Thread 'GPU not running, misplaced in BOINCTasks thread.'

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Message 49081 - Posted: 11 May 2013, 18:10:08 UTC - in response to Message 49047.  

Small note to Fred. Just installed 1.47 and noted the "Read config file" has (cc_config.xml) as singular reference. As of about 7.0.52 the Read config is really plural 'files' as it also reads in any app_config.xml files that exist in the project folders.

Corrected in 1.48, thanks for the heads up.

Fred, I noticed BoincTasks has a problem, I confirmed it recently with Boinc 1.38, from at least 1.45 and up Boinc seems to forget that it has any gpu tasks when there is no mouse activity overnight, then when I'd look at BT, within a minute of looking at BT, the gpu tasks would suddenly appear, the lack of working on gpu wu's would appear in the log and show cpu tasks are unaffected, BT has a problem with temporary amnesia... If I had pics of this I'd post them, I run the anonymous platform under Boinc x64 in Windows 7 x64 sp1, currently that would be Boinc 6.10.58(7.0.62+ would do as well), Lunatics_x41zc_win32_cuda50.exe, AK_v8b2_win_x64_SSSE3x.exe, I have run Lunatics_x41zc_win32_cuda42.exe in the past, I use the 306.23 WHQL Win7 x64 driver as that one doesn't downclock the gpu while crunching and I've seen a lot of them do just that, but I digress. Oh and I have a Zotac Infinity edition GTX580, it's liquid cooled, temps aren't a problem, since the max temp for a 580 gpu is 97C and real temp has never shown more than 73C, last night the gpu got to 71C after I'd turned off the blower(an evaporative cooler, otherwise known as a swamp cooler), Oh and the stock Zotac fan was replaced by a Delta 113cfm 120x25mm 3400rpm fan, that runs at full speed and yeah It was a bit of a learning curve.
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ID: 49081 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49082 - Posted: 12 May 2013, 14:10:30 UTC - in response to Message 49081.  

Fred, I noticed BoincTasks has a problem, I confirmed it recently with Boinc 1.38, from at least 1.45 and up Boinc seems to forget that it has any gpu tasks when there is no mouse activity overnight.

At the moment BoincTasks comes out of hiding, it starts updating the Tasks screen.
The task screen initially is as it was when you closed it.
So depending on the number of computers, this may take a couple of seconds or more to refresh.

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Message 49083 - Posted: 12 May 2013, 17:03:07 UTC - in response to Message 49082.  

Fred, I noticed BoincTasks has a problem, I confirmed it recently with Boinc 1.38, from at least 1.45 and up Boinc seems to forget that it has any gpu tasks when there is no mouse activity overnight.

At the moment BoincTasks comes out of hiding, it starts updating the Tasks screen.
The task screen initially is as it was when you closed it.
So depending on the number of computers, this may take a couple of seconds or more to refresh.

Fred, BT actually doesn't think there are any gpu wu's to work on, BT forgets in v1.45+... This is not a mere refresh problem, BT would only crunch cpu tasks and not do any gpu tasks cause BT thought there were no gpu wu's on the hdd and then upon the mouse and keyboard activity going back to normal, like after one went to bed for the night(cause that's how this happened here), BT would suddenly remember that BT had gpu wu's and restart them.

This is a serious problem that does not show up when there is any human activity.
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ID: 49083 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49084 - Posted: 12 May 2013, 17:22:38 UTC - in response to Message 49083.  

This is a serious problem that does not show up when there is any human activity.

Do the gpu tasks actually run that that moment? You should hear the fans or feel the heat.
Something to look at, BOINC preferences, Processor:

Use GPU while computer is in use checked.
While processor usage is less than, set to 0.
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Message 49085 - Posted: 12 May 2013, 17:36:34 UTC - in response to Message 49084.  
Last modified: 12 May 2013, 17:38:50 UTC

This is a serious problem that does not show up when there is any human activity.

