Thread 'CPID split'

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Message 48864 - Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 14:00:12 UTC
Last modified: 30 Apr 2013, 14:00:45 UTC

Goodness, I do post here a fair bit. Sorry for making another thread, but this is yet another problem I can't seem to address!

Usually, to look at my stats, you'd go here:

but for some strange reason, you have to go here now, too:

What the heck?

(I posted full URLs instead of using BBCode to hide them so it's easier for you to see those are totally different CPIDs)

Within the last few days, I noticed:

a) negative credit/day reported on Free-DC and BOINCstats and other stats sites for "Combined," but no negative credit/day per any project
b) badges disappearing from my signature(s)!
c) projects no longer on the list of my projects
d) why?

Yes, it's the same e-mail address for every project on every host and no, I do not use an account manager, and no, this has not happened before.

It's gone the other way, where I register on a project and it takes a couple days for it to migrate to my normal CPID (the 21db3eee... one)

On NRG, for instance, I am ranked 30-something-ith in the world, and WUProp gets my results from every project I crunch...I'd rather it all "be under one roof," but I can't change the address associated with my account anywhere because they're all the same address anyway.

Seriously, the weird stuff always happens to me.

Any ideas?

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Message 48867 - Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 14:48:09 UTC - in response to Message 48864.  

Yes, it's the same e-mail address for every project on every host and no, I do not use an account manager, and no, this has not happened before.

But do you have at least one host that has all the projects under that account attached?

E.g. Host A, B and C.
Projects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Host A has project 1, 3, 5
Host B has project 2, 4, 6
Host C has project 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If you only have hosts A and B, you can get a split CPID, even when the email address is the same on every project. But add host C with all projects attached (or make host A or B the one with all projects attached) and the CPID will eventually (after a day or so, up to 14 days) equalize to one CPID.
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Message 48881 - Posted: 1 May 2013, 0:18:32 UTC
Last modified: 1 May 2013, 0:24:27 UTC

All of my hosts run WUProp@Home and, I believe, NRG. I may have one or two hosts not running NRG, but they all run WUProp@Home and have for years. It's the first project I add with a fresh install.

I haven't attached any "new" hosts in over a month, just so you know.

I have updated BOINC on almost all my hosts (I think?) and I have three currently out of commission...but they've been down for months...and all of my hosts are running at least 7,0,28.

Like I said, this happened randomly. Two days ago was when I first noticed negative credits, and now I no longer have a WUProp@Home badge on my "real" CPID!

Strange thing is that both WUProp@Home and NRG list my original CPID at /home.php and also the full list of my projects. FreeDC et. al. are still reporting I do not participate in WUProp@Home, primaboinca, or Enigma@Home...but NRG is back at my main stats page...and the "new" CPID also lists NRG...huh?!

This is bizarre.

Edit: Check out my signature. See the WUProp badge? That's back now. But do you see an Enigma badge? I don't, at the time of posting this. There ought to be a bronze one.

I haven't truly lost any credits anywhere, but somewhere deep in the BOINC-o-sphere, something has gone awry and now I appear to have fallen victim to some sort of odd meta-quantum-entanglement involving me, my e-mail address, and my computers.

I mean...on this laptop, for instance, I am attached to several projects with the same exact e-mail address, username, and team, but a different CPID. I haven't checked the hosts yet, but if you look at my stats page(s) you'll see about 150 hosts reported whilst I actually have historically had fewer than half that number. The system just doesn't seem to think there is but one of me!

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Message 48882 - Posted: 1 May 2013, 0:31:14 UTC

Ah, check this out. It split me this past Friday 26 April.

so that's one oddity clarified...
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Message 48884 - Posted: 1 May 2013, 7:40:11 UTC - in response to Message 48882.  
Last modified: 1 May 2013, 7:45:20 UTC

The CPID a host converges to is the "oldest" generated at a project, to which a client is talking. This means that if you have 2 hosts and each is not talking to the same "oldest", to include inactive, the 2 hosts can converge to different CPIDs. Hitting update while selecting the different projects, including the inactive, often accilerates the [re]converging.

NB [each time you connect to a new project, creating a new account there, a new unique CPID is generated at the project for your email address which has no knowledge of your other projects!]. The hash generated off the email address includes other variables such as timestamp data so as to come to a unique 32 character long unique hash number, not easy to decipher [yet public], to prevent your email address can be reconstructed from the hash number, basically.
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Message 48914 - Posted: 2 May 2013, 5:00:15 UTC


Weirdly, all but primaboinca is now restored at my first CPID and I've done nothing to set anything in motion.

Well then, sorry for complaining so much. I guess it'll work itself out. still doing the work for the science after all.

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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 48944 - Posted: 3 May 2013, 4:50:06 UTC - in response to Message 48867.  

Yes, it's the same e-mail address for every project on every host and no, I do not use an account manager, and no, this has not happened before.

But do you have at least one host that has all the projects under that account attached?

E.g. Host A, B and C.
Projects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Host A has project 1, 3, 5
Host B has project 2, 4, 6
Host C has project 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If you only have hosts A and B, you can get a split CPID, even when the email address is the same on every project. But add host C with all projects attached (or make host A or B the one with all projects attached) and the CPID will eventually (after a day or so, up to 14 days) equalize to one CPID.

I don't think this always works. I've got a split that happened over a year ago that has not repaired and I do have at least one computer attached to all projects. But the issue is even stranger in my case. One project [CPDN] is reporting the same computer as different machines.

ID: 48944 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : CPID split

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