Thread 'I got the software installed, recovered seti acct, so what'

Message boards : BOINC Manager : I got the software installed, recovered seti acct, so what
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Message 3658 - Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 8:39:54 UTC

Yes, I downloaded the software.
After several tries I got the magic number to recover my setiathome account.
But someone forgot to tell me how to make BOINC work.
...was this thing designed by the inventors of Billy's help files? Or is it only for ITs and gurus?
ID: 3658 · Report as offensive
Michael Roycraft

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Message 3659 - Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 9:07:10 UTC - in response to Message 3658.  
Last modified: 27 Mar 2006, 9:42:17 UTC

Yes, I downloaded the software.
After several tries I got the magic number to recover my setiathome account.
But someone forgot to tell me how to make BOINC work.
...was this thing designed by the inventors of Billy's help files? Or is it only for ITs and gurus?

Stupid, (sorry, couldn't help myself) ;-)

Did you read the instructions?

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward Justice"
ID: 3659 · Report as offensive
Les Bayliss
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Message 3660 - Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 9:08:10 UTC

It was designed by Fred's Fine Fish Foods. :)

It would help if you told us how far you have gotten with getting it to run.
e.g. Have you run the exe file that you downloaded?
If so, what happened next?

At least you got your old account. Quite a few couldn't without help.

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Michael Roycraft

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Message 3661 - Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 9:52:14 UTC


You mentioned setiathome. In case you haven't grown past that, you could start with the SetiBOINC Q & A page. BOINC is just the framework upon which the various projects rely. The projects themselves are something entirely seperate, and require account creation, application software installation, and preference setting.


Michael R.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward Justice"
ID: 3661 · Report as offensive
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Message 3675 - Posted: 28 Mar 2006, 10:53:04 UTC

Let's not forget the splendid BOINC Wiki, which includes things like Installing the BOINC Client Software And Participating In A BOINC Powered Project.
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Message 3683 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 3:52:41 UTC - in response to Message 3659.  

Yes, I downloaded the software.
After several tries I got the magic number to recover my setiathome account.
But someone forgot to tell me how to make BOINC work.
...was this thing designed by the inventors of Billy's help files? Or is it only for ITs and gurus?

Stupid, (sorry, couldn't help myself) ;-)

Did you read the instructions?

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Message 3684 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 3:53:28 UTC - in response to Message 3683.  

Yes, I downloaded the software.
After several tries I got the magic number to recover my setiathome account.
But someone forgot to tell me how to make BOINC work.
...was this thing designed by the inventors of Billy's help files? Or is it only for ITs and gurus?

Stupid, (sorry, couldn't help myself) ;-)

Did you read the instructions?

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Message 3685 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 4:09:52 UTC

I download the BOINC. I installed. It did not seem to do the processing that the instructions suggest should happen at the end of the install. I can activate "B manager". After clicking on file, I seem to need to enter values for two fields. I went back to SETI and added a new password. I entered the http://...etc. for SETI account and the new password.
I get the error message (that is the one I get repeatedly) that BOINC cannot link to server.

I read a lot of the instructions (even with the many options), but when things don't work I tend to stop. It is very difficult to find ones location once one leaves the instructions, or when one leaves the message boards, or when .... one does anything to move about. Memorizing several screens full of information is not to fruitful when one has no idea if things are working up to the point where one is given an error message, but has no idea how to get past that point. I'd love to give you all the details, but my brain is getting a little old. And I really do think STUPID is an appropriate name at my current level of lack of understanding of how to use this new system. With GUI screens, it is very difficult to save the critical information to paste accurately into a text message system.

What are BBCode tags ???????? I'm probably supposed to click on that link to find out, but I fear if I do I'll never find my way back here to finish my attempt at securing some help. Maybe it's firewall trouble, but I never get to a barrier that suggests I can tell Norton or Microsoft Wondows of ???? that I want to grant permission for BOINC to get thru. For most programs I do get such a message when the firewall is blocking.

I just don't know which of one zillion alternatives to try.

Only with luck will I get back here to find answers, but IF I do I will appreciate any advise that is helpful.
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Message 3686 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 4:10:57 UTC - in response to Message 3675.  

Let's not forget the splendid BOINC Wiki, which includes things like Installing the BOINC Client Software And Participating In A BOINC Powered Project.

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Message 3687 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 4:11:22 UTC - in response to Message 3675.  

Let's not forget the splendid BOINC Wiki, which includes things like Installing the BOINC Client Software And Participating In A BOINC Powered Project.

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Message 3690 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 5:44:52 UTC

If you hold down the "shift" key and select a link, it will open a whole new browser window. Then from the task bar you can switch between windows to reference either page. OR you can press "Cntrl and N" key at the same time and it will open a new browser window that you can use to search and still have the original window open.

Seti has been down at certain times over the last few days. If you give us which error message you're getting, we might know what to say.
ID: 3690 · Report as offensive
Les Bayliss
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Message 3692 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 10:07:22 UTC

"stupid" wrote:
After clicking on file, I seem to need to enter values for two fields.

If the clicking was on: Select computer, the trick is to then click OK, leaving the 2 fields blank. They are only for people with more than one computer, in a network.
The gui will now connect to the 'worker', and you will get: Connected to localhost in the bottom right of the gui.

Now you can go to the menu, and click Attach to a project.
Or several. The world's your oyster, as they say.

ID: 3692 · Report as offensive
Michael Roycraft

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Message 3694 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 14:58:22 UTC - in response to Message 3685.  
Last modified: 29 Mar 2006, 14:58:44 UTC

... It is very difficult to find ones location once one leaves the instructions, or when one leaves the message boards, or when .... one does anything to move about. Memorizing several screens full of information is not to fruitful when one has no idea if things are working up to the point where one is given an error message, but has no idea how to get past that point. I'd love to give you all the details, but my brain is getting a little old. And I really do think STUPID is an appropriate name at my current level of lack of understanding of how to use this new system. With GUI screens, it is very difficult to save the critical information to paste accurately into a text message system.

Sir, I have to disagree with your rationale. Labeling yourself "Stupid" just reinforces a negative image, is counter-productive, and if unchecked tends to become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Allow me to suggest maybe "Confused", "At Sea", "Lost", maybe "Slipping down the Learning Curve".
Do you have a teenager around, or young adult to help you? They tend to feel more comfortable with this stuff, assimilate it more naturally.

I just don't know which of one zillion alternatives to try.

Only with luck will I get back here to find answers, but IF I do I will appreciate any advise that is helpful.

bbCode - Just a set of small codings to allow formatting, such as italics, boldprint, etc in the messageboards.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward Justice"
ID: 3694 · Report as offensive

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Message 3701 - Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 23:21:14 UTC

you can read about BB Code by clicking on this link. BB code is considered more secure than the older way of doing this, which was HTML code.

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Message boards : BOINC Manager : I got the software installed, recovered seti acct, so what

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