for how to control BOINC on remote computers. You can open as many Boinc Managers as you have computers.

2. Since BOINC is Open Source, it cannot include pre-made forums made by others. If projects want to use other forums, it is up to them to do so.

These forums are included in the BOINC server software. It is being upgraded once e every so many months as well.
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[BOINCstats] Willy

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Message 5128 - Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 5:00:20 UTC - in response to Message 5080.  

I would like to have an auto-update function, the ability to sort items in a list, a "combobox" in the attach dialog to choose the project easily whitout entering the project url, and an optional splash screen.

This is very much possible by using BAM!

BOINCstats | BAM!
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Message 5144 - Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 15:24:10 UTC

Ageless, I think you missed my point. I am looking to do it in *one* app .... not open 20 BOINC managers to man 20 BOINC projects .....
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Message 5149 - Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 19:20:06 UTC - in response to Message 5144.  

20 BOINC projects, or 20 computers running BOINC? Let's be clear about that, before I "miss a point" again.

- 20 BOINC projects can be run from any one computer running BOINC.
- To keep track of 20 different computers, using one BOINC Manager is possible, but you need to "Select computer" each time, then fill in the right IP address or the name of the computer. If you are set up correctly on the remote controlling of computers.
- Another way is to open 20 Boinc Managers and set them all to one computer in your group of 20 computers.
- If a 3rd party program like BoincView has the option, use that.

The next BOINC will get a new GUI. It's possible it'll be able to do what you ask, but since no one has seen a working version of the new simple GUI yet, we don't know. You can always request something like this on the BOINC developers email list. Describe it well, then.
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Message 5164 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 15:21:25 UTC

20 BOINC projects, or 20 computers running BOINC? Let's be clear about that, before I "miss a point" again.

20 Computers running SETI@Home w/ the BOINC Client

- 20 BOINC projects can be run from any one computer running BOINC.

I've already acomplished this.

- To keep track of 20 different computers, using one BOINC Manager is possible, but you need to "Select computer" each time, then fill in the right IP address or the name of the computer. If you are set up correctly on the remote controlling of computers.

This can be vry confusing over time

- Another way is to open 20 Boinc Managers and set them all to one computer in your group of 20 computers.

This would be an incredible waste of resources ..... but it is still an option non the less.

- If a 3rd party program like BoincView has the option, use that.

BoincView is a very poorly designed application that behaves like a bad java applet .... I give the auther(s) some credit but not enough to have fixed some glaring bugs in over a year.

The next BOINC will get a new GUI. It's possible it'll be able to do what you ask, but since no one has seen a working version of the new simple GUI yet, we don't know. You can always request something like this on the BOINC developers email list. Describe it well, then.

I beleive I will try this avenue ......
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UBT - Halifax--lad

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Message 5165 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 15:43:14 UTC

Try BOINCstudio
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Aurora Borealis

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Message 5166 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 15:51:31 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jul 2006, 15:58:57 UTC

The simple GUI will be just that. SIMPLE. It will be an overlay to hide all the nut and bolts so that it will present a simplified display so as to not confuse the casual user. An advance button will reveal a variation on the current Boinc manager.
At the moment the developers seem to be concentrating more on cleaning up the scheduler and giving a few tools to the intermediate users. I don't think the farmers are likely to find anything new to make it easier for them with the next release.

Boinc V 7.4.36
Win7 i5 3.33G 4GB NVidia 470
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UBT - Halifax--lad

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Message 5167 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 15:58:17 UTC - in response to Message 5166.  

The simple GUI will be just that. SIMPLE. It will be an overlay to hide all the nut and bolts so that it will present a simplified display so as to not comfuse the casual user. An advance buttom will reveal a variation on the current Boinc manager.
At the moment the developers seem to be concentrating more on cleaning up the scheduler and giving a few tools to the intermidiate users. I don't think the farmers are likely to find anything new to make it easier for them with the next release.

Yep you are quite right on this I also have seen no evidence from the development versions so far that will have any added features on for farm managers, you will have to use a 3rd party program if there is anyone out there who want to manage BOINC in that way

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Message 5168 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 17:03:08 UTC

got a link for BOINCStudio? Is it Linux friendly?
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Message 5170 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 17:34:46 UTC - in response to Message 5166.  

At the moment the developers seem to be concentrating more on cleaning up the scheduler and giving a few tools to the intermediate users. I don't think the farmers are likely to find anything new to make it easier for them with the next release.

The devs aren't making the new GUI. IBM is. So any requests sent to the developers list about the new GUI will be read by both developing teams. :-)
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UBT - Halifax--lad

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Message 5171 - Posted: 30 Jul 2006, 18:36:14 UTC - in response to Message 5168.  

got a link for BOINCStudio? Is it Linux friendly?

Yes can use it for Linux too see link here from my teams forum to there site
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Message 5286 - Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 17:43:18 UTC

I would like to see the boinc manger changed to keep trak of passwords for remote client computers and insert them automatically when a particular remote client is attached. Like it does for the LOCALHOST.
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Message 5299 - Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 9:25:12 UTC

I would really like to see columns to be sortable again (like in old versions 4.xx) to sort for progress or report deadline for example.
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Message boards : BOINC Manager : My wish list

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