Thread 'Work units lost when installing 6.2.19'

Message boards : Questions and problems : Work units lost when installing 6.2.19
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Bill Walker

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Message 21607 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 1:05:35 UTC

I just installed BOINC Manager 6.2.19, after getting a message in my old V.5 recommending this. I was running SETI and WCG.

After installing 6.2.19, all my old WUs are gone, including some in progress and some not started. The Manager now shows about a dozen SETI WUs with expiry dates in last month. WCG was completely gone, I had to re-attach the project and got new WUs.

Did I do something wrong? Should we be warning others about to install 6.2.19?
ID: 21607 · Report as offensive
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Message 21612 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 11:40:36 UTC - in response to Message 21607.  

Please show your BOINC startup messages.
You did separate the BOINC and BOINC Data directories, didn't you? Not tell BOINC to install your data directory again as a subdirectory of the BOINC directory?
Did you see any messages while installing that BOINC was migrating your files and directories?

Did you by chance have more than one BOINC directory on your system?
ID: 21612 · Report as offensive
Bill Walker

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Message 21618 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 12:39:03 UTC

Here are the first messagtes I got with the new Manager:

02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Starting BOINC client version 6.2.19 for windows_x86_64
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8g zlib/1.2.3
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Running as a daemon
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Data directory: C:\ProgramData\BOINC
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Running under account boinc_master
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5750 @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13]
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 pni
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||OS: Microsoft Windows Vista: Home Premium x64 Editon, Service Pack 1, (06.00.6001.00)
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Memory: 3.00 GB physical, 6.19 GB virtual
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Disk: 217.26 GB total, 149.72 GB free
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Local time is UTC -5 hours
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4630841; location: home; project prefs: default
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 20-Oct-2008 18:55:15)
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Computer location: home
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 3069.15MB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3069.15MB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit disk usage to 9.31GB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ad.9478.24612.3.8.228_1 is 20.04 days overdue.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|You may not get credit for it. Consider aborting it.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ac.17161.18068.5.8.202_1 is 19.78 days overdue.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|You may not get credit for it. Consider aborting it.
02/12/2008 6:36:07 PM||Running CPU benchmarks
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM||Benchmark results:
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| Number of CPUs: 2
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| 1853 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| 5758 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.179_1
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting task 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.179_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.181_0
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting task 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.181_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603

The SEI WUs referred to were not on my machine before the install. All my old WUs had completion dates in mid to late to December, the new WUs are all September to November completion dates.

The Install Shield made a new BOINC data directory. I don't remember being asked, it just did it.
ID: 21618 · Report as offensive
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Message 21619 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 12:57:19 UTC

Well, since they're showing as detached on Seti already, they can't be gotten back. It happens to one every 100 people that things don't go as it's supposed to go. In your case you now do have work, BOINC seems to be working as normal. I'd leave it as a minuscule fluke and forget about it.

There's nothing the developers will do about it anyway, as they're gearing up to release 6.4
ID: 21619 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 21620 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 14:13:44 UTC - in response to Message 21618.  

Here are the first messagtes I got with the new Manager:

02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Starting BOINC client version 6.2.19 for windows_x86_64
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Libraries: libcurl/7.18.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8g zlib/1.2.3
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Running as a daemon
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Data directory: C:\ProgramData\BOINC
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Running under account boinc_master
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5750 @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13]
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 pni
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||OS: Microsoft Windows Vista: Home Premium x64 Editon, Service Pack 1, (06.00.6001.00)
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Memory: 3.00 GB physical, 6.19 GB virtual
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Disk: 217.26 GB total, 149.72 GB free
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Local time is UTC -5 hours
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4630841; location: home; project prefs: default
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 20-Oct-2008 18:55:15)
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Computer location: home
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 3069.15MB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3069.15MB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM||Preferences limit disk usage to 9.31GB
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ad.9478.24612.3.8.228_1 is 20.04 days overdue.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|You may not get credit for it. Consider aborting it.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ac.17161.18068.5.8.202_1 is 19.78 days overdue.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|You may not get credit for it. Consider aborting it.
02/12/2008 6:36:07 PM||Running CPU benchmarks
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM||Benchmark results:
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| Number of CPUs: 2
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| 1853 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
02/12/2008 6:36:39 PM|| 5758 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.179_1
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting task 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.179_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.181_0
02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting task 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.181_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603

The SEI WUs referred to were not on my machine before the install. All my old WUs had completion dates in mid to late to December, the new WUs are all September to November completion dates.

There's something very odd about this statement. The new version of BOINC has found two tasks on your machine, warned you about missing deadlines, and started crunching them: all without contacting the SETI scheduler or downloading new work.

Ergo, the workunits must have been on your computer all along, just not in the previously-active BOINC data folder and client_state.xml

That suggests that you did something curious to the machine about six weeks ago (assuming these are typical SETI tasks with a ~3 week deadline still to run when you did whatever you did, now showing ~3 weeks overdue). What the BOINC v6.2.19 installation has done, faced with a choice of two data folders, is possibly to have picked the wrong one from your point of view: but that doesn't explain why it was faced with the choice in the first place.

BTW, you should certainly abort the two tasks which have started: they are so old that they have been purged from the SETI database, and they will certainly contribute nothing to the search - neither science nor credit.
ID: 21620 · Report as offensive
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Message 21621 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 14:23:43 UTC - in response to Message 21620.  

02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ad.9478.24612.3.8.228_1 is 20.04 days overdue.
02/12/2008 6:36:06 PM|SETI@home|Task 19se08ac.17161.18068.5.8.202_1 is 19.78 days overdue.

02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.179_1

02/12/2008 6:36:40 PM|SETI@home|Starting 24se08aa.28552.8662.13.8.181_0

The new version of BOINC has found two tasks on your machine, warned you about missing deadlines, and started crunching them: all without contacting the SETI scheduler or downloading new work.

I've taken all the clutter out to show that the old tasks that were warned about weren't started.

But for the rest I agree with your view.
ID: 21621 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 21622 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 14:32:11 UTC - in response to Message 21621.  

I've taken all the clutter out to show that the old tasks that were warned about weren't started.

But for the rest I agree with your view.

We must be talking about SETI host 4630841 - that's the only T5750 on Bill's account, even looking at machines which haven't been active recently.

There are no tasks shown as active/in progress for that host - he should abort anything and everything which the new install has found in that old folder.
ID: 21622 · Report as offensive
Bill Walker

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Message 21632 - Posted: 4 Dec 2008, 16:40:53 UTC - in response to Message 21622.  

Thanks guys. All the old stuff is being cleared out.

This is a new machine (long sad story about the old one..). I remember when I installed BOINC on the new machine in late August that the first attempt appeared to not work, and a second download and install had to be done. I guess there was something hanging around from the first install attempt.
ID: 21632 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : Work units lost when installing 6.2.19

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