Thread 'BOINIC crashing my system?'

Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINIC crashing my system?
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Message 40239 - Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 21:55:13 UTC

Just downloaded BOINIC software. My system has the following attributes:

*Window 7 64bit, with service pack 1
*INTEL i7 930 CPU @ 2.9 megs (might overclock. A potential problem?)
*2 ASUS MAtrix 580 Platinum video cards currently clocked at factory settings
running in Crossfire; i.e., cards can be overclocked
*ASUS Rampage Extreme 111 MOBO
*12 gigs RAM @ 1600 megs
The problem is that when BOINIC starts my GPUs (the master) glows bright red, indicating that there is a substantial load being processed (the cards have LEDs that glow different colors according to the load that is being processed). I don't have a probelm with this; indeed, I chose the Milkyway@home because the file indicated that it was ATi oriented and could take advantage of multi GPU set-ups like mine.
The problem is that my system crashes quite soon after and I have to re-boot into Windows again. Thus, I have two questions: 1)what might be the cause and what might be a solution for it; 2)can BOINIC and Milkyway take advantage of Crossfire setups?

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Message 40391 - Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 7:41:29 UTC - in response to Message 40239.  

*2 ASUS MAtrix 580 Platinum video cards currently clocked at factory settings
running in Crossfire; i.e., cards can be overclocked

So you manage to run two Nvidia cards in a combine option that's normally only used by ATI/AMD cards... Nvidia == SLI; ATI/AMD == Crossfire X.

SLI stood in the past for Scan Line Interleave (where one card would draw the even lines and the other card would draw the uneven lines), but these days it stands for Scalable Link Interface, where adding multiple cards with the same core together will make one big videocard.

The problem is that my system crashes quite soon after and I have to re-boot into Windows again. Thus, I have two questions: 1)what might be the cause and what might be a solution for it;

Unknown, as you forgot to tell us the actual error message. All crashes are preceded by an error message. You can normally find out about it in Windows Event Viewer.

2)can BOINIC and Milkyway take advantage of Crossfire setups?

BOINC will detect all cards and use the best by default. If there's two or more of these 'best', itll automatically make them available to any project using them. It then doesn't matter if you used SLI (for Nvidia) or Crossfire (for ATI/AMD), as BOINC will tell the project that you have 2 individual GPUs.

What the project does with that information is something you best ask at the project.

By the way, the program's name is BOINC, not Bionic, Bionix, Bonic, Bonix, Bionc, Binc, Bonc, Binic, Binix, Bono, or Blargh. :P
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Message 40392 - Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 8:23:47 UTC - in response to Message 40239.  

Just downloaded BOINIC software. My system has the following attributes:

*Window 7 64bit, with service pack 1
*INTEL i7 930 CPU @ 2.9 megs (might overclock. A potential problem?)
*2 ASUS MAtrix 580 Platinum video cards currently clocked at factory settings
running in Crossfire; i.e., cards can be overclocked
*ASUS Rampage Extreme 111 MOBO
*12 gigs RAM @ 1600 megs
The problem is that when BOINIC starts my GPUs (the master) glows bright red, indicating that there is a substantial load being processed (the cards have LEDs that glow different colors according to the load that is being processed). I don't have a probelm with this; indeed, I chose the Milkyway@home because the file indicated that it was ATi oriented and could take advantage of multi GPU set-ups like mine.
The problem is that my system crashes quite soon after and I have to re-boot into Windows again. Thus, I have two questions: 1)what might be the cause and what might be a solution for it; 2)can BOINIC and Milkyway take advantage of Crossfire setups?

What Power Suppy do you have? If it isn't man enough reboots will happen.

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Message 40841 - Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 21:28:27 UTC

Perhaps the keyboard buffer is overflowing from his sticky "I" key....
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Message 40888 - Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 20:56:02 UTC - in response to Message 40239.  

BOINC is a piece of shit software
paid for with your tax dollars!
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Message 40890 - Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 21:29:17 UTC - in response to Message 40888.  
Last modified: 29 Oct 2011, 22:19:31 UTC

BOINC is a piece of **** software
paid for with your tax dollars!

Then tell us what your problem is, then we can get it fixed, first of all which version?

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Message 40892 - Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 21:58:36 UTC - in response to Message 40888.  

Please keep your language in check, there's really no need for language like that. You can also describe your dislike for the program in different ways.
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Message 41050 - Posted: 7 Nov 2011, 21:07:25 UTC

Hello, i installed BOINC as well, and as soon as it started, it crashed my pc. my specs are:

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
Language: Greek (Regional Setting: Greek)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 4088MB RAM
Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (5750)
Display Memory: 2801 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1014 MB
Shared Memory: 1787 MB

My cpu meter was at 95-100% and it just freezed. Now, i put a lower cpu usage limit (60%) and it seems to operate normaly. I dont know why it crashed (twice), there was no event recorded.
Also, this program is supposed to run on the unused pc resources...if it's consuming by default (omg..inappropriate word to use in greece :P) 100% of cpu, how am i supposed to work?
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Message 41051 - Posted: 7 Nov 2011, 21:17:17 UTC - in response to Message 41050.  

The computer freezing is normally a sign of a problem with the CPU or memory, be it heat (due to dust-build-up) or a problem with the hardware itself.
Have you cleaned that system anytime lately? Is it a notebook or laptop, or desktop/tower?
How much cooling does it have?
Do all those fans actually spin?
What temperature does the CPU run at when idle and when under load?
Do you use that GPU for doing work at some project? If so which?

As for using 100% of the CPU, that isn't BOINC, but the science applications. You can also see that these science applications run at Low priority, which means that any program with a higher priority will take the cycles when it needs them.

For instance, BOINC is running on my system at this moment, yet I also type this message to you, have music streaming through Winamp and am uploading some torrents, all without those actions having an impact on what BOINC runs, or what runs having an impact on what I do for the rest.
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Message 41052 - Posted: 7 Nov 2011, 21:33:07 UTC

it's a desktop pc. I've cleaned any dust about 1 month ago, but i run crysis 2 and other demanding games without any problem. Anyway, by setting a lower limit everything is ok now. But i have another problem, that is quite irelevant with this topic, and it has to do with the keeps changing images very fast, and displays: an error was encountered with BOINC screensaver"...
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Message 41053 - Posted: 7 Nov 2011, 22:04:21 UTC - in response to Message 41052.  

Playing Crysis 2 cannot be compared to doing science through BOINC. The game never puts all of your processors under full load, nor your GPU. I can even run BOINC in the background while I play C2; I wouldn't recommend it, but it's possible.

As for your screen saver error, please navigate to your BOINC Data directory (default on Windows 7 in C:\Programdata\BOINC) and open up stderrscr.txt, then post what it says in there for the time stamp of your last screen saver crash.

Can you also tell me what drivers you have installed for the ATI card (you can use dxdiag to find information)? Are those from ATI/AMD or installed by Windows?
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Message boards : Questions and problems : BOINIC crashing my system?

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