Do the gpu tasks actually run that that moment? You should hear the fans or feel the heat.
Something to look at, BOINC preferences, Processor:

Use GPU while computer is in use checked.
While processor usage is less than, set to 0.

NO they do not, after all human activity ceases for the night, this happens, though it may take 2 to 3.5 hours to show up.

The fan here is not connected to the 580 card as there is no way to connect the 120x25mm Delta fan to the Zotac Infinity Edition card, this card is water cooled, the stock Zotac fan is just slower than the Delta, hookup to the card is also not possible for the stock fan, since there is no physical connection, just the tubing connecting the waterblock and the radiator and this has nothing to do with the problem as 1.38 doesn't care if there is a fan connected to the card or not.(See pic below)

Yes that is checked, makes no difference and I know it should, I'm currently using 1.38, not 1.47 or whatever is the latest version.

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Message 49105 - Posted: 14 May 2013, 13:28:03 UTC - in response to Message 49084.  

This is a serious problem that does not show up when there is any human activity.

Do the gpu tasks actually run that that moment? You should hear the fans or feel the heat.
Something to look at, BOINC preferences, Processor:

Use GPU while computer is in use checked.
While processor usage is less than, set to 0.

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not. As you'll notice for a few hours there is cpu work only being worked on and reported/uploaded, yet no gpu being reported, uploaded or anything and that isn't possible under BoincManager 6.10.58, I hope you can fix this Fred, I had to uninstall 1.38 to install 1.30, that's something I'd also look into fixing too.

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ID: 49105 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49107 - Posted: 14 May 2013, 14:02:04 UTC - in response to Message 49105.  

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not.

The BOINC client starts the GPU Tasks not BoincTasks.
Install the latest release version as 1.30 is way to old for me to test.

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Message 49108 - Posted: 14 May 2013, 14:15:51 UTC - in response to Message 49107.  

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not.

The BOINC client starts the GPU Tasks not BoincTasks.
Install the latest release version as 1.30 is way to old for me to test.

Ok I installed 1.47...
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ID: 49108 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49110 - Posted: 14 May 2013, 14:39:31 UTC - in response to Message 49108.  
Last modified: 14 May 2013, 14:43:21 UTC

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not.

The BOINC client starts the GPU Tasks not BoincTasks.
Install the latest release version as 1.30 is way to old for me to test.

Ok I installed 1.47...

Try running the other tool as well: C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\BoincMonitor
It logs Seti tasks as well.

Make sure the history Minimum update time is set to 2 seconds. (BoincTasks settings, History tab)
Because Seti uploads and reports very very quickly.
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Message 49111 - Posted: 14 May 2013, 15:17:45 UTC - in response to Message 49110.  

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not.

The BOINC client starts the GPU Tasks not BoincTasks.
Install the latest release version as 1.30 is way to old for me to test.

Ok I installed 1.47...

Try running the other tool as well: C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\BoincMonitor
It logs Seti tasks as well.

Make sure the history Minimum update time is set to 2 seconds. (BoincTasks settings, History tab)
Because Seti uploads and reports very very quickly.

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Message 49146 - Posted: 16 May 2013, 14:24:25 UTC - in response to Message 49110.  

Ok this problem happens as far back as 1.38, I'm back to seeing if 1.30 works right or not.

The BOINC client starts the GPU Tasks not BoincTasks.
Install the latest release version as 1.30 is way to old for me to test.

Ok I installed 1.47...

Try running the other tool as well: C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\BoincMonitor
It logs Seti tasks as well.

Make sure the history Minimum update time is set to 2 seconds. (BoincTasks settings, History tab)
Because Seti uploads and reports very very quickly.

Ok Fred, here's some news of sorts, nothing has happened with 1.47, maybe it was that setting set to 2 seconds that did the deed, I've been running the monitor program of course since may 14th and nothing unusual to report from there. That or maybe something was messed up/corrupted somehow in a previous install that uninstalling and installing 1.38 and then 1.47 fixed. So what do I know? Not much evidently.
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ID: 49146 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49148 - Posted: 16 May 2013, 17:18:24 UTC - in response to Message 49146.  

