Thread 'Advanced CPU scheduling'

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Joined: 12 Dec 12
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United States
Message 46741 - Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 21:31:04 UTC

This may be burred in documentation somewhere; however, I've been unable to find it in the forums or documentation that I've been through.

I am looking for a way to set a schedule to have Boinc use a different percentage of CPU cores Boinc dependent on the time.

To expand, basically I run Bonic on my workstation at work and would love to have it set to 100% CPUs when I'm not at it; however, this hinders my work when I am actually on it. I currently have it set to 50% of my CPUs which uses 2 and leaves 2 free; however, that would be 2 CPUs that could be used while I am not in the office. Yes, I could set it every day, but that is a hindrance I don't feel like following and just leave it at 50%.

I have tried the not in use / or while CPU is below 25% options and that simply kills ALL processing which is not necessary as rarely, if ever, would I use more than 2 full cores of CPU processing (out of 4). Further, when I come in my computer is so ungodly slow to log in and start everything it is not feasible for me in my work environment (I tried dealing with it for a few days and it was terrible).

Thus I come to my question of scheduling % of cores usage. This would be greatly beneficial. Or if it doesn't exist and it can't be added, is there a way to manipulate it via the CLI and I'll simply build two scheduled tasks that will automatically change the settings at my scheduled times?
ID: 46741 · Report as offensive
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Message 46742 - Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 21:49:52 UTC - in response to Message 46741.  

If you'd taken a look at the wish list thread (stickied here at the top of this forum), you'd have seen it was asked there multiple times already and that it's actually already in the list of previously asked enhancements and what the developers answered to it. It's the "Use at most... for CPU and GPU." FAQ.

As you can see there, it's on the to do list with no estimate as to when it's going to be added.
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Joined: 12 Dec 12
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United States
Message 46775 - Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 14:01:17 UTC

There was a mention of something like it. However, for anyone interested in a way to do it right now, you can create additional global_prefs_override.xml files with the computing preferences you want. Then you can create scheduled tasks using something like the following to copy in place the proper preferences and have boinc read and adhere to them:

cmd.exe /c copy /y "c:\Users\All Users\BOINC\global_prefs_override - Day.xml" "c:\Users\All Users\BOINC\global_prefs_override.xml" && "c:\Program Files\BOINC\boinccmd.exe" --read_global_prefs_override

cmd.exe /c copy /y "c:\Users\All Users\BOINC\global_prefs_override - Night.xml" "c:\Users\All Users\BOINC\global_prefs_override.xml" && "c:\Program Files\BOINC\boinccmd.exe" --read_global_prefs_override

And set them to run at the times you want and to run as system and you should be good to go.
ID: 46775 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : Advanced CPU scheduling

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