Thread 'Aborted work units...?'

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Message 38303 - Posted: 9 Jun 2011, 16:35:30 UTC

Ok Folks, how do I remove aborted tasks from the task list?
There should be a way to restart an aborted task if desired.
Thanks KraftR
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Message 38304 - Posted: 9 Jun 2011, 16:52:02 UTC - in response to Message 38303.  

Aborted tasks will automatically be removed at the next contact with the project server, since they will have to be reported to that server as being aborted.

When you abort work you're telling the client to delete the task at hand, so it cannot be restarted.
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Message 38306 - Posted: 9 Jun 2011, 23:22:57 UTC - in response to Message 38304.  

Ok fine.. Thanks!
I had to bring my PC down quick and hard. . .fast!
My PC reached 100C running all (8) CPUs wide open!
I had to throttle Boinc down to 66% utilization...
Even that keeps it hovering at about 90% heat level.
Thanks KraftR

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Message 38309 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 0:06:48 UTC - in response to Message 38306.  

Then I would be shopping for a new heat sink with fan pretty damn quick, as it sounds like yours doesn't work that well. Do know that the maximum safe temperature that the i-core CPUs can work at (i3, i5 and i7) is 105C.

I have an i3, 2 core with HT, and although I use the default fan that came with the CPU, it reaches 50C here. Then after 2 weeks of running with cat-, guinea pig- and rabbit hair all around, it's up to 65-70C... then I clean the fan & heat sink.

Something your system needs as well?
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Message 38312 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 6:19:52 UTC - in response to Message 38306.  

I had to bring my PC down quick and hard. . .fast!
My PC reached 100C running all (8) CPUs wide open!
I had to throttle Boinc down to 66% utilization...
Even that keeps it hovering at about 90% heat level.

Until you'll solve the (indeed apparently heat sink - is it loose?) problem, you could give TThrottle a try - it is maybe not necessary for constant CPU load regulation on a correctly configured desktop, but still very good as an emergency brake.

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Message 38313 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 6:27:48 UTC - in response to Message 38309.  

Brand Spanking new...the ASUS laptops run hot anyway...
I might even get to use that one year warranty this time! ha ha!
Its a nice machine - just not ready to rip it open quite yet...
It has dual passive and active fans inside whizzing away alright!
I have noticed that no WUs are being assigned to the GPU yet?
Thanks KraftR
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Message 38314 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 6:40:08 UTC - in response to Message 38313.  

Ah, a laptop. You then require (almost) an Active laptop cooler (see this Wikipedia article).

As for your work for the GPU, best ask at the project first. It's very well possible that it has had problems lately supplying enough work, seeing how many projects have had trouble lately staying upright.

And else you will have to tell us what you did already, whether or not your BOINC not only recognizes the GPU, but if it's also allowed to use it, some 20 lines of the start-up messages, etc. etc. There's nothing worse than having to pull information out of a user, when you as the user already know what you did and could tell us that. Without our Ouija board, selective tea leaves and crystal orb (on batteries), we're nowhere. ;-)
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Message 38315 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 7:28:27 UTC - in response to Message 38313.  

Brand Spanking new...the ASUS laptops run hot anyway...
Its a nice machine - just not ready to rip it open quite yet...

Then I'd more than recommend you using TThrottle...
BTW, strongly shortly blowing through the cooler rips helps with dust for a couple of days or weeks...

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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 38317 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 10:47:14 UTC

Another bit of missing information - your operating system.

With a brand new Asus laptop - let me guess that you're running Windows 7.

When I bought a new CUDA-enabled laptop earlier this year, the fan didn't run at anything like the speed needed for GPU crunching until I found and enabled the 'Active' system cooling policy under processor power management.
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Message 38318 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 11:34:01 UTC - in response to Message 38315.  

Brand Spanking new...the ASUS laptops run hot anyway...
Its a nice machine - just not ready to rip it open quite yet...

Then I'd more than recommend you using TThrottle...
BTW, strongly shortly blowing through the cooler rips helps with dust for a couple of days or weeks...


Totally concur with this advise as it can slow the GPU and CPU sciences down independently to stay below a set temp ceiling. TThrottle is my permanent crunching companion on the laptop, superior to the BOINC internal on/off throttle. Also totally concur with Dagorath, it better be running before starting any crunching with the GPU!


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ID: 38318 · Report as offensive
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Message 38319 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 11:37:16 UTC

And more information: it also depends on how warm the environment is you're in. Fans only move air, they don't cool air. So when the outside temperature (outside the case or laptop) is already 30 Celsius, then you're starting at 30 Celsius as that's the air temperature being pumped/sucked into the laptop.

Even the laptop cooler I pointed out will only move air, not cool it.
That you feel air being cooler when you stand in front of a fan is because fluids (sweat) will evaporate on your skin and the airflow over the fluids makes your skin feel cooler. A CPU, GPU or motherboard do not have that luxury.

It's probably wisest to run that laptop only in the evening/night, when it's cooler, or if you must have on it all day, then inside a refrigerated room (air conditioning).
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Message 38391 - Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 14:10:19 UTC

Well Helllloooo again Folks!
I just got back after a four-day rebuild of my brand new laptop! Ha Ha!
DO NOT turn-off/touch/whatever the Windows 7 network HOMEGROUP options!
Just leave it the heck alone - ignore it! Use selective memory...etc...

There is a Microsoft bug in it when you disable/leave the Homegroup...!
Big surprise eh? Well it took my ADMIN rights away in the process! ARG!
Try doing ANYTHING without ADMIN rights!! Had to do a TOTAL rebuild...!
Now this account is a dumb user -> THAT won't happen again - NO WAY...!
Of course I had to do some NET localgroup commands to get Boinc running...

Well I am back! and thanks for all of the feedback! Installing Throttle.
And yes, all is clean inside my laptop. And I am sitting in a cool room.
I am not willing to void my warranty just yet so the heatsink will wait.
The Asus laptops are known to run hot - but they sure do run very fast!!
It has its own Turbo (overclocking) mechanism built in - that does it...
So I will have to depend on Throttle to manage the heat levels for me...

My Tasks are finally up and running again! Back to reinstalling stuff...
Smilin' KraftR

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Message boards : BOINC Manager : Aborted work units...?

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