So what do I know? Not much evidently.

If it works it works. The 2 seconds is probably what did it.
SETI is really quick every 5 minutes a request.

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Message 49149 - Posted: 16 May 2013, 17:26:11 UTC - in response to Message 49148.  
Last modified: 16 May 2013, 17:26:43 UTC

So what do I know? Not much evidently.

If it works it works. The 2 seconds is probably what did it.
SETI is really quick every 5 minutes a request.

Yeah from 4 seconds to 2 seconds, sounds like an eternity or two...

And thanks for your help, Later.
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Message 49155 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 13:11:30 UTC - in response to Message 49148.  
Last modified: 17 May 2013, 13:15:33 UTC

So what do I know? Not much evidently.

If it works it works. The 2 seconds is probably what did it.
SETI is really quick every 5 minutes a request.

Don't look now, but the 2 seconds didn't work, the gtx580 temp got up to a temp of 73C, max for the 580 is 97C, first from the log, then from History...


8251 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:01:14 AM Message from server: Project has no tasks available
8252 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:02:36 AM Restarting task 24jl11ae.1069.12081.5.11.206_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 610
8253 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:02:36 AM Starting 21ap11ag.10142.20517.13.11.222_1
8254 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:02:36 AM Starting task 21ap11ag.10142.20517.13.11.222_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 610
8255 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:02:36 AM Starting 25se11ae.26666.8416.3.11.231_0
8256 SETI@home 5/17/2013 6:02:36 AM Starting task 25se11ae.26666.8416.3.11.231_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 610

SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 24jl11ae.1069.12081.5.11.206_0 00:02:48 (00:00:14) 5/17/2013 6:05:26 AM 0.05C + 0.33NV 8.33 Uploading
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 21ap11ag.10142.20517.13.11.222_1 00:02:48 (00:00:13) 5/17/2013 6:05:26 AM 0.05C + 0.33NV 7.74 Uploading
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 25jl11aa.24830.2521.11.11.150_1 00:22:07 (00:22:03) 5/17/2013 5:04:05 AM 5/17/2013 5:11:16 AM 99.70 Reported: OK
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 25jl11aa.24830.2521.11.11.250_1 00:22:09 (00:22:05) 5/17/2013 5:02:46 AM 5/17/2013 5:04:05 AM 99.70 Reported: OK *
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 23ap11ab.27168.476.12.11.62_0 00:22:19 (00:22:00) 5/17/2013 4:41:55 AM 5/17/2013 4:43:57 AM 98.58 Reported: OK *
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 02jn12ag.31118.60724.206158430211.10.208.vlar_2 01:41:51 (01:40:14) 5/17/2013 4:40:35 AM 5/17/2013 4:43:57 AM 98.41 Reported: OK
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 24jl11ae.1069.12081.5.11.167_1 00:01:37 (00:00:12) 5/17/2013 4:40:14 AM 5/17/2013 4:43:57 AM 0.05C + 0.33NV 12.37 Reported: OK
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 24jl11ae.1069.12081.5.11.210_0 00:01:55 (00:00:13) 5/17/2013 4:39:58 AM 5/17/2013 4:43:57 AM 0.05C + 0.33NV 11.30 Reported: OK

Something is going on Fred, Tonight I may shut down BoincTasks 1.47 and use BoincManager 6.10.58 instead... Cause I don't like the idea of the gpu stopping work... When the gpu has plenty of work on hand and yet forgets that it has any...


SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 25se11ae.26666.8416.3.11.231_0 6.22 00:10:09 (00:00:38) 00:01:15 89.033 0.05C + 0.33NV Running 65.0 °C
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 23ap11ab.27168.11110.12.11.23_0 97.89 01:10:00 (01:09:41) 00:11:46 85.556 Running 42.7 °C
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 23ap11ab.27168.11110.12.11.17_1 97.78 01:08:42 (01:08:22) 00:13:16 83.741 Running GALACTICA 42.7 °C
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 25se11ae.26666.8416.3.11.180_0 4.68 00:07:19 (00:00:26) 00:05:16 57.946 0.05C + 0.33NV Running 65.0 °C
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 25se11ae.26666.8416.3.11.195_1 3.73 00:07:19 (00:00:27) 00:05:19 57.682 0.05C + 0.33NV Running 65.0 °C
SETI@home 6.03 setiathome_enhanced 98 [Tasks], double click to expand 0.00 - (-) 04d,02:55:57 0.000 Ready to start GALACTICA
SETI@home 6.10 setiathome_enhanced (cuda_fermi) 97 [Tasks], double click to expand 0.00 - (-) 10:11:41 0.000 0.05C + 0.33NV Ready to start

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ID: 49155 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49156 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 13:29:48 UTC - in response to Message 49155.  

Something is going on Fred, Tonight I may shut down BoincTasks 1.47 and use BoincManager 6.10.58 instead... Cause I don't like the idea of the gpu stopping work... When the gpu has plenty of work on hand and yet forgets that it has any...

You lost me, BoincTasks does nothing, just shows you what's going on.
The BOINC client is the one that does all the work, like running GPU tasks.

If the GPU has enough work, check the BOINC log (messages) to see why the work stopped.

Maybe running out of work: Project has no tasks available.

This IS NOT BoincTasks related.

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Message 49157 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 13:50:18 UTC - in response to Message 49156.  

Something is going on Fred, Tonight I may shut down BoincTasks 1.47 and use BoincManager 6.10.58 instead... Cause I don't like the idea of the gpu stopping work... When the gpu has plenty of work on hand and yet forgets that it has any...

You lost me, BoincTasks does nothing, just shows you what's going on.
The BOINC client is the one that does all the work, like running GPU tasks.

If the GPU has enough work, check the BOINC log (messages) to see why the work stopped.

Maybe running out of work: Project has no tasks available.

This IS NOT BoincTasks related.

Look there was no lack of work on the hdd, the cpu kept doing work, just the gpu stopped doing work cause BT thought there was none to be done... Capice?

I thought BT was supposed to manage Boinc...

Something is going on and the logs don't say much, they just say what was worked on, not how much work there was and there was no work downloaded from Seti in the time frame that happened and of course BT did note that work on gpu work just stopped around 4:43am pt and then restarted around 6am when I looked at BoincTasks again. If Boinc 6.10.58 is causing this what do I do Fred? Do I work thru My cache, detach and then uninstall and erase the folders and then reinstall and reattach? As that may take several days to accomplish...
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ID: 49157 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49158 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 13:56:20 UTC - in response to Message 49157.  

I thought BT was supposed to manage Boinc...

Something is going on and the logs don't say much, they just say what was worked on, not how much work there was and there was no work downloaded from Seti in the time frame that happened and of course BT did note that work on gpu work just stopped around 4:43am pt and then restarted around 6am when I looked at BoincTasks again. If Boinc 6.10.58 is causing this what do I do Fred? Do I work thru My cache, detach and then uninstall and erase the folders and then reinstall and reattach? As that may take several days to accomplish...

BoincTasks only does something when you tell it to, not by itself.

Start using the latest BOINC version 7.0.64.
I'm not sure what this version does with running tasks.

That's the version BoincTasks is mostly tested with.
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Message 49159 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 14:15:12 UTC - in response to Message 49158.  

I thought BT was supposed to manage Boinc...

Something is going on and the logs don't say much, they just say what was worked on, not how much work there was and there was no work downloaded from Seti in the time frame that happened and of course BT did note that work on gpu work just stopped around 4:43am pt and then restarted around 6am when I looked at BoincTasks again. If Boinc 6.10.58 is causing this what do I do Fred? Do I work thru My cache, detach and then uninstall and erase the folders and then reinstall and reattach? As that may take several days to accomplish...

BoincTasks only does something when you tell it to, not by itself.

Start using the latest BOINC version 7.0.64.
I'm not sure what this version does with running tasks.

That's the version BoincTasks is mostly tested with.

So you don't support 6.10.58 anymore either? Well I don't want or see the need to run 7.0.64 yet, since there are no native apps outside of Beta, in any case for a week(7 days) I'll run Boinc Manager 6.10.58 x64, if I see a problem ok, if I do not see a problem like where no gpu tasks are being worked on and such, yet there was evidence of a full cache of gpu work, like happened under BT 1.47, then what Fred??? Hmm??

I haven't gone into NC yet with this, but I may...
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ID: 49159 · Report as offensive
Fred -

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Message 49160 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 14:17:18 UTC - in response to Message 49159.  

I thought BT was supposed to manage Boinc...

Something is going on and the logs don't say much, they just say what was worked on, not how much work there was and there was no work downloaded from Seti in the time frame that happened and of course BT did note that work on gpu work just stopped around 4:43am pt and then restarted around 6am when I looked at BoincTasks again. If Boinc 6.10.58 is causing this what do I do Fred? Do I work thru My cache, detach and then uninstall and erase the folders and then reinstall and reattach? As that may take several days to accomplish...

BoincTasks only does something when you tell it to, not by itself.

Start using the latest BOINC version 7.0.64.
I'm not sure what this version does with running tasks.

That's the version BoincTasks is mostly tested with.

So you don't support 6.10.58 anymore either? Well I don't want or see the need to run 7.0.64 yet, since there are no native apps outside of Beta, in any case for a week(7 days) I'll run Boinc Manager 6.10.58 x64, if I see a problem ok, if I do not see a problem like where no gpu tasks are being worked on and such, yet there was evidence of a full cache of gpu work, like happened under BT 1.47, then what Fred??? Hmm??

I haven't gone into NC yet with this, but I may...

It should support the older version. But it's not actively tested.
And as I said the problem isn't BoincTasks related as far as I can tell.
Anyway this version is far to old for me to test.
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ID: 49160 · Report as offensive

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Message 49161 - Posted: 17 May 2013, 14:24:29 UTC - in response to Message 49160.  
Last modified: 17 May 2013, 14:25:12 UTC

I thought BT was supposed to manage Boinc...

Something is going on and the logs don't say much, they just say what was worked on, not how much work there was and there was no work downloaded from Seti in the time frame that happened and of course BT did note that work on gpu work just stopped around 4:43am pt and then restarted around 6am when I looked at BoincTasks again. If Boinc 6.10.58 is causing this what do I do Fred? Do I work thru My cache, detach and then uninstall and erase the folders and then reinstall and reattach? As that may take several days to accomplish...

BoincTasks only does something when you tell it to, not by itself.

Start using the latest BOINC version 7.0.64.
I'm not sure what this version does with running tasks.

That's the version BoincTasks is mostly tested with.

So you don't support 6.10.58 anymore either? Well I don't want or see the need to run 7.0.64 yet, since there are no native apps outside of Beta, in any case for a week(7 days) I'll run Boinc Manager 6.10.58 x64, if I see a problem ok, if I do not see a problem like where no gpu tasks are being worked on and such, yet there was evidence of a full cache of gpu work, like happened under BT 1.47, then what Fred??? Hmm??

I haven't gone into NC yet with this, but I may...

It should support the older version. But it's not actively tested.
And as I said the problem isn't BoincTasks related as far as I can tell.
Anyway this version is far to old for me to test.

Well in 7 days I will see if BT is even worth having on My hdd again, cause if I find that Boinc Manager has no such problem(which happened under 7.0.62 when I did run BT and 7.0.62 together), I had plenty of work on the hdd then as I do now, just BT thinking no gpu work was available and so no gpu activity, yet the cpu had plenty, yet there were no massive downloads when BT restarts, just restarting 5 work units... Cause if I find no problems, it will be uninstall and full folder erase of BT and any and all BT installers, cause I will be done here for good, since I don't like being abandoned...
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ID: 49161 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Questions and problems : GPU not running, misplaced in BOINCTasks thread.

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